
Chapter Four

I just finished getting dressed. I grabbed my hoodie off the bed and pulled it on. I made my way down the old, creaky stairs.

"Where are you going?" my father asked.

I glared at him.

"I'm going out."

I grabbed the door knob about to make my way out when he grabbed the back of my hoodie pulling me back.

"You're not going anywhere. Get your ass back up to your room." he said pushing me towards the stairs.

I pulled away from him.

"Keep your hands off me!" I yelled shoving him.

He stumbled backwards but didn't fall. He stepped forward slapping me.

Before I knew what happened, I had launched myself at him kicking and punching him where ever I could. He threw me off slamming me against the wall, face first. I groaned.

"You ungrateful little shit!" before he could say anything there was a light knock on the door. He let me fall to the ground. I brought my hand up to my lip.

"Shit, Blood." I thought.

He opened the door. I heard Ash-Lee's voice asking if I was home. My father grunted a no.

"No, I can't let him do this!" I whispered to myself.

I got up quietly, I grabbed the back of my fathers shirt pulling him backwards causing him to fall on the ground. I rushed out the door, grabbing Ash-Lee's hand and running down the street.

Once we were a good distance from the house I let go of his hand. We walked along the road in silence.

"You ok?" he asked.

I ignored him and kept walking. I walked towards the beach, him trailing behind me. When we got there I leaned up against a rock. He sat beside me.

"What happened back there?" he asked.

I looked at him.

"Nothing." I replied.

He laughed.

"You expect me to believe that nothinghappened back there. So you just happened to pull your father on the ground, grab my hand,and run down the street. Not to mention you look pretty beat up, and your lip is bleeding really bad." he said wiping the blood off with his hoodie.

I sighed looking over at him. He looked at me. For a moment I thought I saw a hint of worry in his eyes but it soon disappeared.

I shivered pulling my hoodie closer to my body. I saw him still staring at me from the corner of my eye. I sighed again.

"Family problems." I mumbled.

"Oh." he replied.

I sat there ,awkwardly, unzipping and zipping my hoodie. He placed his hand on mine, stopping me.

"You want to, uhm, talk about it?" he asked, unsure

"There's not much to say, my dad's an ass hole and my moms a drunk, well their both drunks, but my moms worse." I replied.

"Why do you deal with their shit, and let them push you around like that?"

I laughed, getting up and standing by the water. The wind blew, slightly making me shiver, I sighed. Ash-Lee appeared next to me, he stared at me for a moment, then placed a hand on my shoulder. I stared at him.

"What am I suppose to do?" I said my voice cracking.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Anything, you can't let them treat you like that."

"Why does it matter?" I said, turning my back to him.

"I-I do-don't kno-know." he stuttered.

I turned around, staring at him. He looked really confused about something.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so, harsh.."

"No, its okay." he said, smiling "Lets go for walk."

He held out his arm, and I linked my arm with his, laughing and we slowly made our way away from the beach.