Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 007

I was slowly wakening up when I heard Nick groan, saying something about shaving cream all over him. My lips slowly pulled into a smile, knowing that Joe would probably take the same reaction. I heard Joe moving around in his bunk, yawning every now and then.

“Hey cool, whipped cream.” Joe said groggily.

I moved the curtain a bit to see what Joe was up to, and it was hard to contain my laughter. Joe hand a hand full of shaving cream in his hand, inches away from his mouth. A second later the shaving cream was in Joe’s mouth, and Joe was going crazy. I closed the curtain, I could hear Joe gagging, and running to the bathroom.

I busted out laughing at Joe, he was so over dramatic. I mean, it’s just shaving cream. I closed my eye again when I heard footsteps coming into the room, light shining through onto my face. Someone had pulled away the curtain, and I was hoping it would be Kevin. The person didn’t say anything, all that happened was I felt something foamy, and something that smelt like guy hit my face.

“Ew!” I yelled as I sat up and tried to get the foamy substance off of my face.

I looked up to see Nick standing there, smiling victoriously. In his hand men shaving cream, the kind with the strong after shave. I lifted my eyes to his face, my lips turning into a small smile. I saw all of the shaving cream that he had missed on his face, and all the clumps that were in his afro like hair.

“I smell like dude.” I said as scowled at Nick, my hand still searching for shaving cream.

“Yeah well I smell like chick shaving cream.” Nick said.

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Chick shaving cream smells so much better, better than the
over strong guy kind.” I said as got a chunk of dried shaving cream out of his hair.

Nick just took some of the cream off of his face and put it on my nose, his smile as big as I think as I’ve ever seen it. He turned to head for the bathroom when Joe returned, but Nick was trapped inside the room with us, his mom scolding.

“What happened here?” She asked, you could hear the irritation in her voice.

All of the teens looked at each other, then at the floor. I thought about what I had just done, and I knew I needed to confess. I opened my mouth to tell her it was my fault when Nick spoke up, my mouth was still open.

“It was me, sorry mom.” Nick said as he played with the bottle in his hand.

“Why did you do it?” She asked, her hands on her hips.

“Because I thought it would be funny, but I shouldn’t have done it.” He said looking at his mom.

Mrs. Denise just looked at each and every one of us; her face seemed to soften a little when it came to me, which just added more guilt.

“Just clean it up, now.” She said waving her hand and walked back into the back of the bus.

I jumped off of my bunk and walked up to Nick. “I could have done it, I would’ve admitted to starting the prank.”

Nick just shook his head. “No it’s fine, I’m gonna clean this up and take a shower.”

Joe scratched his face. “Nick, did you really do this?”

Before Nick could answer I spoke. “No Joe, it was me.”

Joe looked shocked. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I told you I would get revenge on you for scaring me, and Nick because he cheated.”

Joe looked confused. “You never told me you would get revenge.”

I smiled innocently. “Oops.”

Joe looked at Nick shocked before leaving the room, leaving me and him to clean up the mess. It took us about 15 minutes to clean all of the sheets that had cream on it, and the pillows.

“Thanks for the help.” Nick said, his voice seemed a little sad.

“You’re welcome, listen Nick. I’m sorry if I got you in any trouble, I didn’t think it would be this bad. Sorry, forgive me?” I asked as I wiped my hands off on a paper towel.

Nick smiled small. “Yeah.” The he walked off towards the bathroom.

I sat down on the couch and waited for Mrs. Denise to come out, I knew I had to be honest to this family. Mrs. Denise came out shortly; she looked ready for the day.

“Mrs. Denise, I need to talk to you.” I said as I made room for her to sit down.

“What it is Rina?” She asked her hand on my shoulder.

I took and deep breathe and told her what happened. She didn’t look made, but seemed a little disappointed in my actions.

“I’m glad you told me the truth, I like people that are honest, no matter how scared they are of the consequences.” She said smiling at me.

I looked up at her, in shock that she didn’t hate me. “You aren’t made at me?”

“No, you told me the truth. Most girls are scared so they blame it on the boys, when they really should have told me.” She said. “No you can use Paul’s’ and I’s bathroom. The boys have to go to rehearsal at 3 and its 12:30.” She said standing up.

I stood up as well, and then Frankie came into the room.

“Mommy, I don’t feel good.” He said, I could tell he didn’t feel good.

Mrs. Denise felt his head. “You feel a little warm; I’ll stay with you on the bus during the concert. OK?”

“I can do it.” I said speaking up.

Mrs. Denise and Frankie looked at me. “Are you sure, don’t you want to go to the concert?”

“Yeah I do, but I should help out around here. Plus you should go watch your sons play; I can watch the bonus Jonas.” I said as I rubbed his back.

“Are you sure?” She asked again.

I smiled. “Positive.”

“Thank you Rina, you’re an angel!” She said giving me a hug.

“No problem Mrs. Denise.”

So I may not be going to the concert, but I think I should punish myself for what I did. Plus its kind of like a test to see how Nick reacts when he learns that I’m not going to watch, I really hope he passes.
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