Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

It was typical. Something always had to go wrong. She hadn’t wanted to spend the weekend with her family in the first place and now she was being forced to spend god knows how many more hours with them thanks to the stupid blizzard that had snowed them in overnight.

Nicole was with her family in their cabin in Big Bear. It was something they did every year the week before Christmas and this year had been no different. She had woken up this morning full of the joys of returning home and getting to remove herself from the company of her dad, step-mom and step-brother. But her dreams had been shattered as she took a look outside the front door. It had snowed heavily in the night and there was no way that she was going to be leaving today.

She sighed and made herself a coffee to help wake herself up. As she sat at the kitchen counter listening to the silence that surrounded her she reached for her pack of cigarettes that she’d left on the side the night before. She let out another deep sigh as she took one of the last three out of the pack and lit it. She knew she would have to head out soon to get another pack from the store. There was no way she could stick being in this place any longer without regular nicotine intake. She decided that she would finish her coffee, shower, dress and then head out to the store.

“Where are you going?” her step mom asked as she wrapped her scarf around her neck, another cigarette pursed between her lips waiting to be lit.

“Store. Need more smokes.” She replied simply before lighting her cigarette before she headed out into the cold.

The cold, crisp morning air stung her chest as she inhaled. Despite the cold she walked slowly down the track towards the small community store, enjoying her cigarette. She made it last until she got to the store, savouring the last drag before having to discard the butt and enter the store.

She enjoyed the heat that cascaded over her as she walked in underneath the heaters and walked over to the drinks refrigerator and took out a bottle of Dr Pepper before walking over to the counter to pay. Just as she was about to get to the counter a tall figure beat her to it.

“Just these and twenty Marlboro” he asked the shopkeeper.

“Sure, you’re in luck, it’s the last packet.” The middle aged man replied.

“You’ve got to be fucking joking me!” Nicole yelled causing both the customer and the shopkeeper to look at her with shock and confusion.

“I beg your pardon miss?” the customer asked

“Is that really the last pack of Marlboro?” she asked hoping that she’d miss heard him just now.

“I’m sorry miss but yes it is.” He replied

“Fucking great! How am I supposed to put up with my family without the best cigarette known to man?” she cursed. The shopkeeper looked shocked and the customer giggled causing Nicole to glare at him.

“I have other brands” the shopkeeper offered still holding the $20 bill in his hand.

“Oh no, like the lady said, Marlboro are the best smokes known to man – there is no substitute!” the customer replied giving Nicole a sympathetic smile.

Nicole couldn’t help but return his smile. Not only was this guy really good looking but he understood the important things in life – like the right brand of cigarettes to help you through stressful times.

“How about we split the pack?” he asked with a questioning smile. Nicole’s smile widened. He was generous too.

“Really? That would be very kind of you.” Nicole said shyly.

“Yeah, I feel kind of bad for getting the last pack and you seem that you really could do with the nicotine.” He explained with another smile.

“Thanks.” She replied feeling herself blush as the shopkeeper finally gave the guy his change. Nicole paid for her drink and handed the guy her share of the money for the Marlboros. As they walked out of the store he opened the packet and took out ten and put them into another packet that he’d taken out of his pocket.

“By the way; my name’s Brian.” He said with yet another dazzling smile as he passed the rest of the pack to her.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Nicole.” She replied placing the pack safely into her pocket.

“So are your family really that bad?” he asked as they started their walk back towards their respective cabins. Nicole rolled her eyes and nodded.

“We were supposed to be heading home this morning, but the snow is too deep now so I’m stuck here with them for at least another day. If I didn’t have nicotine there could possibly be a murder!” she explained.

“Well, in that case I’m glad I split the pack with you; I wouldn’t want to be an accessory to murder for taking the last Marlboros.” Brian chuckled.

“Yeah, I really appreciate it. You may just have saved my step-brothers’ life.” Nicole laughed. “So who are you up here with?”

“Just a few of my mates, we wanted to get away for a few days before Christmas – unlike you though – away from our stressful families.” Brian explained.

“Arrgh, you’re so lucky! My dad just seems to guilt trip me into this vacation every year even though he knows I hate my step-mom” Nicole moaned, slowing down as she reached the entrance of her father’s cabin.

“Is this you?” Brian asked stopping besides her. She nodded with a smile.

“Cool, we’re in the next one up. Hope you get through the rest of your vacation without murdering anyone. Maybe I’ll see you around before you leave?” Brian more of asked rather than stated.

