Save Me One Last Time

Grand Slam.

When Jimmy and Abby arrived home Lizzy was so excited to see them. Lizzy really was growing to love Jimmy. She was really comfortable with him. Jimmy wasn’t wasting any time. He told Abby the list would be completed, and it would.

Jimmy realized his and Abby’s time had been running out. He hated it. He realized that the list would have to start moving faster. He could never forgive himself if Abby didn’t get a chance to finish her list.

The Yankees were in town. And he remembered the tickets Abby had gotten him for Christmas. They were to the upcoming Red Sox vs. Yankee game. It was perfect. Abby said she wanted to go to a game, but the Yankees had to win.

That was the only thing Jimmy was worried about. Being a Yankee fan he realized that the Yankees were definitely not the best team. And he couldn’t be sure if they were going to win.

But that was one risk that he was going to have to take.

It was a warm Saturday afternoon game. It dragged on and on. It was bottom of the ninth inning. The Yankees were down by three runs. Jimmy couldn’t believe it.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Jimmy asked.

“Are you crazy?” Abby yelled. “No way in hell are we leaving! I would beyond pissed if the Yankees make an amazing come back! And for the rest of my life I will have to know that I missed one of the most amazing comebacks of my all time favorite baseball team the Yankees!”

Jimmy admired her. Most people would have given up. But not Abby. She was still there sitting there screaming at the team, just like she always did.

Jimmy started to zone out.


Ring, ring. Abby looked at her phone, it read “Jimmy.” She flipped it up.


“Are you watching this?!” Jimmy screamed.

“What?” Abby was in the middle of a movie.

“The Yankee game.”

“Hold on, I’ll put it on now… Holy crap! How come we are losing that badly!” Abby yelled.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that God is a Royals fan!” Jimmy announced.

Abby laughed. This was one thing that Abby and Jimmy had in common. The Yankees. Abby only really started watching the games anyway to impress Abby. But she ended up loving it. It became a passion of hers. It was the only real TV she watched.

“I see why you are a Red Sox fan!” Jimmy added.

“Since when am I a Red Sox fan?” Abby asked.

“Since now!”
Jimmy never let Abby forget she was a “Red Sox fan”. He was always teasing her about it from that point on!

-Flashback Ends-

“AHHHHH! OH MY GOD!” Abby jumped up and started screaming.


“You didn’t see that Grand Slam?” Abby asked.

Jimmy had been so busy reminiscing he hadn’t even see the bases get loaded! He was mad because he had missed it. But he was also happy because that Grand Slam meant that the Yankees won the game. And Abby could check another thing off her list!

After everything settled down, they headed for home. Jimmy wanted to take Abby out on a romantic dinner. They were driving around the city when all of the sudden Abby gasped.

“Stop the car!” Abby commanded.

“Are you okay?” Jimmy was confused.

“Just do it!”

Jimmy pulled over. Abby dashed from the car. Jimmy opened his door. He wasn’t sure where Abby was going.

“Abby!” Jimmy called for her.

He then realized where she was going. He saw a fountain.

He chased after her. “Abby, you do realize if anyone catches you, you can get in big trouble for this!”

Abby didn’t care. She splashed him. He looked around, no one was around. He figured ‘what the heck?’ and he joined her. He wrapped her in his arms. She splashed him with water. They ran around for a while.

Jimmy ran up from behind her, pulled her to him. Reached around and kissed her neck ever so softly. She turned around and pressed her lips to his.

“We should probably get out of here now” Abby admitted.


Jimmy got out of the fountain. Jimmy put his hand out. Abby reached for it and started to step out of the fountain. Suddenly she became dizzy. She lost her balance and started to fall. Jimmy caught her.

“Abby?! Abby?!”

He held her in his arms. He pulled her out of the fountain and carried her into his car. Then he set off to the nearest hospital he could find.
♠ ♠ ♠
woot see two updates in two dayss.
i hope everyone is likingg the storyy.
i was goingg to go more indepth with the baseball game.
but i didnt want anyone who isnt a fan to get confusedd.
so i kept it simply.
enjoyy =]
and as always leave comments and subscribe;
it makes me happy<3.