
Part Fourteen.

I waited impatiently, fidgeting with the wires connected to me. There was a light knock on the door. My head snapped side ways to see Sam limp into the door. I felt as if my heart had exploded with joy.

"Sam.." I whispered, reaching for him.

He jumped into my arms squeezing me tightly.

"I thought I was going to lose you." he muttered burying his face into my neck.

I held him close to me.

"I'd never leave you."

"I'm so happy you're al-alright Ash-lee." he said, sobbing.

"Shh, don't cry baby."

I rubbed his back slowly. He curled closer to me.

"I love you." I whispered.

I felt his body tense then relax.

"I love you too." he said grinning at me.

I pushed my lips to his lightly. I heard the door open and someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see the nurse.

"Oh, sorry."

"Its alright dear. I'm just here to answer your question about your friend."

I saw Sam look up at me scared. I tightened my arms around him.

"Yes, how is he?"

"They've sent him to Memorial."

"M-Me-Memorial?!" I asked, shocked.

I heard Sam gasp.

"They sent him to an insane asylum?!?" he whispered.

"Its not exactly an insane asylum. He just there for some help." she replied.

"T-Thank y-you." I said to her.

She nodded leaving. I laid there a moment, silent.

"Ca-Can we visit him?" Sam asked in a small voice.

I looked at him.

"You're not afraid?"

"I-I am but I wan-want to make sure he-he's okay."

"If you want to then we'll go when i get out."

He nodded, laying his head on my chest.

Have I Ash-lee truly fallen in love. It blows my mind how much I love Sam. My life is changing for the good.

Sam snuggled closer to me yawning. I ran my fingers slowly through his hair. I placed a kiss on his head.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."

The warmth radiating of his body sent me into a peaceful slumber.
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