Save Me One Last Time


The next day Lizzy was fine. The doctors said that she was a strong little girl, and to just keep an eye on her diet. Abby and Jimmy brought her home. Abby couldn’t wait to tell Lauren about everything. And then she remembered that Lauren was leaving today. She had been so busy with Lizzy that she had totally forgot.

When they arrived at the house all of Lauren’s things were packed. The cab was going to be there in a few minutes to take her to the airport. Abby’s heart sank. She wanted to tell Lauren to forget about the job. She wanted to tell her she cant leave. She wanted nothing more then for Lauren to say she couldn’t go. But on the other hand she knew if Lauren said that, Abby would have to argue.

Abby threw her arms around Lauren. “So what happened last night?” Lauren asked.

“Oh my god! I almost forgot.” Abby really had forgotten. She had been so worried about Lauren leaving. “Jimmy proposed!”

Lauren screamed. “AHHHH! That’s amazing. I cant believe you two are finally getting married!” Lauren always have a feeling that they would end up together. Even back in high school, she always saw them getting together. She never really told Abby or Jimmy that though.

They decided that Lauren would help as much as she could, and fly back up for the wedding.

Lizzy was dieing to get out of the house. Abby suggested going to the park, considering they never got to go yesterday.

When they got there Lizzy saw a few of her friends. She ran off with them running around the jungle gym. Abby and Jimmy went and sat on a bench near by.

“Sooo…” Abby said.

“Sooo…” Jimmy repeated. They looked into each others eyes for a few minutes. A huge smile grew over Abby’s face. Jimmy reached into his pocket.

All of the sudden a rain drop fell on Abby’s face. The rain started pouring. Abby was so worried about Lizzy. She had just gotten released from the hospital. She didn’t need her getting sick and winding up back in there all over again. Jimmy ran over to Lizzy and picked her up. They ran home.

Lizzy ran into the house. Abby went to open to door. Jimmy lightly grabbed Abby’s arm. She turned around. Jimmy slowly pulled Abby toward him.

Abby wasn’t really sure what he was doing. She knew Jimmy better then she knew herself. But Jimmy was known to be spontaneous. No one ever knew what he was going to do next.

The rain came pouring down on both of their heads. Jimmy moved closer to Abby. He ran his hand through her hair. He looked at her face. He saw his future wife. He saw how beautiful she was. He saw love. He never wanted to forget her face no matter what. He looked at her as if he was memorizing her face, in fact he was.

Abby went to talk. She wasn’t sure what he was doing. But before she had the chance, Jimmy pushed his lips against hers. Abby kissed him back. She threw her arms around his neck. He picked her up. And spun her around. She ran her hands through his hair. He ran his hands along her body.

Then Jimmy pulled back. He put her back on the ground. She once again wasn’t sure what he was doing. He reached into his pocket. Abby was lost.

He pulled out a small little box. He got down on one knee. Abby was confused. Jimmy had already proposed.

“Abby, I know you already agreed to marry me, but I think you deserve a proper proposal!”

Abby gasped. Jimmy couldn’t tell if she was crying or if it was just the rain. That was still pouring down on both of their heads.

“Abby, will you marry me?” he said opening the box. It wasn’t the biggest ring. But it certainly was more then he could afford. It wasn’t gaudy. Or tacky. It was everything Abby ever wanted.


Jimmy pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger. Then started walking towards the house.

Abby stood in her spot for a second. She just realized what Jimmy had done.

“Jimmy!” Abby screamed.

Right before Jimmy walked in the house, he turned around. Abby ran up to him. She once again threw her arms around him. She jumped and rapped her legs around him.

“Guess I can cross 3 off of my list, huh?” Abby said with a smile.

Jimmy kissed her. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you too.”

“Now we got to get working on the rest of your list!”
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i reallyy hope everyone is still enjoyingg the storyy.
i cant wait to update againn.
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bothh make me happy<3.