Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 017

I was sitting on the side watching the meet and greet take place, and these fan girls never cease to amaze me. I noticed they cry, scream, or hyperventilate when they meet the brothers. And the JoBro’s face’s were pretty funny as well, they looked so lost when I girl came up to them crying. They would try to give her a hug, and she would just cry harder.

I looked down the line of girls; I estimated that there were about 32 left. All of which were trying to prep themselves, or trying their hardest to calm back down. I noticed one girl looked fine, her face wasn’t wet with tears, and she wasn’t hyperventilating. She was just looking straight head; her face was lit up with a beautiful smile. She was holding a gaze on somebody or something. I followed her gaze and I landed on Nick, who was signing a poster for a teary eyed fan. I looked back at her, the line was moving quickly and she was getting closer to the front.

All three brothers looked up to see the next fan in line, and then they welcomed her with hugs. I smiled when ever I saw them interacting with their fans. It always shows me that they really do care for their fans, and that they love them to death. I remember before I won the contest prize I started believing that the haters were right, that maybe we were being brainwashed. But being on this experience showed me that this isn’t brainwashing, this was dedication and hard work. Most of all it was a passion for a love, and they want to thank each and every fan, because they know without the fans they wouldn’t have made it this far.

I watched as the girl made her way over to the table, she walked with confidence, and grace.
Kevin, Joe, and Nick seemed to notice it as well. She was extremely beautiful, her tan skin seemed to glow, and her light brown hair reached her mid back. It was also pen straight, it looked natural, no dead ends from what I could tell. I caught of glimpse of her eyes while she was standing in line; her eyes were a beautiful blue. Very capturing, the saying ‘The eyes are the window to the soul’ fits her perfectly. It seemed like everything you should know was lying in her eyes.

She walked up to the table unfazed by who was right in front of her; she actually looked like she didn’t even know they were famous. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she had all of the brothers smiling, Nick teeth in all. She gave them all hugs, and they signed a couple of things. You know the normal poster, CD, and a forehead. I’m kidding by the way, not forehead was signed at this meet and greet.

Kevin pointed where I was sitting, and gestured for her to sit down in the chair next to mine. I sat up straight, and fixed the chair since I used it to support my feet earlier. She walked over to the chair, her white teeth shining as the light reflected off of them.

“Hello.” She said cheerfully. “I’m Laura.”

I looked down at her and smiled. “Hi I’m Rina; it’s nice to meet you.” I said sticking out my hand.

She mimicked me action and gave my hand a quick shake. “So what are you doing here?” She asked me.

I felt my foot tapping as ‘Video Girl’ started playing in one of the backrooms. “I won a contest prize and I get to spend a month with them on tour, but I only have a week and a half left.” I said sadly at the last part. “So what are you doing over here?” I asked out of pure curiosity.

Laura was looking down at her shoes, but I could still see her smile. “They said I wasn’t like every other fan, and that they wanted to hang out with me after the meet and greet. So here I am.”

I felt my smile soften a little. Did they want to hang out with her because she wasn’t like all of the other fans, or because she is beautiful? For some reason I felt like it was reason number two, I mean they way she had all of them smiling just seemed logical to me. I wanted to believe that it was the first one because she was different, but I just didn’t believe it.

“That’s cool; this is the first time they’ve done that when I was around. They must think you’re pretty special, you so lucky!” I replied truthfully. They must think she’s special, and she is lucky.

“Really,” She asked. “I’m the first one they invited to hang with them? Oh my gosh that is so cool!” She may not have acted like a normal fan girl around them, but I could tell she was.

“It is pretty awesome.” I didn’t really know what else to say to her, so I just tried to be nice and agree with whatever she said.

We both watched in silence as the boy continued meeting their loyal fans, most of which were teenage girls. I saw a couple of girls in their early twenties, a lot of teenagers, and a good bunch of little kids. I saw one little girl with an ‘I love Frankie’ poster, she asked Kevin if he would give it to him. All of the band members were surprised when it wasn’t a poster of them; I had to remember to taunt Kevin, Joe, and Nick with it later.

“So what are they like?” I heard Laura ask. “Are they really the same guy you see on TV?”
I kept my focus on the table while I answered her. “Yep, they’re the same boys you see on the TV screen. Their so real, and complete gentleman. Sure they get competitive when we play golf or something, but aren’t al boys that way?”

“You played golf with them?” I looked at her and she had her mouth hanging open.

I laughed lightly. “Yeah, it was me and Nick against Joe and Kevin. We totally cheated, but we still won.” I said as I rubbed my palms on my jeans.

