
Chapter Eleven

Rae's P.O.V
"What do you want?" he yelled frantically as I pulled phone from his hand. His bright yet vacant eyes peered through his dirtied hair.

The uncertain face he wore was far too beautiful. And the wounded flesh, exposed. Ohdear, how delicious he appeared. If this was the side of the boy that Ash often saw, then I'd understand how he became smitten with him. But sheltered and insecure couldn't drive him solely... Could it?

"Hey, asshole, why don't you tell me what this is about?"

Sam groaned as I reached out and dragged a jagged nail across his lips, "This isn't really about anything.. Well besides the fact that you changed Ash-Lee and ruined my great plan."

He rose a brow, "What are you talking about?"

His naivety caused me to smile, "You don't know anything do you? You must think i'm the freak, right? But you haven't seen how much of a freak Ash-Lee is, have you? No, of course not. But just you wait."

Ash-Lee's P.O.V

"Hurry, hurry..." I chanted to myself, repeatedly continued to push the door bell. I had eyed the surrrounding area, pondering the passing people. It was funny how no one seemed to know fo every day occurences, how no one cared...

Then the bloody door had swung open and I was greeted by a smiling Rae.

"Took you long enough, lovely. Wait until you see the treat I've got for you!" He was so innocent, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door, shutting it just as I stepped in, "The treat'll be a bit of a mess, I forewarn. That's why we'll be going to the basement."

Treat...? The only time Rae mentioned treat was when he was speaking of sex.

"No! I don't want to play, alright. I just came here to get Sam. And don't tell me you have no clue. I know he's with you." I jerked from him earning a quizzical look.

Rae shook his head, loose strands of hair falling into his face. A smile placed upon his smooth lips as he lead me to the basement with a quick gesture.

It hadn't taken me long to realize that Sam was tied down to a bed. And when I noticed, my mouth had gone dry, and my body tensed. I immeditally jumped to him, touching his face to see if he was injured.

"Ash-Lee, he's been waiting for you. Even I thought you'd've come quicker."