Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 021

I wrestled with my fingers as the limo inched up to the red carpet slowly; the chit chat of the crowd grew louder. I leaned my head against the window, the tint of the window made it hard to see how many limos were in front of us. I sighed as I felt the limo inch forward once more, the flash of the paparazzi making me see light stars.

“You guys ready?” Big Rob asked.

I gave a weak smile, it was the best I could do for now. “I am?” I tried to make it seem confident, but it came out as a question.

Nick scooted over next to me, his hand giving my sweaty one a squeeze. “It’ll be OK Ray; we’ll be with you the whole time. Or if you want you can go with Maya and just go straight in for the seats.”

I weighed each decision carefully. I really wanted to experience the red carpet, but all of the people; all of the lights may be too much for me. “I don’t know.” I said looking at Nick, then glancing over to Big Rob. “I want to walk, but I don’t.”

“Well,” Big Rob started. “Not trying to rush you, but we need a decision right now.” He pointed to the window. The beginning of the carpet was filled with other stars, reporters, and of course Ryan Seacrest.

I panicked. “Fine I’ll walk with you guys.” I said quickly, my hands slapping over my mouth once I spit the words out.

“You will?” Nick asked happily. “This will be so much fun, you’ll enjoy yourself, I promise!” I felt the corners of my mouth turn up into a smile. I trusted Nick, and I knew that he wouldn’t say something if he knew it wasn’t the best thing for me.

I gave shaky sigh. “Why am I so nervous? Were you guys nervous for your first red carpet?” I asked, hoping that I could get some reassurance.

“Well actually,” Joe started. Nick gave him a little glare, Joe’s cheesy smile was then gone from his face in a second. “Yeah, we were terrified. Especially little Nicky-poo, the one sitting right next to you.” Joe said, the smirk returned before Kevin slapped the back of Joe’s raven black hair. “Hey!”

I laughed. “Thanks, nice to know the guy I’m trusting was scared as well.”

“Well…..uh….I can’t win can I?” Nick said as he rubbed his neck nervously with his right hand.

I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips after I poked his cheek gently. “Nope,” I stated proudly. “But that’s why I lov-“I cut myself short. Was I just about to tell him I loved him?

I mean yeah I love him, but that was fan girl love. Now, that love was feeling different. I would see him and everything else would fade away, his voice and face was the only thing I could see. The way I started having trouble breathing, just seeing him smile or laugh would make me lose my breath. I think I had fallen in love with a Jonas, Nick Jonas to be exact.

“OK guy and girl, time to head out. Kevin, Joe and Nick go first, then I’ll go, then Rina comes last. Got it?” Rob asked.

Nick pressed his lips to my ear, his breath made my stomach drop to the floor. “We’re saving the best for last.” He said, his voice smooth, and dare I say it, sexy.

The stretched out cars door was opened suddenly, the light and the noise became louder in a second. Kevin and Joe made a bee line out the limo door while Nick stuck around for a second and gave me a quick peck on the lips before piling out of the limo as big Rob followed closely behind him. I took a deep breath and quickly walked over to the opened door and stuck my head out. Then everything happened so fast. I remembered Nick and Joe taking me by the hand and helping me out of the limo, and then we walked down the red carpet with the boys stopping ever few feet to answer a question or two from the pap.

I stayed back with big Rob as the boys talked, the media seemed like they couldn’t get enough of them.

As we reached the end of the carpet the number of people started to thin down, the ushers were the only people left outside. We walked through the door, the cool air felt nice on my skin. My eyes had to take a couple minutes to readjust to the darkness.

“We’re seated over here, follow me.” Rob said as he pointed towards eight vacant chairs by the aisle. “Kevin, Joe, Nick, and me.” He said as the boys sat down accordingly. “Mr. Jonas, Mrs. Jonas, Rina, and then Frankie are next.” He said smiling over at me.

