Save Me One Last Time

Better Friend.

“I am terribly sorry but… Abby’s time is running out.”

“I know, she only has a few months left!” Jimmy yelled.

“What I mean to say is that there has been a change. I’m afraid that Abby only has days left with us.”

“I don’t understand. She was suppose to have at least a few more months?” Jimmy asked in confusion.

“Mr. Miller I am terribly sorry. Her cancer has spread so drastically in such a short period of time. No one knows why these things happen. Unfortunately, all we can do for Abby is keep her comfortable for her last few days.”

Jimmy shook his head. The doctor decided to give them some privacy. Lauren began to cry. Steve pulled Lauren into him. She couldn’t believe this. Abby was her best friend in the whole world. It had been that way since grade school. She knew Abby was dieing, but it just now hit her how limited Abby’s time really was. Could this really be happening? It was as almost as if she was in denial.

Abby couldn’t leave her. She needed Abby. Abby had been there for her through everything. She was the only friend to ever truly put up with any of her crap. She listened to Lauren bitch more then any human should ever have to. She was always the first one Lauren went to with every problem she had no matter how small.

A million thoughts were going through Jimmy’s head. He wasn’t even sure what to think or how to feel. How do you react when you find out the love of your life will be dead within the next few days? All he kept thinking was he made Abby so many promises. What about her list? He had promised her he would help her finish it. And now what? What did any of this mean?

He walked into Abby’s room. She was staring at the ceiling. She was blinking back the tears. She knew.

“Abby…” Jimmy managed to get out.

She continued staring at the ceiling. “It’s funny how things work out. I mean just a few hours ago we were at the Yankee game. And now look at me. I’m in this hospital bed. I could die at any moment. And there isn’t anything I can do about it. Do you know what that is like? To feel totally helpless? I hope you never have to. it’s a very scary feeling.”

Jimmy walked up to her. He sat next to her bed. He took her hand. She squeezed his hand tight. “Abby, I don’t know what to say…”

Abby looked at him. “There is nothing you could say.”

Looking at Abby so helpless killed Jimmy. He was always the one to help her through every problem. He was the one who made everything right. He was the one who could always put a smile on her face. Only this time he couldn’t.

He couldn’t help her. He couldn’t make this right for her. He couldn’t save her the way he wanted to. He couldn’t do anything.

“Um, Lauren is here. And your parents are on their way.”

Abby nodded. He walked out of the room. Lauren walked in.

“Oh god. Look at you!” Lauren said walking next to Abby.

“I know. Isn’t it funny how things fall into place, and how they don’t?”
Lauren knew exactly what Abby was saying. That was something that both of them had always loved about their friendship. The fact that without giving any explanation for what was said the other knew exactly what they meant.

Lauren told Abby about Steve. She gave him all the mushy details. She told her how she was pregnant. They started talking like it was nothing. Like it was just regular Sunday afternoon gossip they had every week. Like they were chatting over coffee. As if they were back in high school, hanging out putting mud masks on at a late night sleep over.

“Lauren, you are going to be an amazing bride!”

“And you know you have to…” Lauren stopped.

The tears began pouring down her cheeks.

“What Laur?” Abby asked.

“It’s just that I never pictured my wedding without you…”

Lauren stared at the floor.

“Lauren, listen I know we always promised each other that we would be each other’s maids on honor. But you need to know, that I will be there. Even though it will be in spirit. And I will watch the whole thing from heaven, and that I do promise you.”

Lauren sat on Abby’s bed. “I cant believe you! You truly are an amazing friend. You are sitting in this hospital bed, comforting your friend who is being selfish as always. I mean seriously. Things don’t change much, do they?”

“Not one bit. Remember back in high school, that day when we went to the park and hung out with Jimmy? Only his ex-girlfriend was with him. And I was really flipping out. Cause he didn’t even know that we knew who she was. And I was so upset. And the whole night after that I spent comforting you, telling you that the person liked wasn’t going to do that to you.”

“Yeah. You were always the better friend to me! I don’t know why you kept me around as much as you did,” Lauren added.

“Me either. But Lauren I need you to do me a huge favor!” Abby said.


“But Jimmy can not know about this!”


“I need you to get my lawyer here…”
♠ ♠ ♠
woot, an updateee =]
anywho, i hope youu guys are still enjoyingg my storyy<3.
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it makes me happy.