Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 019

I was leaning against the back of the elevator with Maya, we had meet up last night after Nick and I had gotten back from our date. Maya and her mom had planned to meet us over in New York, and so Maya and I decided that we would share a room together since we were the only girls near the same age.

I heard Maya breathing, and the sound of the elevator rolling down the cable cord down to the lobby where Maya and I would get some starbucks. I groaned and closed my eyes. “Maya, how do you get so used to getting up early?” I asked as the elevator beep, the doors allowing us to the lobby.

“I’ll let you in on the little secret we have here: practice, dedication, and hard work.” She said as we walked down the freshly waxed hallway, the reflection of the lights beaming off the floor.

I smiled faintly as I smelt the coffee beans. “We’ll I think it’s to late for me to practice, I’m leaving in half a week.” I said as we walked into the empty store, only the workers occupied the area.

We reached the counter, our arms on the top and our fingers flipping through our wallets for some money. “I thought you were gonna stay for an extra month, until school started.” Maya said looking over at me, a fifty in her right hand.

I scrunched up my face. “I don’t know what my mom will say, like she knows everything that has happened so far on the tour,” I said, my eyes staring into hers so she knew what I was talking about. She nodded her head motioning for me to continue. “I just don’t think she’ll let me. I mean I’m the oldest, my little brother and sister say they miss me, I’m just a homebody person.”

“Well that’s dumb,” Maya said after I finished ordering and we were over at a table in the corner. “If you leave I won’t have another girl to talk to, not that I mind talking to the boys, it’s just nice to have another girl around. Plus, Nick will be sad, and if Nick’s sad then the performances won’t be as good. If the performances aren’t good then the fans will be upset, and the press will get all in Nick’s business about what’s wrong with him, then it could possibly lead to you.” She said, “Oh, I have an idea! You will then be forced to stay on tour again, or else fans will kill you because you made Nick sad.” She said smiling evilly.

I looked at her, my mouth curled up in a shocked smile. “Wouldn’t they kill me because I’m dating him, not because I made him sad?” I asked as more people walked into the store.

“Nope,” She smiled as the man called out names. “Either way you’re gonna get hunted down and killed, I’m just giving you a head’s up.”

We were walking back to the elevator when Garbo made his way over to the clerk. “Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be sure to go hide for the rest of my life.” I scoffed as we pressed level 12 on the elevator button. “That reminds me, my friend Chelsea said she had multiple dreams of me dying from some guy sitting on me, or something. I wonder if the fans will pay him to kill me.” I joked as we began rising of the lobby floor.

“Yeah probably,” Maya laughed as the elevator beep, the doors opening on the 12 floor.

“You’re so nice Maya,” I said as we walked over to our rooms, my hand searching my pocket for the room key. I flipped the card around so it was facing the right way, then slide it through the scanner on the door. Maya pushed down the hand when the door popped up slightly, then we entered the dark room.

“Boo!” Joe yelled, Nick and Kevin behind him.

I walked past by Joe completely unfazed while Maya almost dropped her hot Chocó from starbucks. “Good job Joseph,” I mocked as I walked over to the kitchen counter, I sat up on the bar stool, my warm drink standing on the grey granite.

“Good job Joseph,” Joe mimicked in a whiny tone.

“Why did you get us starbucks?” Kevin asked after he took a gulp of Maya’s.

“Sorry, we didn’t really think about it, we just kinda got caught up in girl talk.” I apologized as Nick walked over to me, his chin resting on the top of my head as his hands rubbed my arms.

“What kind of girl talk, boys?” Nick asked.

Maya looked at me smiling. “I guess you could say that, we were talking about you.” I smacked my head and smiled, this should be interesting.

I felt Nick’s chin leave the top of my head, his arms on my shoulder. I looked up at him and saw him looking from Maya and me. “Oh well that’s cool. What about me?” He asked unsure if he should have asked.

Maya jumped at the opportunities to tell him. “Well, since you asked I guess I can tell you. We’re talking about how if she leaves your fans will pay some guy to kill Rina because if she leaves you’ll be sad, and that she has to stay.”

