Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2002 - December


December brought colder air then November had and more school. Bam wasn't kidding when he said we were going to Finland, cause he called me to take a week off of school and work. I did as I was told praying Jenn wouldn't find a way to ruin this vacation. I was also looking forward to meeting Ville.

December seventh came quickly and I was excited to see Bam the next day. As I was doing the dishes my phone vibrated across the counter.

'Hello?' I asked grabbing it without looking at the caller ID.

'Yo, Sexy!' I heard Bam's voice. 'What are you doing?'

'Dishes.' I said smiling.

'Excited for tomorrow?' He asked.

'Of course.' I said shutting the water off and wiping my hands on a towel. There was a sharp knock on the door.

'Hang on.' I said. 'Someone's at the door.'

I went to open the door and found a rather familiar skater with shaggy dark brown hair.

'Who's the moron at the door?' Bam asked hanging up his phone.

'Bam!' I screamed and ran towards him, flinging my arms around his neck.

He laughed hugging me back tightly. 'Surprised?'

'Yes!' I said stepping back.

'I figured it would be eaiser if I just drove up here instead of flying.' He said bringing his bag and board into my apartment.

I shut the door as he walked into my living room and sat down on my couch.

'This is cute.' He said looking around at the deep gray walls and wood floor.

'Oh yeah. You've never been here.' I said sitting beside him.

'Nope.' He said looking at me. 'Nice shirt.'

I looked down at my black wife beater that said, "Mrs. Margera" in bright purple letters.

'Drea got it for me.' I said a little embarresed.

'I hope it's true one day.' He said leaning in to kiss me.

'Are you saying you want to marry me?' I asked him.

'Maybe.' He said. 'If you play your cards right.'

I giggled as he deepened the kiss.

His phone rang.

'Hello?' He asked grabbing it, still not breaking the kiss. 'Hey man.'

He sat up and so did I.

'Uh, yeah, our flight should be in at like one. Yeah...okay. I'll see you tomorrow Ville.' He hung up and placed the phone on the table. 'That was Ville.'

'What'd he say?' I asked.

'He wanted to know when to pick us up tomorrow.' He said. He sat in silence for a minute before Bam asked, 'What's for dinner?'

'Uh, I don't know.' I said. 'We could go to the store or I think I have some frozen pizza.'

'Pizza sounds delicious.' He said.

We made our pizza and ate it laughing hysterically the whole time over really nothing. Just being with him made me feel happy and warm.

Then we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie. My house phone rang and I leaned over to get it thinking it was Drea or somebody.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Hi, Rian. How are you?' I heard Bam's mother ask.

'Hi. I'm good. How are you?'

'Good. Is my son there by chance?' She asked.

'Yeah. Hang on a sec.' I said as I gave it to him.

'Who is it?'

'Your mother.' I said.

'Hi Mom!' He said as I giggled. I heard Ape telling Bam to be careful and not to get in trouble while we were in Finland.

'And treat Rian good.' She said.

'Why would I do anything different?' He asked.

'I don't know. I just worry. It's a different country and she's never been there.'

'Ape, relax.' Bam sighed.

'Well, I love you. Call me when you get there.'

'Okay. I love you too.' Bam said.

'Tell Rian I love her.'

'Ape loves you.' Bam said looking at me.

'I love you too April!'

Bam smiled said bye and hung up.

'You know...' He said leaning into my neck and kissing me. 'I love you, too.'

'Oh, really.' I smirked.

'Uh huh.' He muttered still kissing my neck.

'I think you're lying.' I whispered.

'Why don't I go show you?' He asked slipping his hands up under my shirt.

'I don't think you would like it...' I said.

'What are you talking about?' He mumbled still running his hands over my stomach.

'Well, unless you're a vampire...' I said.

I took him a minute to understand what I was trying to say before he pulled back and looked at me.

'Ew.' He said simply.

'Sorry.' I shrugged.

'Boner killer...' He said making me laugh.

'Come on...' I said standing up and taking his hand in mine. 'We have an early flight.'

