Save Me One Last Time

Moving Back.

It been a few days since Jimmy called Abigail. Truth was, Jimmy was waiting for Abby to call him back. Abby was always a constant in his life, up until recently. And he was hoping they could get the amazing friendship they had back. He was sitting around that Sunday watching the Patriot game.

When his phone went off. "Hello?"

"Hey Jimmy, I'm so sorry I didn't call you back sooner. There has been so much going on. And Lauren had to tell me every detail of her date. And then, well anyway. Don't mean to talk in circles."

Jimmy smirked. "Don't worry! I miss you talking in circles."

"Well I miss talking to you period. It's been to long." Abby managed to get out.

Jimmy paused and thought to himself for a minute. "Listen I know you must be really busy, with Princeton and all but I was thinking... maybe you could come up for a visit sometime soon. I really would love to see you. I miss you. You could even bring Lauren if you wish."

Abigail paused. Jimmy thought he had said something wrong for a second. "Well I mean you don't have too..."

"No Jimmy! Of course I want too. Actually I was going to be coming up next weekend. I'm looking for an apartmen. I'm moving back."

"Since when? Why? Why didn't you tell me?" This was the same old Jimmy, Abby knew, the one with the twenty questions.

"Well right now I need to be close to my parents."

"Everything ok?"

"Um... yeah. But like I was saying. I’m coming up Friday night. If you aren't doing anything, then maybe we could hang out?

Saturday I'm going apartment hunting. And you're welcome to come, if you'd like."

"God, you haven't changed one bit. And I'm free Friday night! What did you have in mind?" he asked.

"Um, meet me at the old movie theater at about 8? And we can take it from there. Deal?!"

"See you then."

Jimmy was in his glory. Not only was he going to get to see Abby, but she was moving back. He was getting his best friend back. And he couldn't wait to see her. He wondered what they would talk about. Was she married? Or was she like him and hadn't gotten close?

He was so excited to see her. Friday couldn't come any sooner.
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this will be my last update for todayy.
im sure ill be back tomorrow =]
i hope you like it soo far<3.
let me know what you think.
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