“I know this is going to be personal, but do any of them have girlfriends?” Laura asked. She was looking down at her LG shine as she asked the question, the mirror reflecting her face.

I felt my palms grow even sweatier at her sudden question. “You know that’s none of my business really, I haven’t asked them about it. I haven’t seen them talking to anybody, but I also haven’t been following them around the bus asking them what they’re doing all of the time.” I didn’t know how she would take that, I mean I wanted to get the point of cross that it’s rude to ask, but also say it nicely.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t have asked, I’m sorry.” She said.

I felt as if a boulder had been lifted off my chest. I didn’t know if she would continue to press the topic, about me and a certain Jonas, or if she would get offended. “Don’t be sorry, you are human.” I stated smiling.

I then noticed that Nick or his brothers weren’t by the table anymore, but they were making their way over to us. “Hey guys.” I said as they stopped in front of us. “Great job, but then again you guys are always great.”

“Thanks Rina.” Joe said giving me a hug. “I see you two are friend right?”

“Best!” Laura yelled.

I looked at her and put on a fake smile when she wrapped her arms around me. “Ha ha, yep besties” I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her back, and put on a really good cheesy smile.

All three boys smiled at what they thought was a friendship. “Well how about we go play guitar hero, and have ourselves a little match off.” Kevin said as he rubbed his hands together, getting himself pumped to beat Joe.

Laura let go of me and skipped along with the brothers as I walked a little ways back, I didn’t want her to question me about the boys personal life anymore, I also didn’t want her to put me in the picture as well. She was walking by Nick, making her now the outside. Joe was in the middle, and then Kevin was on the other side. I decided to walk with the group; I put myself right next to Kevin.

We walked in to the boy’s dressing room, a couch, mini fridge, TV, and a mirror set up in the room. I notice that by the wall there was the game box, along with the two guitars. Joe and Kevin called first round, and quickly set up the game as Nick, Laura, and I sat on the couch. Nick’s hand occupied with a diet coke. Nick was on the far right edge of the couch, Laura in the middle, and I was on the far left. Laura was sitting right next to Nick, who was happily starting a conversation with her.

I lifted my knees up to my chest, my feet taking up all the extra room since Laura was to busy talking to my boyfriend. I watched Joe and Kevin battle each other, both of them trying to cheat and grab each other’s arm so they couldn’t win. All they were doing though was hurting their score, these boys will never learn.

“Aha, that’s so funny!” Laura giggled. She was sitting on her knees, her body faced towards
Nick. Her right elbow was rested up on the couch, her left on her left thigh. “Why don’t act like this at interviews, your hilarious!”

I mentally rolled my eyes, not wanting for anyone else to see. I don’t know what it was but she was making me mad, like the way she was all over Nick, giggling over him. It’s sickening. Then I heard her squealing, I looked over and saw him tickling her. I tried my best to forget it, but I couldn’t.

“I own you lil bro!” Kevin yelled, his arms thrown up in victory.

Joe mimicked Kevin. “Ahaha, no.” Joe set down the guitar and walked over to the stool by the couch.

“Laura, do you wanna play me?” Kevin asked.”Or will you be like Joe and get owned?” Kevin was playfully glaring at Joe, while Joe was giving Kevin the real glare.

I looked over at Laura to see what she would say. She brought her right arm back; it was wrestling her left hand in her lap. “I don’t know how to play.” She said looking down.

I smirked to myself, I could play Kevin and beat is badonkadonk like that. I was about to get up and walk over to the other controller and show off when Nic said he would help her. So Nick helped Laura up and walked her over to the other controller.

“Ok so you put neck in your left hand, and all you do it press buttons that has the same color as the lines on the screen when they get here.” Nick pointed. “And you use the whammy when you have long notes, all you do is this.” Nick should her how to do all of the techniques.

The game started and Kevin didn’t even have to cheat to win, Laura sucked. She kept pressing all of the wrong buttons, or she would hit them too late.

“Nick?” She asked. “Help me?”

Nick got up and wrapped his arms around her like he did with me that day we went golfing, his hand on hers, pressing the button in rhythm with the screen, and Kevin.

I felt anger ripped throw me; I felt tears build up in my eyes. Nick was laughing, and smiling with her. I had never seen him this happy around me; he couldn’t control his laughter around her. I got up and walked out of the room, Nick not noticing me leave.

I jogged towards the exit; all I could think about was Nick liking her instead of me. I pushed my tears back as I heard some voice around the corner; it was just some more of the backstage crew. I smiled faintly as I rushed past them and out to the bus.

