Save Me One Last Time

Red Sox.

It was a long day. It all seemed to surreal. Abby couldn’t wrap her head around it. Was this it? Had she done everything she wanted to? It didn’t matter now. It’s not like she could do anything about it now. And she excepted it for what it was. She had lived a good life. She had an amazing daughter. One who she knew would live a amazing life filled with people who loved her, even if she wasn’t going to be one of them. That stung. It really did. But Abby saw no reason to be bitter about it.

Jimmy, was unreal to her. She couldn't even imagine why he stuck around. She put through this boy through hell. She thought that any other guy would have bolted for the hills by now. But not Jimmy. He was always different. He never fit the typical guy mold. He stuck be her. He was there for her. And more importantly he was there for Lizzy. And he would be long after she no longer could.

There was a knock on the door. "Hey, you have time for your mother."

"Of course Mom. Come on in. Where’s Daddy?"

"You know him. He's pacing around the hospital. Annoying every doctor and nurse possible. Lauren, Lizzy, and Jimmy are in the cafeteria."

Abby smiled. "How is Lizzy doing? Is she okay?"

She paused. "Well I guess she is doing okay. You certainly raised a feisty child. She is in charge of all of us in that waiting room. No sad faces allowed. That little girl is just like her mother."

"As it should be..." Abby's smile fell.

"Honey, what's on your mind? You do know you can still talk to your mother? Even if you are 30 now."

"Mom, I appreciate everything you have ever done for me. Who do you think I get my feisty-ness from? And I know Lizzy will be surrounded by people who love her. And you will be there for her when I can't."

"Did you decide who you are leaving Lizzy with?"

Abby nodded. "Mom, I want you to enjoy your life. You already raised me. You don't need to raise my child too. You need to be her Grandma, not her mother. And you are the only grandmother she has."

"I understand."

Then Lizzy rushed into the room.

"Hey baby!" Abby said.

"Mommy, Jimmy was arguing with me. He told me that the Yankees weren't making it to the World Series. Then I told him that they were. That you said so. And then he told me you don't count because you were a Red Sox fan."

Abby smirked as Jimmy then walked into the door. Abby pulled Lizzy to her. She whispered in her ear. "Don't worry. The Yankees will win. He is just upset because he's a Met fan."

Lizzy giggled.


Abby and Jimmy were on the phone. “I know that you are just dieing to go talk to Max anyway!” Jimmy loved teasing her.

“Uhm, no! Max drives me nuts. He is always upset. All he does is throw himself a pity party” Abby said.

“That’s what I do,” Jimmy kidded.

“… Yeah, I know…” Abby trailed off.

“Wait what?” Jimmy quickly added.

“Don’t worry about it, it was nothing.”

Jimmy paused for a few minutes. Abby didn’t want to start fighting with him.

“Listen Abby, I really want you to explain to me what you meant…”

“It’s just since your break up with her… It’s hard to explain. You have been so different. I mean seriously. I know how much it hurt you. I know you messed up. You never wanted to hurt her. But I just wish you would move on. Its like you have nothing left to live for. You are only 16, you have your whole life…”

Jimmy paused again. “Listen, you are right. I was like that. But I started to look at things differently. Mostly because of you. You mean so much to me. You make me happy. You give me something to look forward to. Its like you are giving me back everything back I lost. But know what gets to me?”

Abby had butterflies. “What?”

“That I get so much out of this, and you get nothing…”

“WHAT?! You think I get nothing out of this. You are so nuts. You make me happier then I have ever been in my whole life.”

Jimmy paused again. “No one ever told me that before.”

-Flashback Ends-

Everyone decided to give Abby time to rest. She asked Jimmy to stay behind with her.

“I want to ask you something…” Abby said.
♠ ♠ ♠
i am so sorry for this delay. so much drama, but this time im really gonna try to keep the updates coming. and hopefully finish this before christmas. as always comment and suscribe it makes me happy.