Save Me One Last Time

Hershey Park.

Jimmy was consistent. He promised Abby he was going to help her complete her list. And that is exactly what he planned to do. He wanted to give Abby every single thing she wanted. He figured it was the least he could do.

Jimmy planned a trip to Hershey Park. Jimmy had wanted to bring Lizzy, but Abby didn’t want her to miss anymore school. So they had arranged for Lizzy to stay with a friend for the next few nights.

Jimmy planned the trip down to every detail. He knew he had to check another thing off Abby’s list. He wanted to get her on the Storm Runner. The Storm Runner was a ride at Hershey Park that was 18 stories high and went from 0 to 72 mph in two seconds. Jimmy never really was bothered by rollercoaster. They weren’t his favorite thing. But they didn’t scare him.

Abby on the other hand was a wreck when it came to them. Roller coasters scared her beyond belief. She didn’t exactly know why. But thy always had. She had a fear of heights. The scariest part of roller coasters for her was going up. She hated when the roller coasters went really slow up, she always felt that the cart was just going to go flying backwards. She never felt safe on a roller coaster and as far as she was concerned she never would.

It was about a four hour trip. They left early one morning. Abby was extremely anxious. She was terrified and excited all at the same time.


Buzz, buzz. Abby’s cell phone was going off. She had a new text from Jimmy. It read “Hey, what’s up?! What are you guy up to?!”

Abby texted back, “We were watching a movie, but my dad came and picked me up.”

‘Oh that sucks.”

“Yeah, what about you?”

“I’m playing the video game.”

“You know my friend Alex was making fun of us saying how scared we would be if we ever lost you!”

Alex was one of Lauren’s neighbors. He never and I mean never knew the right things to say. He had no filter. Even when he was kidding, it came off really harsh. Jimmy and Abby had just been on shaky grounds. And what scared Abby more than anything was the thought of losing Jimmy.

“That’s not nice! Don’t worry you are never going to lose me!”

This brought a smile to Abby’s face. She couldn’t handle even the thought of losing Jimmy. Jimmy was always the type of person who would never lie to Abby, he just more didn’t tell her anything. He kept most of his life to himself. He felt it was for Abby’s own good. But it scared her to think that she would end up hearing about his life from people who she barely knew. She ended up learning a lot about Jimmy through simple ‘rumor’s floating around the school.

When Abby would go ask Jimmy about them that’s when he would be totally truthful with her. He just never volunteered any information to her.

“I better not! But its okay because we beat up Alex!”

“That’s always good!”

“I thought so!”

-Flashback Ends-

“Jimmy, I was thinking… When should we get married?”

Jimmy gazed over at her. “What do you mean?”

“God, your dumb. What do you think I mean? I think we need to pick a wedding date.”

Jimmy hadn’t really given any thought to that. He wanted to marry Abby, more then anything. But the wedding itself was another thing. He knew that Abby always wanted to have her perfect wedding. She wanted to plan every single detail. But Jimmy personally never gave that much thought to it.

“Um… I don’t know. I think that you should pick the date.”

Abby was okay with this. She loved having everything her way. “I always wanted to be a spring bride!”

“Well perfect cause its spring!” Jimmy added. “So we could go to city hall when we get back.”

Abby was pissed. She knew that Jimmy had known she always wanted the big perfect wedding. “City hall?” she asked.

“Yeah! We can be married right away.”

Abby was shocked. Her mouth dropped. She kept telling herself he had to be kidding.

“You are not serious?! Jimmy you know I love you. But you also know that I always dreamed of a big wedding! So how dare you sit there and say we can just get married at city hall?! That has to be one of the dumbest things you…”

Abby was cut off. Jimmy started laughing. He loved messing with Abby.

“What you think this is funny?! You think out marriage is funny?!”

“Abby… no” he was still laughing.

Abby’s face grew red. This mad her even more mad. Abby went to scream. Jimmy stopped her. “May 22.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Abby, May 22 is the day I want to marry you.”

“Yeah, at city hall.”

“No, I was just kidding! You know I want you to plan every detail. Cause I just want you to be happy!”

Abby leaned over toward him and kissed his cheek.

“May 22.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so it took me so longg to update.
anywho enjoyy the chapterrr.
dont forget to comment and leave comments;
both make me happy<33.