'You're not gonna have this problem the whole vacation right.' He asked. 'Cause sex with you is so much better than sex with me girlfriend.'

'No.' I said. 'I only have a day or so left.'

'Okay. Good.' He said jumping onto my bed. 'I need to get laid!'

'Shut up.' I said shutting out the lights and climbing into bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me.

'I love you.' He said.

'I love you too.' I said.

'Bam...' I whispered in his ear and shook his shoulder.

'Five more minutes, Mom.' He mumbled.

'Augh!' I groaned and climbed back in bed next to him. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his.

'Mmmm...' He moaned against my lips.

'Get up.' I said pulling away.

'Fine.' He said sitting up. 'You took a shower without me?' He asked eyeing my wet hair and changed clothes.

'Yes.' I said. 'Get ready. We have to go.'

We got to our terminal with an hour to wait.

'See, look. You rushed me out of the house and now we have to sit here and wait an hour.' He said throwing his hoodie and phone into the seat next to me. 'I'm going to get a drink.'

He turned and headed towards a bar that was a little ways away.

'Bam!' I called.

'What?' He asked turning around and walking back towards me.

'It is four in the fucking morning...'


'I'm not flying fourteen hours with you fucking annailated.' I said.

'Fine.' Bam said falling into the seat he had put his stuff on.

We sat in the terminal people watching before they called us to get on the plane. I got on before him and walked through the narrow passage with his hands on my ass the whole time.

'First class baby.' He said into my ear.

'Can you like not.' I said turning to face him.

'What?' He asked innocently.

'Get your hands off my ass.' I said as I sat in my seat and he plopped down next to me.

'I fucking hate flying.' He said popping gum into his mouth and looking at me through his sunglasses.

'Me too.' I said taking his glasses off and giving him a quick kiss. I unzipped the hoodie I had been wearing and took it off placing it ontop of my bag on the floor. I sat back in my seat and realized Bam was staring at my clevage.

'Stop!' I giggled slapping him lightly and pulling up the front of me shirt.

'I was reading your shirt.' He said looking into my eyes.

'There's no words on it!' I said making him laugh.

We settled into our seats and prepared for the long flight. I felt tired and decided to not fight sleep any longer. I closed my eyes and fell asleep...

'Mommy!' A small voice called to me screamed. 'Daddy farted and held me under the covers!'

I was in a living room with purple walls and black leather couches. There was also two stair wells, a pool table, a large dining room table, and a huge silver heartagram on the wall. I walked towards the front door and entered a room to my left with a large bed. There was a small boy with messy dark hair and bright blue eyes. Some one was under the covers laughing.

'Come here you little jerk off!' Bam popped up from under the covers and grabbed the boy pulling him across the bed and tickling him hard.

'Mom, what's going on?' A small girl came up behind me with the same color hair that I have. I turned and smiled at her.

'Come help me get your brother!' Bam yelled to her and she ran towards the bed. She tickled the small boy before he got away from both Bam and the girl and ran out of the room. The girl jumped up and ran after him screaming for him to get back here.

Bam climbed out of the bed and came towards me.

'Hi, babe.' He said kissing me.

'Hi.' I said smiling. 'Do you really have to act like one of our kids?'

'Of course...' He smirked kissing me again.

'Ewww!' I heard behind us making us break apart and turn to find the kids smirking.

'Daddy's kissing Mommy.' The boy said.

Bam and I laughed.

'Daddy come teach me to skate!' the boy said grabbing Bam's hand and pulling him towards the living room.

'Bam, I said not till he's older!' I said.

'He'll be fine Rian.' Bam said back.

I opened my eyes and realized I was still on the plane. My dream flooded back and I smiled at the thought of having Bam's kids. Speaking of Bam, I realized my head was on his shoulder and his head was resting on mine. His fingers were clasped lightly around mine and I grabbed his tighter.

'At this time, if you could please return your seats to the upright position and place your trays back up. We will be arriving at Hellsinki International in about fifteen minutes. Thank you.' The pilot said.

Bam sat up and rubbed his eyes and stretched. He looked over at me and smiled.