Joe nodded. “Yep that sounds about right.”

I groaned. “I am now officially afraid to live, thanks guys!” I said sarcastically. “So does this mean I get big Rob now?”

“Nope sorry, big Rob is ours. Haha!” Kevin mocked as he eyed my untouched coffee. “You gonna drink that?”

“Nope sorry, the coffee is mine. Haha!” I mocked.

“Time to head out,” Big Rob said as he opened up the door with his key card that allowed him in every room in the entire hotel.

We all stood up and made our way over to the door, Nick had his arm wrapped my waist until we reached the door. Then we both split up and moved away from each other, the red in my cheeks still there though.

“So where are we going?” I asked as walked over to the stairs case, rather than the elevator.

“I am going to go get some coffee from starbucks, since some people are rude and didn’t get me any!” Kevin said as he walked down the stairs two at a time.

“Sorry!” Maya and I said as we walked slowly behind the others. “Girl talk!” We both said at the same time.

We continued walking down the numerous flights of stairs, a few small conversations here and there, but mostly we tried to be quite so we wouldn’t wake any of the sleeping guests.

Nick had stopped and waited for Maya and I to reach him, and when we did he made himself comfortable in between us, his arms thrown over each of our shoulders as we
continued our way to the back entrance.

“My two favorite girls,” Nick said. “That was cheesy huh?”

I nodded. “Yeah, just a little bit.” I laughed as Nick stared me down.

Nick wrapped his arm around my neck, and used the arm that was around Maya to grab my coffee. “Payback for all the times you’ve stolen my diet soda.” Nick said before he drank my hot chocolate with mint. “Hey this is good.” Nick said.

“Yeah now you know why I drink it, it’s really good with the black and white cookies too!” I said as I tried to pry Nick’s arms from around my throat. “Nick I can’t see where I’m going stop, please.”

Nick let loose on his hold on me, but still had my drink in his grasp. “Almost done, only 2 more floors.” Nick said as he took one more sip before allowing me to take back my hot chocolate.

“Not as bad as the Statue of Liberty, but still a long walk.” I said.

Maya whipped her had towards Nick and I. “You took her to the Statue of Liberty? Rina Smits, why didn’t you tell me this?”

I looked up at Nick for help; he just looked back down at me with sympathetic eyes. “I-I, you didn’t ask where we went.”

“Well still, that’s big freaking news, I feel unloved!” Maya said as she crossed her arms to her chest. “You’re going to tell me everything, come on.” Maya grabbed my arm and dragged me own the remaining stairs, once we were out of ear shot Maya shot questions at me.

“Hey, not here, let’s go in the SUV.” I grabbed her arm and ran towards the vehicle where her mom was waiting. We said a quick hello then I was shoved into the backseat where I was forced to tell Maya everything.

I quickly told her everything, she grew a smile with each word that I shared about the date.

“So, do you like love Nick?” She asked.

I looked down at the carpet, “I don’t know, I’m fourteen, he’s sixteen. I’m to young to know what that is.” I said as I felt my skin start burning. “Like I like him a lot, and I don’t want to be away from him, but I don’t know what love is.”

Maya sighed. “Fair enough, he loves you though. You do know that right?”

I felt my stomach turn queasy, my face scrunched up. “That scares me to death, it gives my butterflies, makes me feel sick to my stomach, but it’s indescribable knowing that he loves me.”

Maya scooted closer to me; she had a look of determination on her face. “Listen to me, and listen to me good. I know Nick loves you, he’s always careful about what he says and what not in front of people, but I saw that around you he’s not afraid to be himself. The way he talks about you, it’s like you’re the only one he knows, like you’re the only thing that matters to him. The way he described you, it was like you were and angel, like you were the perfect girl for him. I know Nick better than a lot of people; I know that he’s crazy about you. He knows you don’t feel the same, he’s giving you time, he’s holding himself back so he won’t scare you away.” Maya said, what she was saying made me want to puke. “Please don’t hurt him, he’s my best friend, and if he gets hurt than I’ll be hurt. I’ve never fall for someone so quickly, he liked you since you first came on this tour, and so both he and I know that what he is feeling is real.”