I smiled and sat down between the two Jonas’s, Mrs. Jonas gave me a warm smile and my knee a quick pat. I smiled over at Frankie who was picking at his nail. I ruffled his hair, he gave a quick ‘hey’, but then started laughing as I stuck my tongue out at him.

I searched through my purse when I felt my cell phone buzz once. Flipping open the top I pressed OK and was looking at a text from Nick.

From: Mr. Positive.
Hey Rina, after the award show how about me and you go to the beach and just walk around a bit before you have to go back home? Text me back with an answer.
Love, Nick.

I quickly typed my reply. I silenced my phone seeing as the lights began to dim. I closed my phone and stuck it in my purse before zipping the zipper.


Nick and I walked hand in hand to his car after the award show. He had someone park the car out in the back, so after the Emmy’s we could go straight to the beach.

There was still a slight drizzle of rain, but the clouds looked as if it was about to pour any minute. Even though the boys didn’t win it still didn’t crush their spirits. They said they were just happy to be even nominated. Which is very true, their young, they’ll have many other times to win other awards.

The performances had really gotten me in the mood to dance. Every single time a performer would perform I would jump out of my seat and dance around with Frankie. So as Nick and I walked to the car I was tapping my finger and skipping along.

“Nick?” I asked.

Nick stopped and looked at me. “What is it Rina?”

I sucked on my bottom lip. “Um…. May I have this dance?” I asked smiling at how lame it most have sounded.

Nick looked at me funny, his thin eyebrows pulled together. “You want to dance in a parking lot?” He asked, he sounded slightly amused.

I smiled cheekily up at him. “Yeppers!”

“Sure,” Nick said, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I brought my hands to his shoulders, my fingers tying with each others around his neck. My head laid on Nick’s chest, our bodies swaying gently.

“Hey Rina, what’s your favorite song by us?”

I looked up at his face, a curl hanging in front of his eye. With a swift movement I pulled the curl and letting it spring back in front of his left eye. “Um,” I started. “Probably ‘Hello Beautiful’.” I said.

Next thing I know Nick starts singing. ‘ Hello beautiful
How's it going?
I hear it's wonderful in California
I've been missing you
its true...

But tonight
I'm gonna fly
Yeah tonight
I'm gonna fly

'Cause I could comb across the world,
And see everything
And never be satisfied
If I couldn't see those eyes

I smiled up at him. “Wow Nick, that was really good.” I said as a rain drop hit me on the face.

“Thanks,” he said as he wrapped his hand around my waist. “Let’s get in the car before it starts pouring.

I nodded and laced hands with Nick as we jogged over to his car. Once we were both inside it started pouring. The rain pounded against the window, the flashes of lighting illuminated the sky for a couple seconds before the earth shook from the thunder.

“Do you still want to go to the beach?” Nick asked.

I looked back at the direction of the beach, it wasn’t exactly sunny, but it wasn’t dark and stormy either. “Sure, it doesn’t look that bad.”

Nick put the car in drive and began the thirty minute drive to the secluded beach. I turned the radio on and listened as Taylor Swift- Fearless blasted from the speakers.

It was quite, only the radio was heard as Nick sped down the slippery road. Questions about what would happen began to flood my mind as the minutes came and went.

What’s gonna happen when today is over? Will our relationship be over? Can we handle a long distance relationship? And possibly the question I wanted to find the answer to the most was whether or not I should tell Nick I love him.

I looked up at Nick as he ran his hand through his curly hair, my heart sparked, and an unusual feeling ran through my veins. I faced back forward and started at the rain drops that raced up the window before Nick’s windshield wipers whipped them away.

“So what are you going to do when you get back home?” Nick asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

I was silent for a minute. What was I gonna do when I got home? “Don’t know for sure, but probably sleep in my bed.”

Nick laughed. “Yeah, that’s what we do usually, that and golf.”

I smiled. “Nick?” I asked hesitantly.

“Yes?” I answered looking down at me briefly before looking back on the hazy road.

I rested my head on the head rest. “What’s gonna happen to us when I leave?” I asked.