'Hi.' He said simply.

'Hi.' I said.

'Excited?' He asked.

'Yes.' I smiled still thinking of the dream.

Fifteen minutes later we were walking out of the airport towards a black Mercedes. There was a tall lanky man leaning up against it smoking a cigarette. He had long brown hair and pale skin.

'Ville!' Bam screamed like a little girl and ran towards him.

I laughed as he jumped on his rock idol giving him a big hug. I now saw what Ape was talking about when she said Bam was in love with this man.

'Bam Bam!' Ville said just as happy to see him. 'How are you?'

'I'm great.' Bam said. Then he realized I was standing there. 'Ville, this is Rian. Ri, this is Ville.'

'Hi.' I said holding my hand out for him to shake.

'Hello, love. Pleasure to finally meet you.' He said in his amazing Finnish accent. 'Bam Bam wasn't kidding when he said you undeniably gorgeous.

'Thanks.' I said blushing.

'Well, come on now!' Ville said grabbing our bags and placing them in his trunk. 'Let's start this vacation!'

'Fuck yeah!' Bam said climbing in the front seat.

We spent the night laughing. I honestly liked Ville the best out of all Bam's friends. Bam and I retired to the guest room around eleven.

'Bam!' I screamed as he pushed me face first onto the bed and landed ontop of me. He started laughing and humping me.

'Stop!' I giggled.

There was a sharp knock on the door.

'Come in!' Bam called although he was still ontop of me.

'Am I interupting something here?' Ville asked.

'No.' Bam said climbing off of me. 'What's up?'

'Just got a call from my manager. I have a charity show tomorrow at seven. You two are welcome to come.' He explained.

'You think I'm gonna miss a HIM concert?' Bam asked. 'And...I'll have the pleasure of taking Rian to her first rock concert.'

'Fun.' I said sarcastically going into the bathroom to brush my teeth making Ville laugh. I heard Bam and Ville chatting before Ville called goodnight and shut the door.

I came back into the room and walked towards the bed climbing in. Bam shut the light and climbed in next to me.

'Tomorrow, we should go Christmas shopping for each other before the concert.' Bam said rolling over to face me.

'Okay.' I said. He leaned in and kissed me and we both fell asleep.

The next morning Ville made us pancakes and bacon. They were very good. We hung around the house for awhile. Ville had to leave at four for practice and rehearsal so Bam and I got ready to go out.

We walked around Hellsinki looking at all the shops. Bam decided we would split up and go get each other gifts. I went back to the shop I had seen a Bam staring at a heartagram belt buckle in. It was $300 dollars but I figured what the hell. I purchased it and then went to find something for Beth.

I came across a handmade vase shop. The vases were beautiful and I knew she wold love one. I found one in her favorite shade of pale yellow and bought that as well. Then I went back to the park I said I would meet Bam in.

It was already dark out, but street lamps lit the way. It began to snow so I pulled my Chanel pea coat closer to my body. Bam was near a bench helping a little girl make a snow ball. Images of the dream came flooding back making me smile. He waved goodbye to the girl as she and her parents continued on their walk.

'Well hello.' I said coming up behind him.

'Hi.' He said turning to face me. 'What'd you get me?'

'How old are you?' I asked shaking my head and laughing.

'23.' He said smartly. 'So, what'd you get me?'

He pulled a bag from my hand and opened it.

'You got me a vase?' He asked looking at Beth's gift.

'No.' I said laughing and taking it from him. 'That's Beth's.'

'I was gonna say...' He said laughing. He grabbed the other bag from my hand and ripped it open.

'I knew you'd get the hint!' He said making me laugh.

'Well, Bam, you only stared at it for fifteen minutes.' I said.

'Shut up.' He said smirking and leaning in for a kiss. 'Thank you, Baby.'

'No problem.' I said. 'What'd you get me?'

'You're looking at it.' He said.

'You got me yourself?' I said laughing.

'Yeah...' He said. 'And this.'

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box.

Bam got down in front of me with the box resting on his palm.

