Save Me One Last Time

Promise Me.

Abby couldn’t help but smile. She knew what was coming, but she had so much to be grateful for. She didn’t want to lose that. She had an amazing daughter, who was filled with love and curiosity. She had the most amazing friend, who had stuck by her since high school. She had amazing parents, who never gave up on her and where always there when she needed anything.

And most of all she had the most amazing guy in the world. She had someone who she could rely on. Someone who would never hurt her. Someone who made her smile like no one else. She found her crying shoulder. Her rock. The one who never let her down. Who kept every promise ever made. She never once doubted his love for her. And he reminded her of it constantly.

The one she could call hers. Her everything. The one she waited her whole life for.

She hated that she had to say goodbye to it all. But she was also happy to have this much in her life. Most people live a full life without finding even a fourth of what she has in hers.

“Jimmy make me a promise!”

“You, and your promises! What this time?”


Jimmy had just broken up with his girlfriend. He cheated on her, and worst of all she found out from someone else. He slept with another girl. He threw everything away on that one night.

“Jimmy, you know you can talk to me?” Abby asked.

“I know that. I just don’t really have anything to say. I mean what can I say? I fucked up. I don’t deserve any girl at this point”

Abby hated seeing Jimmy upset more then anything in the world. She loved him, and as long as he was happy she was too. And it broke her heart to see him like this. And she knew he screwed up. He threw away a two year relationship on one night, just to sleep with some skank.

“Promise me something.”

“Why do you always want me to promise you something?! Seriously. I thought you were the one who didn’t want me to promise anything I couldn’t keep?!” Jimmy stated.

“I’m not asking you too!” Abby snapped.

“Ok what?”

“Jimmy, you are an amazing guy. And I know you messed up. You made a mistake, and I know you hate that you hurt her, but I need you to promise me you aren’t going to settle for less then you deserve.”

Jimmy was confused. “What do you mean? Everything I have right now is what I deserve.”

“I know, but I don’t want you to settle for less. Cause you deserve better… I guess its hard to explain what I mean…” Abby said.

-Flashback Ends-

“Promise me you won’t ever forget me…”

Jimmy cut her off. “I could never forget you! Ever! You are everything to me!”
“Jimmy let me finish…”

He nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Listen, its no secret that I don’t have much time left. And that I’m not even sure if I will make it till tomorrow. But once I go, promise me you wont give up on love!”

“What are you talking about?” Jimmy asked.

“Jimmy you have always deserved the best. That is all I ever wanted for you. To be happy. I never thought I would end of being a girl who made you happy. Seriously. All I want for you is to be happy.”

“I’m never going to be happy without you.”

Abby lifted his eyes to meet his. “Promise me, that you will make the most of your life, live it to the fullest, find love, and never forget me.”

“Abby, you don’t get it…”

“No Jimmy. You don’t. I’m dieing. My life is over. I am leaving behind everyone. You, my daughter, my family, everyone. And I am the one who has isn’t going to be around. I’m never going to get to marry you, I won’t see my daughter graduate, my parents 50th anniversary, see my daughter get married and have a kid of her own. I wont be here. I have to miss out on all of that. But I can deal with that. Because as of right now I have what most people only dream of. Someone who loves me with all their heart, and who is sticking by me no matter what. I am the one who has to die. You have the rest of you life, I want you to live it.”

“I will never forget you, ever. You will always be with me, you are always going to be in my heart.”

“And I need you to promise me one more thing…”

“Anything!” Jimmy added.

“Promise me that you will respect every decision I am going to make,” Abby said. Jimmy went to say something, only Abby didn’t let him. “Please, promise me. Don’t ask why!” Jimmy just nodded.
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sorry it took sooo long for me to update, i hope everyone is still enjoying the story. dont forget to subscribe and comment, please and thank youu♥.