Save Me One Last Time


At that moment Lauren burst in. "Oh my god!" Abby and Jimmy pulled the blanket over them. "I am so sorry!"

Jimmy's face turned red. He never had anyone walk in on him before. Abby could tell he felt uncomfortable, and couldn't help but laugh. "It's no problem Lauren!"

Lauren looked at Jimmy's face. She saw the embarrassment as well. She couldn't help but laugh. Lauren and Abby were laughing for about five minutes straight till Jimmy decided to get up.

"Ok well..." Jimmy started to say.

"Lauren, what are you doing here?" Abby finally got around to asking her.

"Oh god I almost forgot! We gotta get to the hospital and fast," Lauren stated.

"What happened? oh my god! Lizzy?"

"Her friend's mom just called. Lizzy had an allergic reaction to something at the party..."

That was all Lauren had to say. Abby and Jimmy both rushed to get ready. They were both out the door before Lauren could even finish the story. Abby could barely breathe. She had been so swept up in the moment that she forgot Lizzy had gone to that party. And she had been so excited about seeing Jimmy she didn't think to mention Lizzy's allergy to cinnamon.

Abby was so mad at herself. Her first obligation was and always would be to Lizzy. And she let her down. Lizzy, since she was a baby always have a severe allergy to it. And Abby always watched everything she served Lizzy with extreme caution. But this time she had been so careless. And she could not live with herself if anything were to happen to her.

They were at the hospital in record timing. Abby ran right up to the front desk. She asked the receptionist about Lizzy. The receptionist gave Abby the room number. She rushed into the room.

The doctor was in with Lizzy.

"Are you Elizabeth's mother," the doctor lifted up Lizzy's chart, "Miss Jacobs?"

"Yes! How is she? Please tell me she is going to be okay?" Abby asked.

The doctor explained how they treated the reaction. And that Lizzy would be fine. They were just going to keep Lizzy over night for observation. The doctor told Abby they rather be to carefull then to careless.

Abby, Jimmy and Lauren all sat with Lizzy for a while. Lauren tried to convince Abby to go home and get some sleep. But Abby refused. There was no way that Abby was leaving her. Lauren still objected. But Jimmy volunteered to stay with Abby for the night. Lauren agreed. And headed back to the apartment.

"When's Lauren leaving?" Jimmy asked.

"Uhhhh... Tomorrow."


The room feel in silence. Both of them to afraid to talk. Abby wanted to know what Jimmy was going to ask her before. She had a feeling she knew what it was. But everytime in her life she would assume something that was to good to be true, it normally was. But on the other hand if she was right, if he was proposing, could she say yes? Would it be fair to him? She was dieing. That was a fact. She hated it, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Should she make the most of her time? Should she marry him? Should she put her heart on the line? Could she? Abby had always guarded her heart with everything she had. She had always been so afraid to let people in. Everytime she had they took advantage of her. She knew Jimmy would never do that to her. Atleast on purpose. But anything was possible? People make mistakes.

Jimmy was the most amazing guy she ever met. But he was far from perfect, even if he was the closest thing she had. What made her so sure he wouldn't hurt her? And even if he did, would it matter? Abby didn't have that much time life. Why shouldn't she make the most of it? She alwas said she wanted to live life to the fullest. Why not start now?

"Jimmy..." Abby went to say.

"Listen Abby, I need to say something to you." Jimmy said.

Jimmy walked over to Abby's chair. He stood in front of her. He held her hands. And then got down on one knee. Abby lost her breathe.

"Abby, listen... You are my life. You have always been there for me. Through thick and thin. You were the one who stuck by my side. Even when I was wrong. I never realized how much you meant to me till I almost lost you. And I hate to think I'm going to lose you again. But I've come to realize since we don't have much time left we have to make the most of what time we have left. Ever since the first day I met you I knew there was something between us. Something unexplainable. Back then I was just to dumb to admit it. I love you, I love everything about you. You are all I ever think about. You are the last voice I want to hear before I go to sleep at night. You are the first person I want to talk to in the morning. And every minute I'm awake I want to spend with you. We may not have forever, but we have now."

Tears started to build up in his eyes. Abby's put her hand to his cheek. He buried his hand in it. "Abby, would you marry me?"
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ahhhh, i hope everyone is enjoyingg the storyy still =]
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