'What are you doing?' I asked scared it was going to be something I wasn't ready for.

'Rian,' He said looking me dead in the eyes. 'You would make me the happiest man on earth if you would accept this...'

He opened the box slowly. I could not believe this was happening. The top popped open to reveal that the ring box was hollow.

'It's empty.' I said confused.

'No it's not.' He said handing me the box. I looked to the bottom and found a silver charm bracelet.

'Did I scare you?'He asked laughing slightly.

'Yes!' I said pulling the bracelet out of the box to get a better look at it.

'Each charm represents us.' He explanined.

The first one was a heart with B.M. + R.L. engraved into it. The next one was a heartagram. Another was NY for New York where we had first met. Then there was the Jackass skull and cross crutches logo. And the last one was the words CABO WABO! and I guessed it was the for our first time.

'You like it?' He asked. 'I figured we could add new ones.'

I still hadn't answered so he rambled on.

'I mean...if you don't like it I take it back and we can run over to Chanel and I'll get you the new bag you were want--.'

I silenced him by placing my lips to his.

'I love it.' I said putting it on.

'Good.' He stood and took my hand in his pulling me up quickly. 'Now come on. We've got a H.I.M. concert to attend.'

Bam pulled me through the crowded club.

'Wait.' He said pulling me over to the bar. 'Let's take a shot.'

'No!' I said.

'Oh, come on!' He said. 'Please. What's the worst that could happen?'

'What if I get drunk?' I asked stupidly.

'Could I have two shots of- What do you want?' He smirked turning from the bartender to me.

'I don't know...' I whispered harshly.

'Let's go with a light Vodka.' He said back to the man.

'Coming right up.' The man said walking away.

'I'm gonna kill you.' I said hitting him in the chest as the drinks appeared on the bar.

'What do I do?' I asked taking the small glass from him.

'Just tilt your head back and swallow.' Bam explained laughing at my expression. 'On three. One...two...three!' I titlted my head back and threw the clear liquid down me throat. Coughing I slammed the glass down on the bar as my throat burned.

'You okay?' Bam asked laughing.

'Yeah.' I said laughing with him. Just never make me do that again.'

He pulled me into a hug and kissed me.

'Come on my little sober princess, we're gonna miss Ville.' He took my hand in his and pulled me towards a flight of stairs that led to the balcony over looking the stage. Bam fought our way through the mob and stood me against the railing, while he stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

'Excited?' He asked while the lights dimed around us and the crowd went wild. I turned in his arms to face him and kissed him on the nose.

'One time during a CKY show, Dunn and I jumped from the balcony.' He told me laughing.

'What happened?' I asked.

'We got thrown out of the club by a couple of bouncers. I'll have to show you the footage sometime.' We both laughed as a large Finnish voice filled the room. I turned back to the stage as the band came out and the crowd went wild.

Ville started with Soul On Fire.

'We are like the living dead
Sacrificing all we have
For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
We are like the living dead
Craving for deliverance
With a frozen heart and a soul on fire' Bam was screaming in my ear making me laugh.

About four songs in Ville was handed a beer which he drained quickly.

'I have some very special guests in the audience tonight.' Ville said as the crowd screamed. 'So these next two songs are dedicated to them. And actually, Bam asked me to play this next one specifically so...'

The band began to play a pretty song as Bam hugged me tighter.

'What's this song called?' I asked him.

'Beautiful...' He answered kissing my neck softly as Ville began to sing.

'Just one look into your eyes
One look and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful...'

Bam sang along with song while his hands traveled up and down my body sending chills down my spine.

The song came to an end and I turned and pressed my lips to Bam's. Bam's favorite song, Sigillum Diaboli, began to play and he pulled away from my lips and screamed.

After a few more songs, the concert came to an end. Bam and I made our way backstage to see Ville and the rest of the boys.

'Bam Bam!' Ville said as we came in the small room.

'Wille!' Bam said giving him a hug. 'Great show.'

'Rian,' Ville said giving me a hug next. 'DId you like it, love?'