“Yeah maybe you will.” Nicole said seductively with a smile before slowly walking towards the cabin.

Everyone else was up and sat around the breakfast table when Nicole walked back into the kitchen.

“Morning honey would you like some toast?” her dad greeted her.

“Yeah why not? Any coffee made?” she replied sitting down between him and her step-mom.

“Of course.” He replied and poured her a mug of coffee and placed two slices of toast on her plate. Just as she was taking a bite out of her toast her step-mom cleared her throat loudly, in a way to get attention.

“Ok Debbie, I’m going to.” Her dad said anxiously and Nicole immediately knew that it involved her.

“What have I done now?” Nicole asked.

“Honey, it’s just that when Debbie got up this morn she couldn’t help but notice that you’d been smoking in the cabin.” He said nervously. Nicole knew that really he didn’t care about her smoking in the cabin and that it was Debbie who had the problem.

“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t think it would matter cos there wasn’t anyone else up and it was freezing outside. I’ll go outside next time.” Nicole said trying to sound sincere. She was used to this now and could apologise sincerely like a well rehearsed play.

“Thank you.” He replied simply as they all continued to eat their breakfast with idle small talk.

After breakfast Nicole went back to her room and grabbed her copy of Duma Key by Stephen King and picked up where she’d left off, sitting on the window seat overlooking the back of the cabin.

A few chapters in she got distracted by some shouting from outside. She looked up from the book and glanced out of the window. On the other side of the trees that partitioned the two cabins she spotted two guys arguing beside their log pile. Neither of them was Brian. One was tall, slim, wore glasses and was wrapped up in a coat hat and scarf and the other was a lot shorter with blonde hair. She couldn’t tell what they were yelling about but she could see that it looked amusing and that the taller guy was going win.

She tried to continue with the story but couldn’t concentrate. Sighing she marked the page in the book and placed it down. She walked over to her closet and took out her coat, hat, scarf and gloves and put them on. She then put on her trainers and headed down stairs.

“Where are you going now?” Debbie asked as she walked over towards the back door.

“For a smoke – I can’t do it in here can I?” she said snidely slamming the door behind her.

She lit her cigarette and trenched through the few inches of snow to the corner of the cabin, next to the log store, hidden from any windows on the lower floor so she was guaranteed some peace.

She could hear male voices coming from the next cabin but couldn’t see anyone. She took a long, savouring drag, closing her eyes as she let out the smoke into the cold air. Her eyes snapped open as she heard something close to her. She looked around to notice that snow had fallen just in front of her. She looked around to see if she could see anyone but saw no one. Maybe it had fallen from the roof. She returned to her cigarette and took another savouring drag.

Suddenly a lump of snow landed a few feet away from her. She began to look around again and suddenly saw another snowball fly through the sky towards her, landing just to her left. She looked in the direction from where it came and spotted a figure duck behind one of the large pine trees stood between the two cabins.

Slowly she stooped down and gathered up some snow in her hands, her cigarette pursed in between her lips, not taking her eyes off the tree. As she stood back up she was hit by another snowball, this one coming from a different direction. She turned her head quickly to see another figure disappear behind another tree.

“You fucking bastards!” she muttered loudly glancing between both trees. She was being ganged up on by people she didn’t know! She took the half smoked Red from her lips, put it out and placed it in her coat pocket. Before she could think about doing anything more she was hit by another lump of snow. Without time to react she threw the lump of snow that she still had in her hand towards where the snowball had come from, and quickly gathered more snow, walking closer and closer to the trees.

“Stop hiding behind the trees you fairies!” she yelled throwing a lump of snow at each tree.

“Ok, sorry!” Brian said stepping out from behind the one tree, holding his hands up as a gesture of peace.

“I only wanted to get your attention! It was Jimmy who started the snowball fight. He added as the tall slim guy she’d seen earlier through her window stepped out from behind the second tree.

Nicole eyed them both up as she stepped closer.

“Ok, so what’s so interesting that you interrupt my smoking time?” she asked with a smile eyeing up Brian again. She couldn’t help but look him up and down. Jimmy wasn’t bad neither she thought as she looked him up and down waiting for Brian’s reply.

“I just wanted to say hi –“ he began in almost a stutter.

“I was going to ask you if you fancied coming to have a drink, you know, get you away from murdering your family for a while.” He continued with more confidence.

“Can I smoke inside?” she asked and he nodded.

