Save Me One Last Time

Storm Runner.

They arrived at the park around noon. It was pretty crowded. Abby loved Hershey Park. She just always seemed to chicken to go on any rides. Her favorite ride was the Tilt-a-Whirl. That ride just spun, and was on the ground.

They paid for their tickets and went in. Jimmy took Abby right to the storm runner. Abby was flipping out. She started shaking. She started breathing heavy. She always had a fear of heights. Even when they were in high school, she was afraid of heights.

Jimmy knew this wasn’t going to be easy for Abby. But he had no intention of letting her chick out. He knew that Abby was going to try harder then anything to get off the line. But he also knew that if he let Abby get off the line, she would always regret it.

The line starting moving. Abby barely could move forward. They mad it to the front of the line. Then the gate shut. They were to be going on the next ride. Abby buried her face in her hands. She was going to be 18 stories in the air.

At that moment Jimmy pulled her into him. He held her for a minute. Then he took her hands.

“I can’t do this. I thought I could but I can’t!” Abby said in fear.

Jimmy looked in her eyes. “Abby, do you trust me?” Abby nodded. “Then trust me now!”

“Jimmy, its just that…”

Jimmy put his finger over her mouth. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I am going to be sitting next to you the whole time! I swear, trust me.”


Abby walked into lunch and sat at her table. Jimmy was there with another close friend of hers named Jane. Abby just got out of gym, she had been rope climbing in gym. Abby terrified of heights was scared to death about going up.

“How did you do?” Jane asked.

“I made it all the way up!”

“Yeah, high five!: Jane said.

“Yeah, but I was flipping out. Once I made it all the way up there I realized I wasn’t hooked in right. And I almost fell. I was flipping out!”

Jimmy had been listening in. “You wouldn’t have fallen!”

Abby looked at him. “And you know that how?” Abby asked.

“I wouldn’t have let you.”

“Is he in your gym class?” Jane asked.

“No, how would you have saved me? You had math last period!” Abby explained.

“I would have caught you!”

“Wow, I could just see Jimmy running in out of no where and catching you if you fell!” Jane said.

For some unknown reason this made Abby feel safe. She knew Jimmy really couldn’t know if she was falling. So there really was no way he would be able to save her. But just hearing him say that gave her the courage to go up again.

-Flashback Ends-

It was there turn. They sat down. They were fastened in. Abby shut her eyes and held her breathe. The count down started.

3, 2, 1...

And they were off. Abby was squeezing Jimmy’s hand beyond belief. He started to lose feeling in it! But he didn’t care. He was proud of Abby for even going on. Abby started to close her eyes. But then she realized she was probably never going to be on another roller coaster again. There was no way she was passing it up. With her eyes open, her breathe held, she went up 18 stories, and came down. She screamed. She was free.

She was on top of the world. And there was no one she rather share it with then Jimmy.

When the ride stopped Abby had a huge smile on her face. She felt accomplished. She wrapped her arms around Jimmy.

“Oh m god! That was the best feeling in the world!” Abby screamed.

“You want to go again?” Jimmy smirked.

“You are crazy! You are lucky you got me on that thing once.”

Abby jumped up and kissed him. She was amazed out how much better her life has become since Jimmy was back in it.

They ran off hand in hand finding more rides for the rest of the day. That night they stayed and watched the fireworks. It was rare for either of them to see it. It was like a happily ever after scene from a movie. Jimmy wrapped his arm around her waist. They kissed. Ever kiss seemed like the first kiss to them. It just got better and better each time.

On one hand they were as happy as they had ever been. But on the other hand they were sad because they knew this would only last so long.
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sorry it took me sooooo long to update.
ive been pretty busy lately.
but i hope it was worth the wait.
im goingg to try to update again soon.
as always;
dont forget to comment and suscribe.
it makes me happy<33.