I grabbed my stomach and smacked my hand over my mouth. “I feel sick,” I mumbled through my hand.

“I think you’re starting to love him to, or else you wouldn’t have felt like that.” Maya smiled, the voices of the boys coming up near the car. “You’re riding with the boy’s right, in the plane?”

I nodded as the passenger doors opened, Nick getting in next to me, Joe and Maya switching spots, Kevin in the passenger, Big Rob in the driver seat. “Bye Maya!” I yelled as she waved and Joe shut the door.

Nick grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together. I thought about what Maya had said, and I felt my stomach do little flips. I looked up at Nick, who looked down at me after he noticed me looking at him.

“What?” Nick laughed.

I smiled up at him, my blood becoming warm. “Nothing.” I rested my head on his shoulder, his right hand wrapped around our bodies and started running through my hair.


We were on the plane, it was different we didn’t have the room to get up and walk around like the other one. I had my video camera out, I was tapping Joe and Kevin sleeping. Kevin was out, and Joe was nodding off to sleep.

“Hey, video tape them sleeping, then move over to me and I’ll jump awake!” Nick whispered.

I smiled at what he was planning to do, but turned on my video camera and moved the camera down the brothers. Kevin was sleeping, Joe was nodding out of sleeping, then here was Nick who was pretending to be asleep, then he jump awake with the creepiest face ever. I had to bit my lips to contain my laughter.

Nick pulled back and grabbed a bag of peanuts off the ground as Joe sat up, Kevin was still passed out. Nick pouted out a couple peanuts, and then threw them in his mouth, nodding his head. I zoomed in on Joe who was about to collapse completely again.

I closed the camera and put it in my bag, Nick throw a peanut at me. I smiled at threw it back, Mr. Jonas gave us a look and we stopped, but then started laughing.

“Did you ever talk to your mom about staying an extra month?” Nick asked as the helicopter circled the landing pad.

“No, I’m about to call her as soon as we get in the SUV again.” I said as I took out my phone.

Nick smiled reassuringly as the plane began to land; it rocked for a while, but the soon stood still. Nick and I got up after waking up two very cranky Jonas boys, then we made our way over to the SUV. Once inside I flipped open my phone and pressed speed dial number two.

I buckled my seat belt, then placed my hand on my leg, which was soon taken into Nick’s grasp. I was waiting for my mom to answer while Nick played with my fingers.

“Hello?” My mom asked.

“Hey mommy!” I said, my lips turning up into a smile. “Um, can I ask you something?”

“Sure what is it Rina?” My mom asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“You know that Nick and I are together right? Well Mrs. Denise said that I could stay an extra month till school started, if it was okay with you. So is it OK if I stay an extra month?”

I heard my mom exhale; I could picture her running her hand through her hair as she thought about it. I was biting my lip while I waited for her to answer; even Nick stopped what he was doing at tried to read my expression. “Honey I don’t think so, I really miss you-“

“Mom?” I begged.

“No Rina, the contest prize was a month. Once this month is over you’re coming back home, I’m sorry Rina. I’ll talk to you later, bye baby.”

“Bye mom,” I closed my phone and looked at Nick. “My mom said no, I’m sorry.”

Nick pulled me into a hug, his hand rubbing up and down my back. “No you’re mom is right, you should go home. We’ll just have to spend the rest of the time we have together wisely, every single moment will be special.” Nick promised.

“Yeah I guess,” I mumbled against Nick’s shoulder. “Thank you for everything.”

I heard Nick take a deep breath. “No thank you,”

“Hey hey, scoot over, Joe needs to sleep.” Joe demanded, shoving Nick and I against the right side of the SUV.

“I don’t like cranky Joe,” I whispered into Nick’s ear.

“Yeah me either.” Nick laughed.

Nick wrapped his arm around my waist and rested his head on mine, he soon fell asleep snoring lightly. I looked over at him and brushed my hand on Nick’s face, the skin that touched his skin tingled for a while, I felt my heart beating faster.

How do you know if you love somebody, how do you know if it’s all right? I thought.

You don’t, and that’s what so special about it.
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