Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 012

“Golfing?” I asked as Nick and I were standing in front of the local golf and country club, while Joe and Kevin were inside paying the amount of money that needed to be paid for the supplies and what not.

Nick looked at me. “You don’t play?”

I bit my lip, yes I’ve played, but was I good? Aha, no. “Well yeah I played, but it was more like putt putt golf. I’m not sure I can hit the ball more than 10 feet, and I’m positive I may hit somebody with the club.” I said truthfully, causing Nick to laugh.

“I’m positive that Joe will hit somebody with something, some how he’ll hit a bird in the sky and it will hit somebody. That’s just Joe for you, but I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Nick said as he led me over to one of the golf carts. “Plus I’ll be here to teach you, you’ll be a pro by no time.”

“Well you haven’t taught me, if this was really a class you would fail me. I promise you that.” I said as I sat in the driver seat, Nick being the one who would be driving us.

“You’re not mad this is our ‘date’ are you?” Nick asked.

I started smiling that he thought that I would mind. “No I don’t mind, this should be very interesting.” I said looking up at him, our eyes glued to each other.

“Well the way I asked you it seemed like we would be alone, just the two of us, but we aren’t.” Nick said pointing to Kevin and Joe who were walking over to us, Joe tripping over his two own feet.

“D.J. Danger alright.” I muttered just loud enough for Nick and Kevin to hear.

“What’s so funny?” Joe asked as he strutted his way over, like nothing happened.

We all just laughed as Joe pouted and playfully hit his brother’s arms, and then just stuck his tongue out at me like a little kid.

“Real mature Joe, real mature.” I said as the two older Jonas boys got in their cart, driving off to the first whole, as Nick pressed the gas pedal and we followed behind them.


17 holes later, and no one getting injured we reached the 18th hole. Nick and I were in the lead, only because Nick and I cheated. We all know that Joe is easily distracted by shiny things, yeah well it helps when you have your iPod with you, and not to mention the sun shining oh so bright.

“Dude, I keep seeing a bright light!” Joe said as he’s eyes followed the sparkly, yet mysterious light.

Kevin just rolled his eyes, I thanked him every time we cheated. I would go up and act like I’m gonna hit, but then I Nick would distract him, and I would blind him, while Nick hit the ball.

“Not this time Rina.” Kevin said as he walked up and took the iPod from me, exposing us.

“Hey!” Nick, Joe and I all yelled. “Kevin?!” I whined.

“The light, it’s gone!” Joe yelled, and then got shushed by other passer bys who were trying to golf as well.

Joe mimicked them and then saw Nick and I cheating, a light bulb went off in his head. “Hey-“

“Yes yes, I know we cheated. We have a good reason though!” I said, putting my hands up in defense.

“And that would be?” Joe asked, along with Kevin watching us.

“I suck at golf.” I said looking down at the grass.

“Nick can teach you.” Joe said smiling; Kevin obviously caught something and started chuckling.

“Um, how? He already tried to show me how to swing, but I still can’t do it.” I said looking form Joe to Kevin.

“Well he hasn’t helped you physically, you can’t learn from watching. You need him to help you grip the club, and swing, watching won’t work.” Joe said, his arms crossed to his chest.

I felt my eyes large, oh crap. “I um, OK?” I said and walked over to where the golf ball, tee, club, and Nick were waiting.

I took the club in my hands as Nick put the ball on the tee, then walking over to me. His arms wrapping around my shoulders, his hands on mine, his face on my shoulder. It was kinda uncomfortable at first, but I got used to the feeling of Nick having his arms wrapped around me. Nick began giving me directions on how to line the club up with the ball, his arms swaying in a swinging motion.

“Once you feel like you’ve got it, you bring the club up.” Nick said, his arms moving our over our head, then back down in a matter of seconds. “And then swing.” Nick and I watched as the white ball went soaring through the air, landing in the green.

“Alright!” Joe and Kevin said while giving each other high fives.

I just turned around and looked up at Nick; Nick was looking down at me, a smile spread on his adorable face. “Come on, let’s go find the ball.”

Nick and I got in the golf cart and drove our way over to the green, while Joe was teeing off.

“What was that?” I asked turning around. “It sounded like something hit the top of the cart.”
Nick slowed down and walked back a couple feet and held up a golf club. “Joe.” He asked laughing.

“Found it Kevin!” We heard Joe yelling, than another round of hushes.

I laughed as Nick sat back down into the cart, and slowly started driving again.

Nick peered at me, his face in a grin. “What?”

I shook my head. “Nothing, well it’s like your physic.” I said as I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“Nah, I just know Joe too well.” He said laughing. The cart stopped.

We waited for Joe and Kevin to get their slow behind down here so Nick and I had a mini sword fight with a couple of large sticks we found in the rough.

“Game please? Sooner you guys stop messing around the sooner we can beat your behinds.” Kevin said, taking out his putter.

“I’ll putt!” I offered, then looking for Nick’s improvement.

“Go right ahead, I know you can do it.” Nick said, flashing a smile in my direction.

I took the putter from Kevin and walked over to the ball. Trying to remember how it felt when Nick helped me I began lining the club up with the ball, then gently hitting it. The ball rolled towards the whole, it was too much suspense for me to take. I closed my eyes and waited to hear the boy’s reaction. All I heard were gasps, then the sound of the ball rolling into the hole.

I opened my eyes and saw the ball was indeed in the hole, I jumped up and yelled a little. I gave the club back to Kevin then ran over to Nick, who engulfed me in a hug. “I knew you could do it!” Nick said as he spun me around once.

“Shh!” Joe said as he tried to focus on the ball.

I laughed as Joe’s seriousness as Nick placed me back on the ground, his body close to mine. Joe was taking forever to putt, his tongue sticking out, beads of sweat dripping off of his forehead. I was watching Joe intently when I felt a hand lace their fingers with mine. I looked up and saw Nick smirking, then looked down at me.

“Is this OK with you?” He asked, his fingers sliding out of palm.

I tightened my hand around his, my other hand adjusting his hand. “It’s fine.” I replied smiling.

Nick smiled back, then turned back just in time to see Joe swing and miss the ball. Joe groaned and readjusted his stance, then swung and missed again. This continued for about 3 swings, until the wind finally pushed the ball into the little white cup.

After we figured out that Nick and I had creamed the eldest we walked back to the cart, our fingers still laced together. The whole time my stomach felt restless with butterflies, never do they ever start to ease away. Nick and I drove back up to the front of the golf course, Nick unlacing our hands.

“I’ll go put everything up, you just go relax in the SUV.” Nick said as he waited for Joe and Kevin to move before driving up to the drop off.

“OK, bye. Oh and thanks for today, I had a lot of fun.” I said smiling.

Nick smiled back. “No problem, we’ll have to have one by ourselves soon. See you in a few.”

I walked back to the vehicle with the biggest smile on my face; Nick’s parents gave me wondering looks as I giggled inside of the car.
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