Save Me One Last Time

James Sean Miller.

James was born on April 24th. He also grew up in a small town in upstate New York. He didn't exactly live in the middle of nowhere. He more lived in Lauren's neck of the school district. He was a very social person. He was always with his friends. Everyone in town knew him. He has amazing social skills. He could always help anyone through a problem. He actually enjoyed doing it. It was something he was really good at. That was one of the main reasons Abigail always went to him for help.

He had so many friends growing up. He was also somewhat of a 'ladies man.' All the girls loved him. And everyone wanted to be his friend. Most people just labeled him as a player. Which truthfully, was not the case at all. James could be a flirt, but he would never try to play a girl. He was so much better then that. He truly cared for Abigail but just not on a romantic level. He was her best friend. She was the one he would call nearly every night just to talk.

Abigail could always make him laugh. And there was nothing he loved more then to make Abigail laugh. Truth was, he may have gone for Abigail if he didn't already have a girlfriend. But he too, excepted the fact that they were friends, just friends.

James was basically the opposite of Abigail. He was without a doubt not a honor student. He got by in school. Not with flying colors, but he did get by. His favorite class was gym. He was very athletic. He loved to play football, baseball and basketball. Since his grades were not amazing, he focused on getting a sports scholarship.

He was excepted into a few colleges on a sports scholarship, only he couldn't go. James had a lot of family problems he had to deal with. It was impossible for him to leave his family, so he ended up going to a close by community college for a few years.

Then he ended up taking the first decent job he could to help his family out. He ended up in construction. It was certainly not what he expected out of his life. But it paid the bills. He moved into a apartment about 20 minutes away from his parents house. He felt it best to stay close, incase they needed anything.

He didn't have much. But he had enough to keep him happy. He had a few girlfriends over the years. But none of them ever seemed like the right one. James wasn't the kind of guy who was in a relationship just for the hell of it. He was in it cause he hoped someday they would get married.

Currently, James is 30. He is working for a Construction Company who are working on putting a Development in a town near his old high school. He makes enough to support himself. His apartment isn't huge. He doesn't have everything he wants. He barely gets buy each week. But he prefers life that way. Currently, the only thing he feels like he is missing is someone he could share the life he lives with.
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and this is james.
i hope your enjoyingg the story for far!
i cant wait to write more.
i plan to update atleast one or two more times todayy<3.
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