“As long as you’re topless.” Jimmy said wiggling his eyebrows at her. She couldn’t help but smile.

“Jimmy! Shut the fuck up! Are you trying to scare her away or something?” Brian replied hitting him upside the head.

Nicole giggled. “Lead the way then guys.” She followed the guys into their cabin where there were another three guys sat on the sofa playing what she believed to be Call of Duty on the X-Box.

“Guys shut that thing off we’ve got company!” Brian yelled as he removed his jacket and hung it on the stand beside the door.

All three of the guys glanced up briefly from the TV screen to look at Nicole.

“Is this the chick you met at the store this morning?” the one with snakebites asked glancing between Nicole and the video game.

“Yeah. This is Nicole; and they are Johnny, Matt and Zack.” Brian replied pointing to each of them in turn.

“Nice to meet you Nicole.” Matt said glancing up from the screen and giving her a smile that showed off a set of adorable dimples.

“Hang your coat up with mine. What drink can I get you?” Brian asked as Jimmy jumped onto the chair and picked up the fourth controller and joined the game.

“Guys, turn it off, we have company, you’re being rude!” Brian yelled at the others.

“Yeah, yeah, when we get to a save point!” Johnny yelled not taking his eyes off the screen. Nicole giggled and looked over to Brian who rolled his eyes.

“Sorry, come and get a drink.” He said motioning for her to follow him into the kitchen. “What do you want?”

“Vodka?” Nicole questioned.


“Coke if you have it.” Nicole replied leaning against the counter next to where Brian was pouring the drinks.

“Fuck Zack! Shoot him!” Came a yell from the living room, echoing throughout the cabin, causing both Brian and Nicole to look in the direction of the living room.

“Sorry about them. They can be such children sometimes.” He said passing her the drink.

“Don’t worry about them,” she said looking at him over her glass as she took a long drink. “We’ll just have to think of our own way of entertaining ourselves.” She added seductively, waving the glass gently back and forth in front of her. A large sexy smirk appeared across his face as he quickly drank the remainder of his vodka.

“Another?” he asked motioning towards her glass. Nicole quickly finished her drink and passed Brian her glass for him to refill it.

“Come on let’s go get a bit more comfortable.” He said grabbing his glass and the bottle of vodka and walking back towards the living room, Nicole following, watching his ass with a smile.

The only seat vacant in the living room was the large arm chair.

“You don’t mind sharing a seat?” Brian asked, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke, sending goose bumps down her entire body. Nicole bit her lip and nodded. Brian sat down in the armchair and gently pulled Nicole sideways into his lap. His hand rested just above her hip, his fingers circling on the material of her tank top underneath her jacket.

Nicole had her arm draped around his shoulder and took a long drink as she looked lustfully into his eyes as he too lifted his glass to his lips. After she finished her drink she slowly licked her lips and leaned across him to reach the bottle of vodka that was on the small table beside the chair.

“Hold my glass for me.” she said passing him the glass before opening the vodka bottle and pouring a large measure into her glass and then an equal measure into Brian’s. She then leaned across him again to put the bottle back on the table.

“Thank you” she said taking her glass out of his hand.

“To saving me from cabin fever.” She said with a chuckle raising her glass for a toast. Brian laughed as they clinked their glasses together and took a sip of their drinks, both wincing as the neat vodka burnt their throats.

Nicole felt Brian’s hand above her hip again, this time though his hand was now underneath her tank top his fingers running circles on her bare skin. She closed her eyes briefly at the feel of his fingers on her and took another drink of neat vodka. She felt Brian pull her closer to him and felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt his warm breath on the crook of her neck.

She closed her eyes again as she felt his tongue and then his teeth against the sensitive skin of her pulse point of her neck. She tried to stifle a moan as she felt his hand move along the waist band of her jeans to her stomach as he continued to lick, suck and bite at her neck.

“Like that?” he whispered in a low growl into her ear so only she could hear him. She nodded and he smirked. Nicole pulled back from him slightly and knocked back the remainder of her vodka before taking the glass from Brian’s hand and finishing his off as well. She then manoeuvred herself so that she was straddling him in the chair and attached her lips to his neck, mimicking what he had been doing to her moments earlier.

When he let out a low growl she moved her lips up his jaw line to his lips and forced her tongue into her mouth. They then began a battle for dominance which Brian quickly won as his hands made their way up her back as hers entangled themselves in his long black hair.

