
Chapter One

I find myself staring at this delicate creature that was chewed up and spit on the face of my earth. His body is curled, his face buried into his knees. He probably doesn't know how badly I want to cut him out of his picture and shove him into a garbage can. His over emotional self. Sick. He probably doesn't know he looks like a faggot. All dressed up: pretty. awkward. sad. Sickening.

"His name is Sam Hoover." I flinched at the voice, which was nothing more than Rae's voice.

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me. I just know he's polluting my air." I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "And for what purpose would I need to know his name? it's not as if Id waste a moment of my life on him!"

Rae chuckled to himself, and whacked me from behind, "Are you telling me you have no intention of tearing into that flesh, that bloody piece of meat! Nor do you care to suck every bit of life from his deteriorating soul?!" He laughed to himself, "How could you let this kind of chance pass you? Pathetic. Sad. Disgraceful. Ash-Lee, I thought you were born for sticking your fingers in peoples wounds?"

Giving Mr. Sam Hoover a once over, I realized how correct Rae was. This walking catastrophe was everything and more that I would ever want. besides it had been some time since I had had a mess like such of my own... though that one.. was a tad waste of time.. that doesn't matter. But this better not be a complete and utter waste.

So I attempted to strip every bit of glory that could've crawled under his skin and saw how he looked no different. Nothing more than gorgeous emo trash, a sad attempt of reproduction... Oh my, that is going too far for someone I haven't even talked to.

"Hmm, perhaps I should introduce myself, get to know the story before the pages from the book, yeah?" I stood, with every intention of conversing and having it go smoothly. Just maybe, he's except me with open arms and I could get to where I wanted to be. Maybe.

Rae nodded, off in his own world, "I suppose so, as long as you don't bitch to me later." He gave me his reasoning face, "Just a warning that not all things may go your way. If this happens I don't want you crying to me later."

"Oh glad to see you care so much." I rolled my eyes and quickly crossed the freshly cut lawn. The scent was strong and caused my nose to tickle. I took a moment to shake my head before continuing on, as to not look like an idiot in front of Mr. Sam Hoover. What kind of first impression would that be?

Up close, he was even more beautiful. He seemed too far perplexed by a paper he was holding to notice my presence. Seeing as I was an impatient person, I cleared my throat, and kneeled a bit to be at his eye level. "Ellow, Dollface." I smiled. He gazed at me, then looked back down. I blinked for a few seconds, contemplating whether I should slapped him or attempt to converse, once again, "I'm Ash-Lee Grey. And you are?" There was a small voice, almost incoherent, which I presumed was his reply, "Hmm, dear?"

He looked up, "Sam." and then back to the paper. I had half the mind to burn the piece of shit. How could it be more important than I? Pfft. Trash.

"Nice to meet you Sam."

He seemed to shrink a bit, "W-what do you want?"

I smiled, "Nothing more than be kind to the new kid."