I stepped out in the chilly air, but that didn’t bother me a bit. I slowed my pace to a walk, my hands wiping away some of the tears that had managed to find their way to their bridge of my eye lid again. I walked over to the bus, praying that it wasn’t locked. Thankfully it wasn’t and the warm heat rushed out of the oversized bus when I walked in.

I stopped and listened to see if anybody else was one the bus, but all I heard was silence. I drugged my tired feet into the back lounge and turned the TV on, but had it on mute. I walked over to my clean pile of clothes and pulled out my PJ’s, along with a clean towel. All I needed was a nice warm shower, and a nice warm shower is what I am going to get.


I picked up my wet towel off of the ground and made sure my PJ’s weren’t exposing any skin when I walked back into the back lounge when I was finished getting dressed, I had taken a pretty long shower and I’m sure the boys would be back soon if Laura wasn’t capturing all of their hearts.

I admit I’m jealous, the way she made Nick happy made me angry. She had no right being all over him like that, and he no right to lead her on. Am I right? I felt like Nick was going to love her, and only like me. Nick was flirting with her no doubt about it, I just don’t know why.
I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to rid all of the thoughts that were flooding my mind. I walked over to thee pull out couch and pulled the sheets back. I sat down, and pulled the covers back over on top of me. I grabbed the remote and turned the volume on, then flipped through the channels.

I landed on Boy Meets World when I heard a knock on my door. “Come in.” I said as I watched as the opening credits began to play.

“Hey.” Nick’s voice called from the door.

I looked over at him, and then back up at the TV. “Hi.”

Nick walked over to the bed and sat down at the foot of it. “Why did you leave so suddenly?”
I didn’t look at him directly, but my peripheral l vision allowed me to see everything he did. “Because.”

I heard Nick sigh. “Please tell me, don’t just block me out. What did I do, was it Laura? She said you guys became friends.” Nick said.

I didn’t speak for a minute; I was trying to decide what I should say. Should I be one of those girl friends who block their boyfriends out, or be the good girlfriend? “I’m not friends with her anymore, I never was.” I said as I focused harder on the TV screen.

“Then why did you leave?” Nick asked.

I looked down at the outline of my feet. “I don’t like seeing some girl flirting with my boyfriend, and I didn’t like seeing him flirt back.” I said.

I looked at Nick quickly to see his reaction. He was looking start at me. “Rina, I didn’t mean to flirt with her. I was being nice, and I guess I just got carried away.”

“How do you get carried away with flirting when your girlfriend is in the same room?” I asked, my voice becoming squeaky.

“What did you want me to do Rina?” Nick began, he voice rising. “Say I can’t associate with you because my girlfriend who is going us on tour is with me? I couldn’t do that, because then everybody would now about us.”

“I’m sorry!” I blurted out. “I’m sorry that I got jealous and left.” I felt the tears boiling back up to the surface.

I could see Nick scooting closer to me. “Why would you be jealous?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess because she was so beautiful and I could tell that she liked you, I thought you wouldn’t like me anymore.”

Nick scooted over right next to me, each of his hands on both sides of my face. “I could never like somebody more than you, don’t you see that Rina? Sure she’s pretty, but you’re beautiful.”

I felt my body grow numb, no boy has ever called me that. “No one has ever told me I was beautiful.” I told him.

“Well you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” Nick whispered. “Rina, I like you a lot, and some pretty face won’t change the way I feel about you.”

I couldn’t speak, I felt like if I opened my mouth I was going to hurl. I sat there just blinking at him, chills slowly made their way down my body.

“You’re the girl I think about as I drift to sleep; you’re the girl I sign my heart out to when I’m on stage. Rina, you’re making this tour special, without you I wouldn’t be happy. Rina, I think I may love you.” Nick said

“Am I dreaming?” I asked, I didn’t know if this was like the dream or what.

Nick smiled. “Only if we’re having the same dream. Does it scare you?” Nick asked.

“Does what scare me?”

Nick closed his eye. “That I think I may love you.”

I felt my stomach turning. Did it scare me? Yes, I was petrified. But did I feel the same way? I wasn’t sure. “I-I don’t know if I feel the same way, and it does scare me.”

“OK, that’s all I need to know. I won’t say it, until you become comfortable, if you ever become comfortable.” Nick said as he brushed his fingers through my hair. “Good night Rina and I’m sorry that I upset you earlier, I didn’t mean to.”

“Good night Nicholas and I’m sorry I got jealous.” I said barely above a whisper.

Nick smiled, and pressed his lips to my forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning Nina.” Nick walked out of the room, turned off the light and shut the door.

Nick Jonas thinks he loves me…..
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