“For fucks sakes Brian, take her up to your room!” one of the guys yelled causing Nicole to break away from the kiss. She’d forgotten they were still in the room. Brian’s lips moved swiftly to her neck again and his hands moved down to her ass and again Nicole began to forget where she was.

With a firm squeeze of her ass cheeks Brian lifted both Nicole and himself out of the chair and began to walk slowly to the stairs, still sucking at her neck.

Amazingly they made it up the stairs without falling back down and Brian walked down the corridor and pushed Nicole up against a door as one of his hands left her back and fondled with the door handle. Once on the other side Brian kicked the door shut and walked Nicole over to the bed. He lay her down and climbed on top of her.

Her hands moved from his hair to his belt buckle and one of his hands began to unzip her jacket. As he lifted them up to remove her jacket she pulled the belt out of the loops and undid the button of his jeans. He then removed her tank top to reveal a purple lace bra. A smile appeared across his face as he reached around to undo the clasp. He removed her bra and she lifted his shirt up over his head. She gasped as his well-toned body was exposed.

She licked her lips as she ran her hands down his chest, his muscles flexing at her touch.
They quickly worked on removing their jeans and Brian was left in a pair of boxers that were being stretched by an impressive erection, and Nicole was left in purple lace panties that matched the bra that was now on the floor somewhere with the rest of their clothes.

Nicole closed her eyes and forced her head as far back into the pillow as she could as Brian’s tongue circled her right nipple. She moaned loudly as his lips moved slowly down her torso and something in her stomach did a somersault. She gave out a small gasp of pleasure as she felt him nip her skin as he took her panties in his mouth and began to tug at them, pulling them lower. She felt him slip her panties off and then felt his hot breath on the inside of her thighs.

“Oh god!” she gasped as his tongue began to circle her clit and flicked along her opening. She arched her back and lifted her hips to meet his tongue as she quickly felt the tension build low in her body.

“Oh Fuck!” she yelled digging her short nails into Brian’s scalp as she felt herself about to burst. She heard him growl as her nails dug in and pulled at his hair through the feeling of ecstasy shaking through her body.

“God you taste so good!” he moaned as he lifted his head and licked his lips. He quickly moved back up her body and began to kiss her again, slipping his tongue into her mouth as he thrust his penis into her wet, wide pussy and began to thrust quickly into her.

“Holy shit” she yelled as every thrust hit her spot causing the tension to build yet again. She buried her head into his neck and began to suck at the soft, sensitive skin as she trailed her fingers down his back. She continued to do so until the feeling of her pending orgasm forced her to lose concentration again.

“Holy Fucking shit Brian!” she screamed as she felt herself tighten around him and her juices spill over his throbbing shaft as he continued to thrust into her.

“Oh My god!” he growled loudly as she felt him come deep inside her seconds later.

He rode out their orgasms before Brian collapsed on the bed next to her. Before they could think about anything else they were interrupted by Pantera’s Walk coming from the floor somewhere. Nicole groaned knowing that it was her father’s ringtone. She scrambled around looking for her jeans and took out the ringing cell phone.

“Where the hell are you?” her father’s voice bellowed as soon as she answered it.

“Dad chill I’m in the cabin next door, I met one of the guys that are staying here and we’re hanging out playing video games and stuff.” She replied with a smile as Brian’s lips attached themselves to her neck again.

“Well, come back over quickly, we can leave, the roads are clear, it was just on the news.” Her dad ordered.

“Ok, I’ll be over now.” She replied closing the phone.

“I’ve got to go, we’re leaving pretty soon; the roads have cleared up.” she explained as Brian ran his hand over her stomach, reaching one of his fingers down towards her wet clit.

“Damn, I was hoping you’d be able to stay for a while longer.” He whispered as she moaned quietly under the feeling of his fingers on her spot that was still highly sensitive.

“I know, I’d love to stay longer but I’ve got to go.” She said grudgingly pulling herself away from his grasp and got herself dressed. He watched from the bed as she quickly fixed her hair.

“Maybe the next time we’re up in big bear we can have a repeat performance.” She said seductively as she walked back over to the bed and placed her lips forcefully on his briefly before leaving the bedroom and making her way down stairs.

“See you guys again sometime.” She said putting on her coat and hat as they all looked up at her with knowing grins on their faces.
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A one-shot for you for Xmas - It's really been written as a Christmas Present for all the lovely readers of For Reasons Unknown - they are great and deserve a extra treat I think. So this is for all you guys Thank you!