Green Day, Why Are You In My Room?

Chapter 3

I heard voices in the background. Mumbling, actually.

I groaned as I felt my head spin again. Where was I?

The memories came flooding back...Matt...his affair...he was gone.

My head throbbed as I tried to get my bearings. I sat up, my eyes still closed.

"Hey - she's up!"

My eyes snapped open. Three men were standing at the end of my bed.

"What the -?" I closed my eyes tightly, sure it was all a dream. couldn't be -

I opened my eyes again, and rubbed my temples. My vision cleared - and there was three men, three men dressed in their signature clothes.

"What the fuck?!" I repeated. I sat up straighter. "G-Green Day?" What the hell? Was I going insane?

One of them stepped forward. His face was worried. "Are you OK?"

It was Billie. His voice - just like I heard him singing the night before - was concerned..

"What? Why the hell are three world famous guys standing in my room...? You live in America...and I live in..."

"Australia," one of them put in. It was Mike. He looked around my room. "Uh -"

I noticed the way everything in my room was messed up - except for my posters on my wall. I scanned the walls - until my eyes jarred to a halt on my Rolling Stone Poster.

On that poster, there was nothing on it.

Just the heading, and the caption: "Green Day - how the brats grew up, bashed Bush and conquered the world..." As it usually said.

But there were no members of Green Day in that poster. Just a white blank space.

The three members at the end of my bed were dressed as they had been in the poster. Billie, his long black shirt and red tie, Mike, with his sleeveless top and black pants, and Tre, with his black shirt and stripy tie.

Tre stepped forward. He, unlike the others, was more serious. He couldn't stop looking at my face. Hopefully I didn't look that terrible.

"So, you're Tash?" Tre asked softly.

"Uh - yeah," I said uncertainly. "Um...I know who you are. But why are you in my room, and not my poster..."

"Good question," Billie said simply. He walked around the room, casually looking at the posters. "You got a good taste in music."

RIght now I was in a particularly bad mood with the entire gender of men. Tears welled up in my eyes just thinking about Matt.

"Tash?" Mike asked, stepping forward. "You OK?"

"Uh - " I clenched my jaw. I was not going to cry in front of Green Day. I was not going to put up with arrogant assholes in my life anymore. "Nothing's wrong. So can you all go into the kitchen please? Get something to eat. I don't care. I'll be out sometime."

They looked at each other before slowly leaving. I felt bad, but so did my head - and my heart.

I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face, cleaned myself up before changing my clothes. My eyes were red and puffy. I didn't look as bad on the outside as I felt on the inside, though.

I went out into the living room. The three guys were seated at the table, speaking quietly. Instantly memories from the night before in that room came flooding back - again. Me, screaming me head off at Matt, unable to stop swearing, Matt...trying to explain...

I shook my head and grabbed three asprins from the medicine cupboard. I quickly swallowed them.

"Bad night, eh?" Tre asked.

"Yes, actually," I said. May as well get straight to the point. "What would you do if you called your partner, asking where they were, only to hear another person in the background moaning and saying 'come back to bed'?"

All three guys became silent.

"I'm sorry..." Tre said, looking embarrassed. "I didn't mean to-"

I felt bad. "No no don't be," I said quickly. "Uh - tea or coffee?"

I bustled in the kitchen frantically making coffee. I felt like such an idiot - one minute I was nice, the next completely rude and upfront. But it was so hard to forget about him...

I brought the coffee over to the table. All three men gratefully took the drink.

"Can I please ask why you're all here?" I pleaded, desperate to know what was going on. Why were my idols, who I'd always wanted to meet, suddenly in my room the next morning?

"We don't know - " Mike began.

"We got drunk last night - well, yesterday - would've been last night your time," Billie explained. "Then we found ourselves in your room. But your poster was blank. Must be the only possibility I can think of."

But it seemed so impossible.

"But we have to get back to the States," Tre said. "So, where's the nearest airport?"

"Sydney," I said. My mind was made up. I was going to sort my life out.

"And I'm coming with you."