Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 018

“Rina, Rina wake up.” I heard someone calling my name.

I turned my head to the left, my eyes still shut. “I’m awake.” I said, it wasn’t to conniving though. It felt as if I had just fallen asleep, and now I’m being forced awake by Nick.

“Rina,” Nick pressed. “You don’t have to get ready; we’re going on the plane. Do I need to carry you?” I could hear the smirk playing on Nick’s lips as I mentally counted sheep, hoping that somehow I would be able to block him out and continue sleeping.

I rubbed my eyes as I answered him. “Plane, where are we going?” I asked, my eyes opening slowly, then collapsing again. I swear, it’s to early for this.

“The sooner you get up, the sooner we got on the plane, the sooner we get on the plane the sooner we get there. So let’s get you up.” Nick said as he lifted me up bridal style in his arms.

I was to tired to reject, so I just moved around trying to get comfortable. “What time is it?” I asked as I finally felt at ease.

I still had my eyes closed, so I couldn’t see Nick, but I could still picture his expression. “Umm, around 4:02.” I pictured his eyebrows pulled together, his lips pulled into a puckered out a little.

I flung my head back, my head hanging in mid air. “Two words Nicholas: to early.” I groaned.

“Yeah tell me about it, I have to carry you.” Nick began; I could hear his quite laughter in his chest. “Man my arms are killing me.”

I playfully kicked his side. “Watch it mister rock star, you don’t wanna lose your panties do you?” I said smirking. I was never going to drop that threat; it was to threatening for them to turn down.

“You’re still gonna to do that?” Nick asked, a dash of nervousness in his angelic voice.

I felt my smile growing. “Of course, I won’t stop using it against you.”

I felt Nick stop in his tracks, he’s arms moving. “Well then you can walk yourself.” Nick said as he put me on the ground.

I felt my feet hit the cold pavement, I suddenly began shivering. “Fine, I don’t care. I wouldn’t want to throw out Nick Jonas’s arms anyway, I can walk.” I said crossing my arms to my chest and speeding off to the plane, which was just a couple yards away.

“Rina,” I heard Nick call, “I was kidding!”

I stopped walking, I didn’t turn around though. I tried my best to hide my smile; little did he know I was kidding too. I heard Nick’s breathing before I actually saw him, his curls all sprung out in different directions.

“I was kidding.” Nick said as we walked some more.

“I know, I was kidding too!” I told him as I jumped up and down as we reached the plane. “You feel for it, haha!” I said sticking out my tongue.

Nick looked at me weirdly. “Your mood just rapidly changed.”

I felt my face straighten up. “I’m a girl, sue me.” I said waving my hand as we walked up into the private plane.

Once we were inside Big Rob closed the door. “OK, we’ll be leaving in fifteen minutes; you guys just hang out for now.”

Joe and Kevin went and sat down on the couch, while Mrs. and Mr. Jonas tried their best to clean up a little bit, Frankie was fast asleep on the other end of couch.

“Yeah, I don’t think I would sue my girlfriend.” Nick said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my right shoulder. “I don’t wanna sue you, your to beautiful.” Nick said smiling.

Felt a smile creep on my face, he really was to sweet. “Aw thanks, I don’t think I could sue my boyfriend either.” I lifted my arm up to his face, and patted his check gently. “Let’s sit, I’m about to pass out again.” Then right on cue I let out a yawn.

Nick and I walked over to the couch; the sofa was so large it could fit about 20 people. I sat down on the other side, Nick followed right behind me. “Do you want a pillow or anything?” Nick asked as I laid down on the couch, my legs thrown across Nick’s lap.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “No thank you, thanks for asking though.” I said politely.

I laid still as I felt Nick drawing little doodles on my ankles with his finger, the plane inching forward. I grabbed Nick’s hands as the front of the plane touched off the ground, the rest of the plane flowing behind. I debated whether or not I should sit up and put my seatbelt on, but then we quickly came to a level flight. I smiled to myself when Nick gave my hand a quick squeeze of reassurance, then tightening the hold on my fingers.

“Night…well morning.” I said as I dozed off into another peaceful slumber.

“Night Rina, sweet dreams.” Nick was the last thing before I went into unconsciousness.


I woke up, having a video camera stuck in my face. “Joseph Adam Jonas!” I scolded.

The silver recorder was removed in less than one second, reveling Joe who look utterly dumbfounded. “Oh my gosh, you sounded just like my mommy. Oh man that was scary, never do that again!” Joe begged.