'Yeah, it was great.' I said.

'Good,' He said pulling back. 'I want you two to meet someone. Kat!'

A pretty girl covered in tattoos came over with dark hair.

'Kat, this is Bam and Rian.' Ville said. 'This is Kat Von D. She does tattoos and she's a huge fan.'

'Hey!' She said shaking both Bam and I's hands. 'It's nice to meet both of you.'

I instantly liked her. She was funny and really sweet. She was talking to Bam about his tattoos and she asked me if I had any. I showed her the heart on my wirst and Bam told her the story of how we got them.

'You're an idiot!' I heard Kat laugh and I turned to look at her and Bam.

'Are you an idiot or a nidiot?' Bam asked and they both burst out laughing.

'I'm tattooing that on your ass!' Kat said.

Before I could blink, I was sitting in Ville's lap. Bam's bare ass was hanging out and Kat had her tattoo gun. I watched as she etched nidiot onto his ass and I laughed along with Ville.

It was still snowing when we left the club. Opting to walk back to Ville's, Bam pulled me down one of the cold winter streets in Helsinki.

'I love it here.' I said after a moment. 'Thanks for taking me.'

'I can't imagine being here with anyone else.' He said.

'You're so cheesy.' I said pushing him with a laugh.

He laughed with me and pulled me in for a kiss.

'Look.' I said looking over his shoulder to a school playground.

'What?' He asked turning to see what I was looking at. I crossed the street and walked through the gate of the park with him chasing after me. I sat on a swing and started to pump my legs.

'How old are you?' He asked laughing.

'Twenty-one.' I said matter of factly as I gained height and speed.

He sat on the swing next to me and began to pump his legs. A moment later he was laughing.

'What?' I asked.

'I can't believe I'm on a fucking swing.' He said.

We swung in silence before Bam said, 'Okay, let's have a jumping contest.'

'Okay.' I said with a smile.

'The one who jumps farthest wins.'

'What does the winner get?' I asked.

'A kiss.' He smirked.

'Then we both win.' I said with a laugh.

'On three!' He said.


I let go of the chains and jumped before falling into the wet snow on the ground laughing my ass off.

'Are you okay?' Bam asked laughing. I looked to my left and he was right next to me.

'Yeah...' I said taking a deep breath. 'Who won?'

'I did, of course.'

'No, I did.'

'No, Ri, I definatly did.'


'Tie?' He asked.


He rolled over till he was ontop of me. Looking into my eyes he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

'Can we go back to Ville's?' I murmered against his lips. 'I'm cold.'

'Of course.'

We stood and walked hand in hand back to Ville's. I decided to take a shower but, was soon interupted by Bam who wanted to join me.

The next night Ville had a blind date that Gas had set him up on and left around six, leaving the two of us alone. Bam and I decided to make spaghetti.

'Ri?' Bam asked from the table as I stirred the noodles.


'Do you want kids?'

'What?' I asked turning to face him.

'Do you want kids?' He asked again.

'Eventually...' I said turning back to the stove. 'Why?'

'Just wondering. Jenn said now that she has Elle she's done.'

'Do you want kids?' I asked.

There was a moment of silence and I turned to see if he was still in the room. He was starring at me and when I looked him in the eyes he whispered. 'Yeah...'

'Girl or boy?' I asked with a smile.


'Really?' I asked.

'Yeah. Is that weird?'

'No. I just figured you would want a boy so you could teach him to skate and stuff.' I shrugged.

'Yeah, but if I had a boy he'd probably turn into a little hellion like me.' He said with a smirk.

'What would you name her?' I asked.

'Peyton.' He said without thinking twice about it.

'I like that.' I said. 'Where'd you get it?'

'In a book I read.'

'You don't read books.' I said with a laugh.

'I did. It was in high school. I just always liked that name and never met a chick with that name.' He shrugged.

'Well,' I said coming over to straddle him. 'I think it's cute.'

I kissed him on the lips.

'What was you're favorite movie as a kid? I mean like really little?' He asked.

'Why?' I asked.

