Status: Active and forver seeking comments :)

The Voice Within


Rehabilitate – to help a person adjust to society after illness, imprisonment e.t.c, a sanctuary.

Ronnie's POV

Rehab - that was what Rosa described it as, I could see the definition on a white plaque pinned on the wall over her desk. She said I needed some time to adjust to get out over my ‘ordeal', and when I still protested she had plainly said that there was no way that I or Luke was going home, and that she and the care unit where going to do everything in their power to make sure it never happened. She was shocked when I simply nodded, I surprised myself too. It was shocking how you easily you could be won over with a hot cup of chocolate in you hand. Truthfully though, I knew Luke and I weren't going to leaving here soon as, when we came back last night. I wasn't stupid, I knew how hard it was to get out of these care homes once you were in them.

Rosa took one look at my blank, defeated face, and as soon as she was convinced I wasn't going to burst into tears, she continued with the more ‘buisiness’ side of the matter. She explained how Luke and I were to stay here until we were liable for fostering or even adoption. She explained that Luke and I would have to attend counseling sessions once every week. She seemed very sure that I would never even have to go back home, as my bruises and cuts were quite a bit of evidence alone that our dad was abusing me. I pretty much zoned out after that, all her explanations and instructions going over my head. It was only when she mentioned about some girl coming to show me around and take care of me for the rest of the day that I started to pay attention.

“Oh no, thats okay I already know some people here, they can take care of me!” I smiled sweetly. I saw Rosa's face light up, “Yeah, you know, Kat, Chase, Danny and Justin, we're really good mates.” I noticed that Rosa look slightly annoyed for a second, her smile vanishing, but she quickly covered it up and said that I was free to go, that we would talk more later.

I was up and out of my seat in a second rushing through the care home like I actually knew where I was going. I found Luke in the playroom with several other children, he was drawing pictures again. I found myself checking to make sure it wasn't another picture of me and dad, but Luke was just copying a picture from his star wars magazine, I was just being paranoid. I fussed over him, making sure he was alright, but it wasn't needed. Luke was safe here, and more than that, he was happy, he didn't need me constantly looking over him anywhere. So I bit my lip, and left him, in search of my so called buddies.

After about ten minutes of getting lost I finally ran into Kat and Chase by the front door, they were pulling coats and shoes on.

“Hi guys,” I said, “I have been looking for you everywhere.” Chase nodded and Kat smiled, but it wasn't like yesterday, I could tell something was up.

“So what's happening, you staying now?” Chase asked, but I could see he was slowly edging to the door.

“Yes.” I said gingerly, “Where are you guys going?” Again, I caught then uneasy look that passed between them.

“Well, we're actually going on a little shopping trip,” Kat said mischievously, “you can come if you want.”

“Okay, I don't have any money on me at the moment though,” I said, and then I realized what she really meant by a little shopping trip, “Right we'll I just go get my coat, then.” I couldn't help wondering if I was making a right move, but I had to - for Liz. I hadn't forgot her yet. She was still lying in hospital at this minute and I knew exactly who it was too blame.