I continued to scowl him. “Well then never stick a video camera in my face, and you won’t have to worry about that now will you?” I said as a smile crept on my lips. “Was that thing on?” I tried my best to pull back on my serious face.

Joe looked down at the little red light on the front of the camera, then back up at me. “No?” Joe asked.

I playfully glared at him. “Joseph Adam Jonas!” I got up and ran around the small space on the plane chasing after Joe who was screaming like a little girl.

“Ah, Nick help me, help me Nick!” Joe yelled. His arms stretched out in front of him, his head turned back slightly. Oh and let’s forget his face, it looked identical to the cartons when people are being chased.

I followed Joe as best as I could, I was gaining on him until a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I was being pulled into the seat, Nick then sitting beside me.

“Why did you stop me?” I asked Nick, and then I quickly looked at Joe. “What did you tape?”

Joe looked around the room avoiding my gaze. “You know, you and Nick sleeping. So cute!” Joe exclaimed like a girl.

I felt myself blush a deep red. “Real mature Joe.” I looked away from Joe and walked over to the window and looked at the ground below us, Nick mimicked my actions and was by my side. “Where are we, all I see is water?”

I looked over and saw Nick smiling. “Just keep watching,” Nick said simply. “You’ll see a major give away soon, I also have a surprise for you.”

I let out an over exaggerated sigh. “You don’t have to do anything for me, I already told you that.” I said looking at Nick, he was still facing the water, fishing boats scattered around here and there.

“I know,” Nick answered. “I want to though, and you can’t get me to change my mind.” Nick took his eyes off of the water to look to me, his teeth flashing behind his smile. “OK, watch, its coming up.” Nick said eagerly.

I looked back out of the window; a ferry was making its way somewhere. I leaned forward, my face pressed to the glass. There were clouds in the sky, making it hard to see, but as the plane flew through the sky the clouds moved past us, making the view easier.

I felt my mouth drop as I saw the area. “Nick, are we seriously in New York?” I asked as I saw the Statue of Liberty standing tall and mighty on Ellis Island. “We’re in freaking New York!” I squealed. “Oh my gosh, I’m on the other side of the country, I have to call my parents and tell them!” I fumbled around for my phone and texted my parent since my phone was almost out of battery.

Nick laughed. “I think you like New York right?” Nick asked.

I closed my phone and looked at him. “Like, more like love! My friends got to go last year, but my mom didn’t want to pay so I had to spend summer in Cali by my lonesome. But hey, now
I’m here with my favorite band, slash boyfriend with his family. What could be better?” I asked.

“The surprise I have for you tonight, well I hope it can top this.” Nick said as we turned back around and buckled our seatbelts in, time for the landing.

I grabbed Nick’s hand as the plane started to decrease in the altitude. “What is it?” I asked.

Nick looked at me and shook his head. “I’m not going to tell you, you’ll see once it’s time.” Nick laughed.

I pulled my eyebrows together. “Fine, but can you at least tell me when it’s time?”

Nick sighed. “Here I’ll tell you know, around dinner; so in about thirteen hours.” Nick smirked as I groaned.

“What are we doing here anyway?” I asked as then plane came to a stop.

“Good Morning America, this is the handsome Joe Jonas here to wake all of you fine people
up this beautiful day.” Joe practiced as took of his seatbelt and took out the camera again before turning it on and turning it to himself.”Joe Jonas here, we’re in New York, should be a good day, because I’m here!” Joe said to the camera.

“Just keep telling yourself that Joe.” Kevin yelled to the camera. “We all know it’s because I’m here.” Kevin corrected Joe.

Joe scoffed as he turned the camera to Kevin. “And you tell me to keep telling myself that, take your own advice K2.”

Kevin quickly tied his shoe before jogging over to Joe and tried taking the recorder away from him, but Joe only fought back.

“Brotherly love is so loving.” I said sarcastically to Nick as we walked down the steps and to the ground where some crew workers were waiting.

“I’m Phillip, or Philly. I have the pleasure of escorting you guys to the studio, so if you will follow me.” Philly said as he turned around walked towards a black limo.

I stifled a laugh when Joe repeated ‘Philly’, and I laughed harder when I noticed the bald spot on the back of his head. I was walking between Joe and Mrs. Jonas when we reached the limo, I also sat in that order too.

We talked about what we would be doing today after Good Morning America, and nothing about the surprise was brought up. All that was happening after words was some free time to hang out, and then the boys had a photo shoot with a magazine.

We reached the studio, and the boys were rushed off to hair and wardrobe. While the rest of the Jonas Clan and I walked to the side stage and watched as fans and their parents began to fill the area.