'Because, it's something I don't know about you. And Peyton would probably love it.'

'Bambi.' I said.

'You're kidding...'

'No! And don't make fun of me either.'

'Okay, Thumper.' He smirked.


'Yup. That's my new pet name for you. And no one can call you that but me.' He explained. 'LIke I call Ville, Wille Walo and he calls me Bammie Wammie.'

'How cute...' I rolled my eyes.

'I know you are, Thump.' He murmered before kissing me.

'Okay, wise guy.' I said. 'What was you're favorite?'

'I don't fucking remember.' He laughed.

I leaned foreward and began to kiss him. I deepened the kiss and reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. Then I leaped off his lap and ran away with it.

'Tease!' He said as I dialed Ape's number.

'Who are you calling?'

'No one...' I smirked.

'Hello?' Ape answered.

'Hey Ape.' I said.

'You did not call my mom!' Bam said laughing.

'Hey, Rian. How's Finland? Bam and Ville driving you insane yet?' She asked.

I filled her in on how the trip had been so far and she said good. I asked her how things had been back there and she said nothing new.

'Hey, Ape, before I go,' I said. 'What was Bam's favorite movie when he was really little?'

'Bambi.' She said with a laugh.

'Okay. Thanks Ape.'

We said our goodbyes and I made myself and Bam a plate of spaghetti. I brought it to him in the living room and plopped down on the couch next to him.

'Thanks Bambi.' I said giving him his phone.

'No problem, Thump.' He said. 'Wait. What?'

'You're favorite movie was Bambi too.' I said as a laugh.

'Shut up, Thumper.' He said turning back to his food.

'Okay Bambi! Now we have even more in common.'

'Let's watch a movie.' He said placing his plate on the table.

'Call Ville.' I shrugged as I slurrped spaghetti up.

'That's really attractive, Ri.' He said laughing while he dialed the number. 'Hey, what do you have for movies? Okay. See you later. Bye.'

After Bam talked to Ville we decided to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas. Bam popped it in, while I put our now dirty dishes in the sink.

'This isn't in Finnish or anything, right?' I asked coming back into the room and laying on the couch and pulling a blanket over me.

'No, it's in English.' Bam said laughing. He shuffled over to me. 'Move over.'

I move towards the back.

'No dumbass.' He said pushing me tothe front.

'Let me just get up.' I said standing. He laid back on the couch and fixed the blanket over him.

'Now come're.' He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me down next to him. He pulled the blanket over me and wrapped me up in his arms.

About half way through the moive, I turned my face and burried it into his chest.

'Rian?...' He asked a few minutes later.

'Mhmmm...' I mumbled.

'Are you sleeping?'

'I would be if you'd shut the fuck up.' I said.

'Okay babe.' He said with a slight giggle and a kiss on my forehead. 'Go to sleep...'

Ville decided he was going to show us some of Hellsinki the next day. So we got up and I put on darkwash skinnies, a white Abercrombie empire top, and my chestnut Uggs. I threw my plaid pea coat over my arm and made my way down to the foyer where Bam and Ville stood ready and waiting.

'Rian.' Bam said when he saw me. 'You're not dead fucking serious with those Uggs on...'

'What?' I asked looking down at my choice of foot wear. 'What's wrong with them?'

'Them shits are haggard.' He said pulling a face as Ville pushed us out the door.

'I like them.' I said. 'They're warm and comfy.'

Hellsinki was prettier than I could have ever imagined. Ville showed us everything that was worth seeing. That night Bam took me to a really nice restaurant. Then we went back to Ville's.

'You know...' Bam said snaking his arms around my waist as we went up to our room. 'It's our last night in Hellsinki, and you promised me something.'

I turned to face him outside our door. 'You're right.' I pushed him aganist the wall and attacked his lips with mine. Realizing I wasn't putting up a fight, he pushed my dress up, grabbed my now bare thighs, and picked me up never breaking the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he waslked us into the room and kicked the door closed behind us. He unzipped the back of my dress before dropping me on the bed. I pulled the staps down and leaned up on my elbows while he kicked off his shoes and threw his shirt across the room. He showed me that sexy smirk of his before leaning foreward and attaching his lips to my neck...

