Save Me One Last Time


Abby and Jimmy laid in each other’s arms.

"Jimmy, you know what else is on my list?" Abby asked.

"Tell me..." Jimmy answered.

"Marry the love of my life and to find the right person to raise Lizzy when I'm gone..." Abby explained.

Jimmy kissed her softly on her forehead. This was all Jimmy ever wanted. To find a girl who knew him better then himself, and was happy to just be with him.

"Abby, did you ever think that we would end up like this?" Jimmy asked. "I know that I have asked you this before. But it always kind of amazes me. You know how ironic everything is? I mean you were always my best friend. And I would always do anything for you. You helped me through a lot, but truthfully I never realized how much you meant to me until now. Until I saw my life without you. I guess you were such a constant, that I couldn't see myself without you. I hate to think of all the time I wasted..."

Abby stopped him. She pushed her finger to his lips. "Shhhh, Jimmy, please don't regret anything. You can't waste your whole life worrying about regrets. There is a reason things worked out the way they did. I hate the fact that it took us this long to be together. But there is a reason for it. And right now I wouldn't have it any other way."

Jimmy locked Abby's hand into his. "What if I told you I want to spend forever with you?"

Abby looked into his eyes. "What if I told you I don't believe in forever?"

Jimmy was taken back by his. Every girl he had ever meant through 'forever' around like nothing. Like it was something every girl longed for, wanted. And Abby didn't believe in it?"

Jimmy paused. "Well then what do you believe in?"

A smile came across Abby's face, she kissed his shoulder. "Here and now!"

Abby hated the word forever. She felt it was meaningless. What was forever anyway? Every time someone had promised her forever, it got cut short. No one could ever promise anyone else forever. It was impossible. Forever isn't a promise meant to be kept. Abby always said don't promise me forever, just here and now.

"I want to give you forever..." Jimmy started to say.

"Don't! Jimmy, I love you, I really do. But you can't give me forever. No one can. We only have so much time left. Lets live in present. Not worry about the future. We can worry about the future when we come to it," Abby stated. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything!" Jimmy said.

"How do you really feel about me? I mean I know you love me. But we never really made it clear what either of us want out of this relationship. And I always wondered what you were thinking. How far you want this to go?"

Jimmy sat back. He realized Abby was right. Neither of them had ever really said how they were feeling. It always just seem so understood.

"Abby... Normally I'm really good about talking about my feelings. This time it seems a little harder for me, I guess that's because I have never felt something so real to me. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You have been there for me since I can remember. I can't believe all these years I was searching for that one girl. The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, and she was right in front of me. This whole time, and I was to blind to see her. You never judged me. You never tried to change me, you just excepted me."

"Jimmy..." Abby whispered.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"... I'm so scared..." Abby was crying. Abby never cryed, as long as Abby and Jimmy had been friends, he never once saw her cry.

"Don't be scared. I'm here..." Jimmy said holding Abby to him.

"... It's just I finally got everything I ever wanted out of life..." Abby said wiping her tears. "I have the most amazing little girl and I finally found the guy of my dreams, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I can't..."

"Who says you can't?!"

"What are you saying?" Abby asked, afraid that it was going to be to good to be true."

"Abby, would you..."
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