“Rina?” Mrs. Jonas asked me.

I looked to my right and saw her warm smile. “Yes ma’am?”

“Nick wants me to take you dress shopping for your surprise tonight, so after this while they are at the shoot you and I will be roaming the streets for the perfect dress.” She said as Chris Cuomo came out on stage.

Chris was handed a microphone from one of the workers, turned it on then spoke to the awaiting crowed. “One of the most popular bands in America right now is here today, and of course I’m talking about the one and only Jonas Brothers!” Chris took a moment for the screams to die down before he continued. “Well here they are to sing ‘Tonight’!” After Chris finished he ran off stage and stood by Mr. Jonas.

“You ready?”Mrs. Denise asked as the boys ran on stage.

“What about the boys?” I asked as they started playing the first verse.

“We won’t have enough time to go shopping then.” She said as she watched her three boys. “I already asked Nick, he agreed.

“Ok then, let’s get shopping.” I said” as I watched Nick.

He looked over at me and gave a smile, then focused his attention back to the crowed. I smiled back, and then followed Mrs. Jonas out to the SUV. “So where are we heading off to first?” I asked as I sat down and buckled my seatbelt.

“Well I was doing some looking last night on Nick’s laptop, and I saw this store which has a very cute dress that will look beautiful on you. So we are going to go try that on, and then if you like it we will go find shoes and some accessories.” Mrs. Jonas said as we drove out of the secluded parking lot.

I tried asking her some details about tonight but she didn’t say a word, she said that Nick had specifically told her not to tell me a word. That darn Nick. We talked about what I would be doing after the month was over; I gave her the honest answer. Absolutely nothing, zip, nada, zero. We arrived at the store when she said something that made my stomach flip.

“Well if it’s OK with your parents your more than welcomed to stay with us into school starts.”

I stopped at the intranet of the store. “You’re kidding right, you wouldn’t mind?” I asked as I finally got my feet to move.

Mrs. Jonas smiled. “No we wouldn’t mind, your no problem at all. You’re nice, trusting, and truthfully I’m glad there’s another woman on the tour with me.” She said as we made our way over to the counter where a perky lady stood waiting to help someone. “Denise Jonas.” Mrs. Jonas said, the lady nodded then disappeared into the back room to retrieve the dress.

A few minutes later she came back with a black and white dress in her hands. The dress was silky smooth, with very thin straps, and a white wrap just under the chest. “Oh my gosh, it’s so beautiful!” I said as I marveled the dress.

“Well go try it on.” Mrs. Jonas urged, practically pushing me to the dressing rooms.

Once I had the dress on my thin body I opened the door and slowly spun around so Mrs. Jonas could see all of the dress. “It’s beautiful Rina; I know Nick will love it on you.”

“I like it too, so is the one?” I asked her.

Mrs. Denise nodded and pulled out her debt card. “I think it is, go change back into your clothes, we have to go get shoes, accessories, get your hair done, ah! I wish I had a daughter.” She said laughing.

I continued smiling as I changed back into my regular clothes, I could be her daughter any day. I opened the door, dress in hand as we walked outside of the store and to a little boutique next door.

“So we are getting shoes, necklace, bracelet, and earrings.” Mrs. Jonas said as we walked into the small store.

“I can use some of my own jewelry; you don’t have to buy anything.” I offered as she shushed me.

“Let me have my fun and spoil you, lord knows I always wanted a girl I could spoil with girly stuff. Love the boys, but they wouldn’t want to go shopping for dresser, or go get jewelry.”
She said as she walked over to the shoe section, her eyes looking over a pair of black heels.

“I see your point now, glad I could help you. How about these?” I held up five rings of bracelets. Three blacks ones, and 2 white ones. “Love the shoes!” I said as she held up the shoes that she had taken a liking to.

Mrs. Jonas walked up to me and put the shoes on the ground and looked over the bracelets. “I like these, so now earrings, and bracelets.”

I put the shoes on and they fit perfectly on my average sized feet.

Once we were done with all of our shopping we walked over to the cashier and handed her all of the items. The shoes, bracelets, a black guitar necklace, and black diamond shaped earrings. “Thank you so much Mrs. Denise.”

“No problem, are you ready for your hair? Can you believe it’s almost time for your surprise? We’ve been shopping in this store for ten hours!” She said as we walked over to the SUV.

“You’re kidding me, man my mom would never let me shop for that long. Thank you again!” I said as I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket.

