Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 005

The next morning the boys had to do a quick interview with a magazine, I don’t remember the name though. Nobody else was up quite yet, I guess they like getting all the sleep they can get. I could hear Joe snoring, and Kevin mumbling in his sleep.

“No, I want the toaster struddle.” I heard Nick say.

I leaned over the edge to see if Nick was awake, or if he was talking in his sleep. I watched a video chat and Nick said he talks in his sleep, and that he sings while he was in the shower. Which is true, and very loudly I might add.

I looked down and saw that Nick’s eye lids were closed, I didn’t know if maybe he was just pretending or not so I poked one of his curls.

“The underwear is in the dryer.” Nick said as he moved my hand.

“That’s nice to know.” I said as I moved the curl again. “Are you having a nice dream?” I asked him.

Nick groaned. “Come on guys get out of the corn field.”

I started laughing, but quieted when Nick started tossing and turning.

“Nick?” I asked. “What are you doing?”

Nick moved his head. “Holding tacos.”

I started laughing, causing everybody to turn in their sleep.

“Rina, stop laughing.” Nick moaned as he pulled the cover over his head.

“I will stop laughing, if you agree to stop holding tacos.” I said laughing.

I heard Joe and Kevin chuckle a little, both of them sitting up, rubbing their eyes.

“Nick was talking in his sleep again?” Kevin asked as he was no longer on his bunk, but standing on the floor.

I laughed. “Yes, and it was pretty hilarious too.”

“They usually are, that’s where I get most of my jokes.” Joe said standing next to Kevin.

“You joke about holding tacos, and being in corn fields?” I asked looking back down at Nick who was in the same position, the blanket pulled over his head.

“I am now.” Joe said, turning my attention turning back to them.

“Hey, where’s Frankie?” Kevin asked as he looked around this area.

“Right here.” I heard a voice call from under me, in the same bunk as Nick.

Next thing I know Frankie was clawing his way out of Nick’s bunk. “Hi guys.” Frankie said as he jumped from the bunk.

“Hi.” We all said in unison as Frankie walked out of the sleeping area.

“Nick!” Joe yelled as he took his pillow and hit Nick’s feet with the pillow. “Wake up, I’m bored.”

“Why me?’ Nick groaned as he sat up.

“Because, you need to teach me how to hold tacos.” Joe said keeping a straight face; he looked like he really wanted to know.

I sighed and jumped off of my bunk and walked over to my suitcase, grabbing a shirt and some pants. “Excuse me.” I said as I squeezed though Joe and Kevin.

I reached the bathroom; it is actually a pretty decent size for a bathroom. I stripped of my clothes and slipped my clean ones on. I didn’t need to shower, I showered last night, so don’t say that I don’t bath.

I fixed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I applied a small amount of make-up. Just the basic, blush, mascara, and lip-gloss. After I finished getting myself ready for the long day ahead I exited the bathroom and walked into the kitchen. I saw the entire Jonas family enjoying themselves when I walked in.

“Good morning!” I said as I walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Nick who was eating a bowl of cereal.

I got an earful of ‘heys’ or ‘mornings’. I grabbed a bowl and pulled the box of cereal towards me, Nick turned his head to me. A streak of milk ran from the corner of his mouth. I laughed and wiped it off with a napkin, Nick smiled and thanked me.

After breakfast we had a quick lockdown, and then the boys would do an interview in the tour bus. Something I learned during breakfast.

I was in my bunk, just relaxing when I felt something soft hit my arm. I looked to my left and saw Nick standing next to.

“What did you throw at me?” I asked as I sat up.

“Our boxers, so when you perform tonight you can just through them to the fans.” Nick said smiling.

“Nicholas, I don’t want to.” I said, trying my best to puppy dog pout. “Please don’t make me.”

Nick’s face seemed sympathetic, it worked.

“You don’t want to do you?” Nick asked, moving towards me.

I shook my head, the puppy dog face still working its charm.”No, I don’t”

Nick grabbed my arms, and bent down to me ear. “Well that too bad, you’re performing.”

I sighed. “I hate you.” My arms folded to my chest, I turned myself away from him.

Nick wrapped me in a hug. “I love you to Rina.”

“You better be happy I’m such a forgiving, and nice person.” I said as I wrapped my arms around him to, filling the hug. I tried to stay calm, but I couldn’t help but breathe in his sent. I was loving this, living in the moment.

“Thank you Rina, so we never finished our little bet yesterday.” Nick said as he pulled back, a smirk on his face.

“You’re going to lose Jonas.” I said as I sat down on Nick’s bed.

“You’re on” Nick said as he sat next to me.

And then the game began
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