I glanced over at Nick and saw him looking at me with a pained expression. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to end it, but I don’t want you to leave you behind waiting and hoping things will work out. Honestly, I think we could make it, but the road does things to people.”

“Yeah,” I said looking down at the floor board. “I get whatcha mean.”

Nick turned on the blinker and turned into a vacant parking lot on the beach. “Next time I have a break and I’m in LA you and I need to come here when it isn’t as rainy.” He said unbuckling his seat belt.

Nick came around and opened the door for me, the storm clouds making their way over to us. “Hey, at least we can kiss in the rain.” I said smirking at him. “Every teenage girls dream pretty much.”

Nick grinned. “I’ll have to take you up on that offer.”

I slipped off my shoes and set them o the hood of Nick’s car, the rain building up now. “It’s gonna rain.” I said stating the obvious.

“I know,” Nick said as he pulled my close to him. “The more it rains the more we can do this.” He said as he planted a kiss on my ear lobe, his thumbs brushed my cheeks.

I felt my knees go weak, but I was determined to stand up. I kissed Nick’s bottom lip before running off onto the sand. I spun around a couple times as Nick took his time walking over to me.

“Rina come here.” Nick said.

I stopped spinning and ran over to him. I jumped on him, my legs wrapping around his waist, my hands on the side of his face. “Yes?” I whispered.

Nick smirked. “Time to make your dream come true, don’t you think?”

I smiled and pressed my lips to his. I felt myself smiling against his lips, his hands placed on my hips as he walked over to the water.

I pulled back, jumped down and started humming.

“What are you humming?” Nick asked.

I smiled. “Taylor Swift-Fearless. You?”

Curly top leaned his forehead on mine. “Love Bug. But I wish I could go back and right it for you.”

I stopped breathing, my smile faded. “Nick,” I asked. “Do you still love me?” I was nervous that his answer may of changed since I told him I hadn’t felt the same the night he told me, but my heart was confident that he felt the same, and that I needed to tell him.

Nick looked puzzled. “Yes. Why?”

I took a deep breath. I knew he loved me still, I no reason to be scared. But that voice in the back on my head wondered if maybe telling him would freak him out some. He’s going back on tour, what if he’s feeling change, yet he knows I love him.

“Rina?” He questioned. “What is it, you look worried.”

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. ‘On the count of three tell him. 1.....2…..3….’ “Nick,” I started. “I love you too.” I opened my eyes to see Nick smiling.

“Really?” He asked, his hair pulled down from all of the water captured in his curls.
I grinned, my eyes flashed from each of his matching brown ones. “Really.”

“Would you like to dance?” He asked.

I nodded and let him kiss my hand before spinning me around like a princess. This was the best night of my life. I am with the one I love.

Now I'm speechless over the edge, I'm just breathless
I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought that I'd get hit by this lovebug again
” Nick sang as he danced in circles.

“I love you.” I told him as I stood on my tippy toes and pressed my lips against his.

“I love you too,” He said as he bent down moved his lips in synch with mine.


November 3, 2008

“Nick Jonas, youngest member of the popular boy band ‘The Jonas Brothers’ found a new love?”

“A source reported seeing the young couple walking down the beach at sunset, fingers laced together.”

“The young man stated ‘life’s good’ Tuesday on the Ellen DeGeneres show, when asked if he was seeing anybody.”

“No one knows for sure who won over the ‘Stud Muffin’s’ young heart, our guess: Selena Gomez.”

“’Love Bug’ the boys next hit is rumored to be about Nick’s ‘mystery girl', could the lucky lady be the beautiful Selena Gomez?”

“A family friend said the two love birds met at the ‘Disney Channel Games’ and have been inseparable since.”

Every channel I turned to the celebrity gossipers talked about Nick Jonas, and his mystery girl, who most people assumed was Selena Gomez. Nobody would have thought I, Rina Smits, could of won Nick’s heart. Nobody would have thought I could’ve won it by a contest prize, but I did
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