Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 014

Told you I made dinner plans
For you and me and no one else
That don't include your crazy friends
Well, I'm done with awkward situations
Empty conversations

I was in the front row of the audience at the Jonas Brothers show, and I must say it was amazing being in front row. The only down side is that your being thrown around by other girls trying to get next to the stage, and that your packed in there like cows. Another thing is that you get really sweaty from being by a lot of body heat, and that you get sweaty by the girls arms and yours rubbing together. One word: Yuck!

“I LOVE YOU!!!” A red head chick screamed in my ear.

I looked behind me and got met by some girl’s pits all in my face, I gagged and turned back around and started jumping up and down, letting my fan girl come out. “I love you Jonas Brothers!” I screamed.

All the girls in front of me turned around and glared at me, some of them saying that I was a fake fan. Whatever, they can go suck their big toe. I ignored them and continued to dance the dance that I made up to this song; I knew I knew people they could only wish about meeting. Teehee.


After the concert I was walked backstage with Big Rob as my chaperon, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas wanted to keep me safe at all times while I wasn’t in their site. They are just like my parents. We walked into the back area of the venue, most of the crew packing up the equipment, the Jonas family waiting by the door.

“Enjoy the concert from front row?” Nick asked walking over to me.

“Yes,” I said eagerly. “Although the girls are mean, they called me fake because I said’ I love you Jonas Brothers.’” I said rolling my eyes.

“Eh, don’t know what to tell you. The ladies love me.” Nick said being cocky, his hand on his chest.

“Yeah OK.” I said sarcastically.

“Hardy har har.” Nick said giving me a glare. “Hey, we won’t be leaving till later I was thinking, a dinner for two on the top of the bus.” Nick said as we started walking towards the tour bus.

“Dinner for two on the roof of the bus?” I asked looking up at him like he was a crazy person.”That’s insane!”

“Maybe, but I feel like I owe you that much. I know it must have been awkward playing golf with my brothers and me.” Nick said, his body a good distance away from mine.

“No it wasn’t awkward,” Lie, it was very awkward. With Joe and Kevin purposely trying to get his brothers arms around me, not the most comfortable situation for a girl. “OK, maybe a little, but its fine.”

Nick sighed, then looked down at me. “No it is not fine, I like you, and I should take you on nice dates. Not going golfing with my weird brothers.”

“Nick listen to me, it was fine. You don’t have to worry about impressing me; as long as I’m with you I’m happy.” I said, Nick smiling.

Nick held the door open for me, being the gentlemen that he is. “OK, so I’ll see you in a couple minutes for our date?”

The word date gave me a sick feeling, I wasn’t sure if I like it being called that. I mean sure I loved the idea of me and Nick being together, but I knew what would probably end up happing after my trip was over. I also knew what would happen if the public found out, I would have to be put in the witness protection program.

“OK, see you soon.” I walked in to the lounge, and quickly cleaned myself up as possible.

Once pleased with myself I walked out of the back lounge and outside, where the crisp air helped me relax a little. I turned around when I heard the door close, footsteps making their way over to me.

“Ready?” Nick asked as he stopped beside me, his hair wet, smelling like ‘Head and shoulders.’

I nodded, and followed him over to the ladder. “Did you take a shower?” I asked as we climbed up onto the roof.

“Yes, why?” Nick asked as he walked me over to the table set up, along with a candle in the center of the table. A bag of McDonald's sitting on the edge of the table.

“No reason, are we having McDonald's?” I asked, I was smiling as I saw the logo printed on the bag.

“Yeah, sorry about that. We didn’t have enough time to order real food, plus I didn’t think you would want to go out in public with just me.” Nick said holding the chair out for me, then pushing the chair back under the table before he made his way over to his chair.

“It’s OK, bada ba ba ba I’m luvin it.” I said smiling.

Nick grinned and set out the food, French fries, and a cheese burger. “So, how do you like tour?” Nick asked as I began eating French fries.

“Amazing!” I said. “It’s a dream come true, not only did I get to meet you, I get to live with you for a whole month!”

The conversation carried on from there, Nick and I talking about everything. We had finished eating, but felt to lazy to walk back to the bus. Instead we looked up at the stars, Nick’s hand only centimeters away from mine.

“Rina?” Nick asked.

“Yes?” I asked back.

Nick laced my hand in his, a shock running throw my body. “I have something I would like to tell you.”

I looked at Nick intently. “You can tell me.” I encourage as Nicks eyes dropped to the floor.

Nick’s breathing became drier, more rapid. “Um, I like you a lot. I was wondering if you would- if you would like to be my girl-girl friend.” Nick said, our eyes meeting.

I felt my stomach drop, my heart soaring. I knew in my heart what to say, but my brain wouldn’t function. Since my brain was too busy telling my body to not scream, I nodded.

Nick raised an eyebrow. “Is that a yes?” I think I have never seen him this nervous in my time here.

I took a deep breath. “Yes, I would very much like to be your girl friend.”

Nick and I both smiled, his head leaning into me. I felt my skin turn icy hot, Nick’s eyes closing. I ducked out of the way, making Nicks lips touch nothing but air. Nick opened his eyes, the chocolate color was searching for me.

“What’s wrong, do you not kiss on the first date?” Nick asked.

I could feel the red rising up on my cheeks.”I um, never kissed a boy before.” I said, my hands fumbling around with each other.

Nick smiled. “OK, well I don’t want to rush you into anything, so I won’t make you kiss before your ready.”

I shyly smiled. “Thanks.”

Nick laced my finger with his. “No problem, and thanks for saying yes.”

I looked up at him gleaming. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
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