Status: Completed.

Nick Jonas, Caught The Love Bug Again?

Chapter 009

I was outside in front of the bus, helping the driver clean the dirty outside. We arrived at the venue early this morning and so the boys are out site seeing before sound check, and the concert. I hadn’t talk to any of the brothers since, they all seemed nice, expect for Nick. I smiled weakly at Nick this morning, but he just scoffed in discuss and walked away.

“Hey Rina, I’m gonna go to the restroom. Just soak it down real good with water.” The driver said as he placed the rag in a small bucket.

“Ok.” I yelled to him.

I continued to clean the bus, well to what extent I could reach. Once satisfied with my work I walked over to the faucet, and turned it off. I looked up when I heard the tour bus engine starting up, which was odd because I was the only one here. I squinted into the driver’s seat and saw Nick, an evil smile spread over his face. I felt my eyes grow large as I saw the bus moving towards me, Nick’s eyes glaring at me.

The bus speed up, the engine roaring as it rushed towards me. I felt my legs take off into the opposite direction, my words screaming for Nick to stop, for someone to help. I knew I couldn’t out run the bus, but I tried my hardest, but my hardest wasn’t good enough I guess. Because the next thing I know the horn was blasting right behind me, the tires nipping at me heels, then blackness.


“AHH!” I screamed, my body jolting up. I patted my palms all over my body making sure I was really awake, my body soaked with sweat.

“Rina, you ok?” I heard somebody ask.

“Ye-yeah.” I said as I whipped my forehead off with the back of my hand.

The curtain was pulled open revealing Nick standing there, my face drooped.

“What was all that yelling about?” He asked, his body close to my bunk.

I avoided his eyes. “Nothing, just a bad dream.” I said.

Nick placed his hand on mine, which made me pull mine back. Nick seemed confused by my previous action; his eyes were flooded with many emotions. Confusion, sadness, rejection, sympathy, and more that I can’t describe.

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Nick asked, he moved his hand close to mine.

I looked at him, my eyes seeing if he really cared. “Why, don’t you hate me, don’t you think I’m annoying? So don’t worry about it, I won’t waste your time.” I said jumping out of my bunk; me feet taking me to the lunge.

“What are you talking about, I don’t hate you, and I don’t think you’re annoying.” Nick said following me.

I stopped in my tracks. “Oh really?”

“Really.” Nick said, his hand holding on to mine.

“Then why did I hear you telling Kevin and Joe how happy you were when ‘she’ didn’t go to the concert last night? And how annoying she is, and how you don’t want to spend a month with her. You know Nick that relates to me, a lot!” I said, my voice cracking as my brain replayed the memory.

Nick smiled a little. “Rina, I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about my new cousin Caroline. She is my uncles adopted daughter, she’s a total snob, and she’s 14. She’s in love with us, and is always trying to come and talk to us. “ Nick said.

I felt like an idiot. “Oh, oops.” I felt my cheeks turning red. “Sorry.”

Nick laughed. “Naw, it’s ok. It does sound kinda like it was directed towards you, but trust me, it wasn’t. So are you gonna tell me about the dream?”

I looked at him and smiled to myself. “It’s kinda weird, but I think you’ll find it funny.” I said.

“Well I like funny, so tell me.” Nick said smiling.

I took the next 5 minutes telling Nick my dream, and he laughed so much.

“I would never do that to you.” Nick said.

“That’s nice to know.” I said as we walked towards the bunks again.

Nick just laughed and rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, his eyes avoiding me. “Hey Rina?” Nick asked, his eyes glancing at me for a mille second.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Never mind.” Nick said. “Just forget about it.” Then Nick walked into the bathroom, leaving me there all by myself.

I pulled my eyebrows together. “Okay?”

I walked into the lounge and saw Kevin and Joe sitting on the large couch eating a box of corn box, which I stole when I walked by them.

“Hey!” Joe yelled, his arms reaching for the cereal.

“Howdy!” I said back to him as I sat down on the other end of the couch.

“Give them back.” Joe said running up to me, his lips curling up to a smile at the end.

“No, sorry.” I said as I popped a small amount in my mouth.

“Rina I will hurt you, give me my corn pops back!” Joe said sitting down next to me.

I looked at him, I smiled, which I was hoping to make him smile. “I’m willing to take my chances.” I sated putting more pops into my mouth.

“Joe be careful, don’t make Nick attack you for threatening the girl he likes.” Kevin said.

I looked at him. “Excuse you, what did you just say?” I asked, my mouth hanging open.

Joe gasped. “You don’t know? Nick Jonas and Rina Smits like each other; it’s only a matter of time before they go out!” He said like he was a teenage girl gossiping.

I looked form Joe and Kevin. “Nick doesn’t like me, we’re just friends.” I said, trying to stuff my face so they couldn’t ask me any more questions.

Kevin made an ‘O shape with his mouth. “Don’t play dumb, we can tell you guys like each other.”

Joe jumped up and down on the couch, causing me to almost fall on the floor. “Kevin, she didn’t say that she didn’t like Nick. She said ‘ Nick doesn’t like me, we’re just friends.’ She didn’t say that she didn’t like him, so do you like Nick?” Joe asked, he really can’t be trusted with sugar.

I could feel my cheeks turning red, my lips flipping into a smile. “No.” I lied roughly, maybe they didn’t notice.

“LIAR!” Joe and Kevin yelled, both of them pointing their fingers at me.

“Ok fine, I do. Please don’t tell him!” I begged.

“We won’t.” Kevin and Joe yelled the same time. “But trust us, Nick really does like you. He’ll probably ask you out some time, lucky you!” Kevin finished.

I just looked down at my feet, finding it to awkward to look at them. ‘Nick Jonas likes me, why me?
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