Save Me One Last Time

The Call.

After a long day at work, Abigail arrived home. Lizzy was sleeping over with a friend. So the house was quiet. Which was exactly what Abigail was looking for. She needed some peace. The past few days had been horrible for her. She felt like she jus kept going and going. And all she wanted to do now was take a nice hot bath, play some calm music and have a glass of wine.

She needed to clear her head. A major reality check had just hit her in the face and she didn't know how to handle it. She was thinking about giving Lauren a call. Considering she was living righ next door, she was thinking maybe she could come over and they could relax together. Then she remembered Lauren was on a date tonight.

She had been out with this guy Mike a few times now. And she had a feeling Lauren was really starting to like him. She was happy for her. But the meant her house would be a little to quiet tonight. She decided to give her mother a call.

"Hey Mom, what's going on over there?"

"Nothing really, your father and I were just about to go out. You think I could call you back later?"

"Of course."

It was typical. Her mom would call her all the time. But the one time she actually wants to talk, her mother is to busy. She crawled into a nice warm bath. It didn't help her the way she wanted it too. She decided to lay on the couch and watch a movie.

Abigail always loved scary movies. She always had. She was the easiest person in the world to scare. Jimmy use to tease her all the time about it. Whenever he would be on the phone with her and she was watching a scary movie, every time she'd scream, he would burst out laughing.

She went to her On Demand channels. She scrawled through, till she found a movie that suited her. She started playing it. She started watching it, basically every scene she either jumped or screamed or did both.

It was the last scene. Her eyes were glued to the tv. She was afraid to move. When all of the sudden her cell phone goes off.

She screams and jumps half way across the room. She paused the movie and reached for her phone.

'Jimmy' was displayed across the caller id. "Hello?"


"Oh my god! Hey Jimmy. What's up? How have you been?" She was so excited. She sounded like a teenager.

Jimmy paused. "I've been good. Keeping busy, with work and everything. Better question, how have you been? I hear you're now a big shot at Princeton."

"I've been ok. And damn straight I'm a big shot at Princeton! Would you expect anything less?"

"For you? Of course not!"

"So what..." Abigail got a beep in her ear. She looked down it was Lauren. "Umm Jimmy. Listen I really want to talk to you but I got to go. Lauren's calling me!"

"Wait not Lauren Smith?! Take your time. Call me back when you can! And do not forget to tell Lauren I say hi."

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