Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 016

I woke up smiling, and greeting the day happily. Last night was the best day in my life; it seemed almost like a dream. I got up and walked into my bathroom, my face seemed lifted, I looked much happier. I turned the shower onto warm and got ready for the day. I applied Chap Stick and that’s it, I’m more of the natural, I don’t wear makeup that much.

I grabbed my clothes, a dotted belt cami from Aeropostale; it was a brown color, with white dots all over the tank top, and swirls at the bottom. I then grabbed my white Hollister shorts. I then exited my bathroom and walked over to the desk by my bed and clipped on my Chinese character necklace, it read ‘peace on earth. I walked over to the door and firmly grasped the handle, turning it to the right the door opened.

I walked into the kitchen area to see Nick and Frankie eating corn pops again, this Jonas boys. I walked over to Nick and sat down next him, my smile gleaming out for everyone to see.

Nick looked over at me, his eyebrows raised slightly. “Hey, you seem happy.” Nick stated.

I laughed and drew circles on the table aimlessly, completely oblivious to looks Frankie were giving to Nick. “I’m just really happy right now.” I said as I took a deep sigh.

Nick and Frankie were quite for three minutes. I looked up at Nick, who looked down at me confused. Nick took a deep breath before speaking, Frankie getting up and putting his dirty bowl in the sink, then walking out of the room leaving Nick and I alone.

“So what are you all happy about?” Nick asked as he put my hand in his.

I answered him moments later. “I’m happy because of the kiss last night?” I said smiling, my eyes looking up to his.

“Kiss?” Nick asked, his thin eyebrows furrowing together. “What kiss?”

I felt my eyebrows pull together as well. “Last night, we had our first kiss. I kept messing up, but it was still amazing! Do you honestly not remember?” I asked Nick.

Nick shook his head no, he looked completely confused.

How did he forget, it happened didn’t it? I mean how could I dream all of that and not know that I was dreaming, that it was all my imagination?

“But we were watching ‘Finding Nemo’, and after the movie you walked me to my room, and then we kissed.” I said hoping to jog Nick’s memory.

His eyes grew in size. “Rina, you fell asleep during the movie.”

I felt my face drain of color, my face turning pale. “How did I end up back in the lounge then?”

“That’s simple,” Nick began. “I carried you. You aren’t that heavy.”

I covered my face behind my arm and hair. My arms were crossed on the table, my head resting on my forearm, while my hair was spread all over the table in little strands. It was all a dream, fake, not real. I felt so stupid. How could I not know that it was a dream, it seemed so real? Maybe it was too real.

“Don’t feel stupid.” Nick said, his hand rubbing up and down my back. “I’m your boyfriend, and I won’t judge you.”

“Nice to know.” I mumbled quietly under my breath. “How could I not feel stupid, I just humiliated myself?!” I said looking back up at him, a strand or two stuck on my face.

His chocolate brown eyes pouring into mine as he placed the loose strands behind my ear, his eyes never leaving mine. “Well I like you, and it’s nice to know that you had a dream about us having our first kiss together. Nick said. “Was I any good?” He said trying to lift the mood.

I pulled my eyes away from his, my face turning to the opposite direction. “Excuse me, I have to go call a friend.”

I got up and walked back into my sleeping quarters and singed unto AIM from my phone. I saw that my friend Chelsea was online, and clicked on her name. Chelsea is my friend because I trust her with my Jonas secret, and she likes them unlike my other school friends.

<3Nina: Hey Chelsea!, I need advice. = (

Nelsea<3:About you and Nick I guess? Sure, what’s wrong?

<3Nina:Last night I thought that Nick and I had kissed…

Nelsea<3:No way! AHHHH! Was he good, did you feel fireworks? Spill!

<3Nina:If you would let me finish. Lol. = ) It turns out that it was just a dream.. = /

Nelsea<3:Oh. O_O Wow. Did you tell him?

<3Nina:YES! And now I feel dumb.

Nelsea<3:Don’t feel dumb, it was a dream. Maybe it is trying to tell you something…

<3Nina:Like what?

Nelsea<3:I’m not sure, that’s what you have to figure out. But hey, I got to go. Good luck, and remember, Nina all the way! = D

I waited for her to log off before I logged out of AIM, and thought that about what she had said. I heard before that your dreams are often your conscious trying to tell you, or warn you about something. But what could it be trying to warn me about?

“Rina” Nick’s voice asked from the other side of the door.

“Come in.” I called.

Nick opened the door as the bus turned a corner, Nick’s hands searching for something to hold on top. “We’re here, you ready?”

I looked up at him smiling. “Yeah.” I got up and walked over next to Nick as we walked towards the front of the bus. “Hey Nick?”


“Can we forget about the whole dream kiss thing?” I asked.

Nick wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. “Sure, anything for you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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