Save Me One Last Time

Waiting Room.

The waiting room. Once again Jimmy was in the waiting room. He hated waiting. He couldn’t sit still. He called Abby’s parents and they were on their way with Lizzy. He gave Lauren a call as well. Lauren was on her way from New Jersey. Jimmy couldn’t believe that all him and Abby had been through he was right where he started. Waiting in the hospital waiting room.

Abby meant so much to him. He loved her with everything he had. He never thought he would feel this way about anyone. He didn’t know what love really was till Abby showed him. He knew he couldn’t hold onto her forever, but he wasn’t ready to lose her yet.

He wanted to marry her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Unfortunately that was not an option though. Abby’s time was limited. She did have cancer after all. And there was nothing he could do about that.

His mind was racing. What would he do once Abby was gone? Could he even live without her? Abby was always just there. He never thought what it would be like without her there.

Lauren rushed in. Jimmy stood up and hugged her.

“Hey, did the doctor tell you anything yet?” Lauren asked in a panic.

Jimmy shook his head. All of the sudden a guy walked in behind Lauren.

“Honey, is everything okay?” the guy asked.

“We don’t know yet, Steve,” Lauren replied.

Jimmy was puzzled. “Steve?” he asked.

“Oh my god! Where are my manners?” Steve walked up to Lauren and Jimmy. “Steve this is Jimmy. Jimmy this is Steve… my fiancé!”

Jimmy’s jaw dropped. “What? Lauren that’s amazing!” He gave her another hug.

“And um, I’m pregnant!” Jimmy’s jaw dropped even farther!

“That has to be the most amazing news I have heard in a long time! I am so happy for you!”

They all sat down. Lauren told Jimmy the story of how her and Steve met. It sounded like a scene from a movie. A couple of their friends had set them up on a blind date. Only both of them had chickened out. They both went to the same small restaurant and ended up chatting. Later they realized that they were suppose to meet on the blind date. They got to know each other. And after a few months, Steve popped the question. And that also happened to be the night the baby was conceived.

Jimmy was enjoying the good news. Lately, it had been really rare to hear any.

That’s when the doctor came out. “Mr. … Miller?”

“That’s me.”

“And are you family?” the doctor asked.

“I’m Abby’s fiancé.”

“There is a change in Abby’s condition.”


Buzz. Abby had a text. It was from Jimmy. “Happy Birthday!”

She wrote back; “finally.”

Her phone started ringing. It was Jimmy. She flipped it up.

“What do you mean finally?”

“I sat next to you all lunch period and you wait till now to wish me a happy birthday! At 8 at night!”

“Well first of all you ignored me all lunch period. So how was I suppose to wish you one?” Jimmy asked.

“Ok, well I only ignored you because the whole time I did talk to you, you sat there begging me to let you go outside and play football!”

“Yeah, but I was just teasing you. I promised you for your birthday I would stay inside with you. And that’s what I did.”

“Well you still annoyed me!” Abby added.

“Oh stop! You knew I was going to call you anyway!” Jimmy said.

Abby smirked to herself. Jimmy called her every night. She loved that. Even though they were just friends, well actually best friends she loved the fact that she was the one he called every night. She was the one he trusted with his secrets. She was the one he ran to when he needed to talk. And most of all she was the one he considered her best friend.

-Flashback Ends-

“What do you mean there is a change in Abby’s condition?” Jimmy asked.

“I am terribly sorry but…”
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woot see i updatedd again =]
hope everyone is still enjoyingg the storyy.
im reallyy enojoying writingg it.
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bothh make me happyy<3.