Save Me One Last Time

Leaves Falling.

It was a October. The leaves were turning colors. Everywhere you went, leaves of red, gold’s and yellows fell from the trees. Abigail stepped out of her doctors office and decided to walk home. She blocked out the rest of the world. She let her mind wonder. All she could hear was the wind brushing through the leaves. She was in the middle of a day dream. She imagined her life when she was younger. All the dumb things she had done. Everything she had taken for granite. And all she kept going back to was how much she missed it.

Life was so much different now. It wasn't about who had the latest phone, or how was dating who. In the real world it was about how was she going to pay the bills, or her next lesson plan for the kids. All of the sudden, the burdens of the world came crashing down on her shoulders. She couldn't barely stand. She quickly sat down on a near by bench.

She couldn't help but wonder how she got here in life. She knew that if she had the chance, she wouldn't change one thing. But she also couldn't help but wonder if she made on different decision how different things would be right now.


"What's wrong?" Jimmy asked sitting next to her in Sophomore year lunch.

"Nothing..." Abigail managed to get out, staring down at the table.

"Don't give me that."

"Well, Lauren just told me that Dave has a new girlfriend. And he didn't tell me. I had to find out from Lauren. I give up."

Jimmy put his hand on her back. "Abby, you know he is an ass. You deserve someone so much better. He fails. Don't worry about that ass."

-Flashback Ends-

Abigail didn't realize how much she missed Jimmy until this very second. It was as if she had been to busy with her life to remember anyone of her best friends. Lauren lived next door to Abigail. So it wasn't as if they never saw each other. But she had totally cut Jimmy out of her life, without even meaning to.

All of the sudden her phone went off. She looked at the caller i.d. It was Lauren.

"Hey Laur," Abigail answered.

"Hey, What's up? How did you doctor appointment go?" Lauren asked.

Abigail paused. "Everything is fine. No worries. So how's Lizzy doing?"

"She is fine. You sure you're ok? You sound a little shaken."

"I’m fine, I'll be there soon." Abigail hung up.

She just couldn't figure out how life got her to this point. None of it mad any sense. She didn't know what she was going to do. All she knew is she wished life wasn't thing confusing.

That’s when she decided to call Jimmy. She hadn't talked to him in about five years now. But she knew it was over due. She needed something 'safe' in her life. He was the last person who actually made her feel safe. She flipped through her cell phone till she got to his number. She called the number she had. When she let it ring a woman answered. It was Jimmy's mom. She told Abigail that he moved out and gave her his new number.

She hesitated. Held her breathe and called the number. She got the answering machine. Even hearing his voice in the recording made her feel better. Beep. "Hey Jim... Uh James. It's Abb... Uh Abigail. I haven't talked to you in forever. I can't believe it over five years. Anyway I was hoping we could maybe get together sometime. Its overdue. Give me a call at this number. Talk to you soon, bye."
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told you i planned to update a lot todayy =]
hope your enjoying the storyy<3.
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