I can’t wait to see you tonight, you’ll be the most beautiful thing in the sky, well in the whole world for that matter. See you in a couple hours. = ) Nick.


I was on my way to the limo outside, Nick had sent it to pick me up and get me halfway to the surprise. I was changed into the outfit Mrs. Denis and I had picked out, although we should’ve gotten a jacket. I walked outside, the sky was dark, and the air was chilly.

I walked over to the limo, and limo driver opened and closed the door for me before walking around to the driver seat. I looked up at the roof of the limo and saw my reflection, my hair was pin straight, it looked so healthy I was determined to make it look this way every day.

I looked outside of the window as I drove past the New York area, we finally stopped at the harbor. I stepped out of the limo when the door opened, the scent of salt water filled my nose. The wind whipped my hair around my face, I tried my best to have my fingers try and unknot my hair. I looked around and saw a man holding a sign with my name by a ferry, confused I walked over to him.

“Are you Rina Smits?” He asked.

I nodded my head; my shyness was taking over again.

“Well follow me and we’ll be at the surprise.” He said as he put the sign under his arm, and started walking over to the small boat.

I followed behind him, and hesitantly placed one foot on the wobbly boat. The man extended his hand out to me and helped me onto the boat. “You can take a seat if you’re uncomfortable standing up.” The man added.

I nodded and sat down, the boat then slowly making it’s away from the dock. I looked down at the white dots on my dress as the boat made its way father into the water, the only sound I really paid any attention to was the splashing of the water hitting the boat.

Five minutes passed when the boat finally stopped, the slapping of the water didn’t. I looked up from my current distraction and saw stone.

“Your date is just up the stairs ma’am.” The man said.

I said my thanks and walked off the boat and up the stone stairs. I looked up and saw the Statue of Liberty, she looked so much bigger up front.

“You like it?” I heard Nick’s voice ask from beside me.

“This is…wow. Nick, wow.” I was still gazing up at the statue when Nick linked our hands together and started walking over to the entrance of the monument.

“Just wait, I think you’ll like what’s coming up. Did you bring a change of shoes?” Nick asked.

I peeled my eyes are from the lady and back at Nick. “No, why?”

Nick laughed. “Take your shoes off, you’ll thank me later.”

I slipped off my heels and put them under my right arm as we started walking up the stairs.
I told Nick about what his mother offered me, and he said that I should ask my parents as soon as I can. I knew he would agree, but it did give me more confidence when he said he wanted me to tag along too.

After about an hour and a half of talking about everything and anything we could possibly think of we had reached the crown of the Statue of Liberty. My feet were killing me, and I wanted to sit down and do nothing ever again.

“Thanks for telling me to take my shoes off. “ I said as I slipped them back on.

“Well just remember about the trip back down.” Nick grinned.

Nick grabbed my hand and open up a small door, being the gentleman he let me walk to the outside first. The temperature was even colder up here then down on the ground, I shivered and automatically rubbed my arms with my hands.

Nick shrugged off his jacket and slipped my arms into it, then laced our fingers together again. “Come on, I want to show you something.

Nick lead me around a couple turns before stopping in front of a table for two. “Sorry about being inside of the statue, the torch was off limits.” Nick said as he walked me over to my seat.

“It’s no problem, I’m scared of heights-“ I began.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t know, we can leave.” Nick suggested.

I laughed at his reaction. “No, it’s fine. I know you didn’t know about my fear, and I trust you so I don’t mind beginning up here.” I said as I looked around at the inside of the crown. I stood up and walked over to the opening in the crown and looked out over the to the city. “It’s so beautiful, thank you Nick for bringing me here.”

“You’re the most beautiful thing in the sky, well in the whole world for that matter.” Nick said as slipped his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him. He had his chin resting on my shoulder again, but this time his face was facing my.

I turned my head to the left and blushed, I couldn’t quite smiling. “I don’t know what to say but thank you, but I feel like I’ve said it to much today.” I said turning back to him.

Nick’s face was less than an inch away from mine. “You’re welcome.” Nick breathed.

I was looking down at Nicks lips, when he started leaning in.

“Dinner is served.” A man said holding a platter of food.

Nick and I both smiled, and laughed. “If only Joe were here to say awkward.” I said as I pulled Nick back to the table.

“Your right, we’ll eat up, we’ve got a long way back down.” Nick reminded me.

“Oh yes, the stair case of hell, should be lovely.” I said sarcastically.

I gathered some corn on my spoon, bringing it up to my lips. How in the world did I get so lucky to be dating the Nick Jonas, what did I do to deserve all of this. Nothing, absently nothing.
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