Save Me One Last Time

New Message.

It was later in the day. Actually basically that night. James came stumbling through the door. He had been at the bar with a few of his buddy's from work. They had just finished the first house in the development. And this meant it was time to celebrate. They all decided to grab a few beers after work.

James was not normally a drinker. He more drank casually. But tonight he needed it. He just broke up with his latest girlfriend. Her name was Catherine. Catherine was very attractive, but not the kind of girl he wanted bring home to his mother. He wasn't drinking because he missed her. But more because he never thought he would be at this point in his life.

When he thought about the future he saw himself in a good job. He also saw himself with a amazing wife and a house full of kids. He grew up in a large family, and always wanted that for his own kids. All of his buddy's told him he tried to hard. They told him he could have any girl he wanted. But the problem was that he didn't want just a one night stand. He wanted something real.

James felt like he was just going around in circles. And then he realized he was, literally. He hadn't been this drunk since high school. He hated being drunk. He didn't get anything out of it.

Except sitting by the toilet all night. And then the next morning having a killer headache and not being able to function. That definitely was not something he was looking forward too.

He was making his way to his bedroom, when he saw the red light on his answering machine flashing.

"Let me guess?! Catherine. Probably going on about how much she misses me! Oh fucking well it's her fault. She didn’t even care about me. I won't sit around crying over her. That’s not going to happen," James went on in a drunken rage.

He didn’t listen to the message, he just assumed it was Catherine. He managed to make it to his bed. He laid down and the next thing he knew he was out cold. He couldn't hear a thing.

Which included his alarm that went off the next morning. He woke up and it was 1 in the afternoon. He couldn't believe that he slept that long. He ran right to the phone and called his job. He told them there was a 'family emergency' and he wouldn't be in today. When he put the phone back on charge, he once again say the blinking red light.

He went to erase it, still thinking it was just Catherine. And besides even if it wasn't. He was not in the mood to talk to anyone today. He went to press the erase button. But then something stopped him.

He figured might as well listen to it. If it is Catherine this could be pretty entertaining. If not, it may be important. So he pressed play.

"Hey Jim... Uh James. It's Abb... Uh Abigail. I haven't talked to you in forever. I can't believe it over five years. Anyway I was hoping we could maybe get together sometime. Its overdue. Give me a call at this number. Talk to you soon, bye."

Abby? He couldn't believe it. He really hadn't talked to her in about five years now. She was one of his best friends. He didn't know how he could have let them get so distant. He wrote down the number and was going to give her a call. Then when he realized what a head ache he had he decided to do it later.
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updatingg a lot todayy =]
im getting really into this whole writing business.
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