Save Me One Last Time

Apartment Hunting.

Abigail woke up at about seven, she was suppose to meet the realtor at 8. Plus she also had to pick up Jimmy on the way. Normally she spends about an hour getting ready. But being with Jimmy again made her realize, she doesn't have to go through all of that. She threw on a pair of jeans, with a casual blouse. She put some eye liner and mascara on.

Then just threw some lip gloss on and left the hotel room to go pick up Jimmy.

She followed the directions Jimmy left her to get to his apartment. Normally Abby was horrible with directions. James knew this. So he made them as simple as possible. She had no problems finding the place at all. She had a strange excited skip to her step.

She got to his door. There was a big '20' on his door. She knew it was his, she waited a second.


"What's wrong?" Jimmy asked.

"I don’t know. Today was just a really bad day." Abby managed to tell him.

"Abby, I know you. I know you better then you know yourself. I have all the night. Start..."

"well I just found out my Aunt's getting a divorce."

"It happens."

"I hate when you say that."

Jimmy just laughed in her ear.

-Flashback Ends-

The next thing Abby knew Jimmy opened the door. "Are you ok?"

"Um, yeah. I was just having a moment."

"Oh ok, lets roll" Jimmy said as he lead Abby back to her car.

James wasn't sure if Abby could handle driving. So he took the keys. "You know until now I never realized how much I missed you."

"Same here. Life has been so crazy lately. I'm glad to be coming back here. You were my rock. I could always call you, no matter what time. No matter what the problem. You always, always helped me through it. I don't know how the hell I would have gotten through high school without you."

They say many apartments. They ranged from horrible to semi decent. At this point Abby knew, beggers couldn't be choosers.

She needed an apartment and fast.

Jimmy had an idea. "Listen Abby, all these apartments are crap. If you need a place to say until you can find your own, you are more the welcome to stay with me."

That was something at this point Abby wanted more then anything. She needed to feel safe again. Jimmy was the only person who could do that for her. "Um Jimmy, I really appreciate that, but I just can't.

After a long day of searching through crappy apartments, Abby decided that she would just chose the most decent one she could find. It was now official, she signed the papers and everything.

In two weeks Abby would be back where she belonged. Back home with her family. She may be away from Lauren, but she would be with Jimmy. The one thing she wanted more then anything. To have her rock. What she needed in her life more then anything right now.
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two updates in one dayy<3.
im excited.
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