'Hey!' I said as someone ripped the earbud out of my ear.

'What?' Bam asked as he put it in his.

'Get your own!' I said as I took it back.

'Mines dead.' He said taking it from my ear again and putting it back in his. 'Are you kidding ?'

'What now?' I asked turning down the volume.

'Britney Spears?' He questioned.

'Yes.' I said smiling.

'This is gonna be a long flight.' He mumbled.

'I'll be anticipating
This is our song, they're playin'
I wanna rock with you
The feeling is right
Let's do this tonight

Gotta let me know
If you want me
Gotta turn me on
And make me feel sexy...'

We both stopped singing and burst out laughing as the next song began to play.

'I thought you hated Britney?' I smirked.

'Well, I like listening to her with you.' He said.

'Bam, you were singing.' I laughed.

'Fuck you!' He said and then we both laughed.

'Excuse me?' The flight attendant said tapping Bam on the shoulder. 'Could you be a little more quiet?'

'Sorry.' Bam and I said as she walked away.

'Why'd you shut that off?' He asked.

'I didn't.' I said holding the center button of my iPod down. 'It died.'

'Well, let's go to sleep then.' He said as he pushed the arm rest that was between us up and pulled me closer. I soon fell asleep thinking if Bam and I would ever be a real couple or if we were forever doomed to be each other's rebounds.

After returning from Finland, I had a week of finals at school and Christmas shoppers at work. And then I had the eight hour drive to Boston for Christmas at my mom's.

'Hello.' I said walking through her front door on the 23rd.

'Oh! Good! Rian, you're here!' She came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. 'Everyone's in the living room. How's Bam? I figured you would ahve brought him. How was Finalnd?'

'Hi mom.' I said. 'Glad to see we're playing Twenty Questions off the bat.'

She turned to me and rolled her eyes as I took a seat at the island watching her cook.

'Bam's fine. He says hi. And he has his own family to be with on Christmas.' I explained taking a cookie off the plate in front of me. 'And Finland was amazing! I have so many pictures.'

'Who did you stay with again?' She asked.

'Bam's friend Ville.'

'Is he native?' She asked.

'Yeah.' I said. 'So we had a tourguide. And he's in one of the biggest rock bands in FInland. Mom, you would like him a lot. He's a real sweet heart.'

'Well, that's nice hon. Maybe I can meet him when he comes to the states.' She said.

'I'm going to go say hi and then get my stuff.' I said hopping off my stool and grabbing one more cookie. I headed towards my parents living room. 'Hey!'



'Hi Toby.' I said petting the old family dog. I stepped over the dog/child gate and went in. I gave my dad a hug followed by my three uncles and my aunt. Her two girls were there who came running towards me.

'Rian!' They both cried before flinging themsleves into my arms.

'Hi Torrance, Tenley.' I smiled. 'Don't you too look cute.'

'Look what we're watching!' Torrance said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the dining room.

My other cousin, Heith was there glued to the small screen my mother had set up.

'It's so funny!' Torrance was rambling on. 'There's these guys that hurt themselves.'

'And Torrance thinks the one with tattoos is cute.' Tenley teased.

'I don't!' Torrance said obviously lying. 'You do.'

'Na uh!' Tenley said.

'Hi Heith.' I said when a commercial had come on.

'Rian!' He said giving me a hug.

There I was talking to the 11, 10, and 8 year olds when all the sudden the commercials must have ended because they turned and sat back to their show.

'Rian! Come give me a hug!' I heard my grandmother call so I went back into the living room to hug her.

'Rian!' Torrance called. 'You're missing it!'

'I'm coming!' I called back. 'Hi Nan.'

'You need to stop wearing those high heels. You're already taller then me. I can't even see how you stand them.' She muttered.

Giggling I felt Tenley grab my hand and pull me back to the other room. Of course they would send the youngest to do their dirty work.

'I said I was coming.' I said. 'Now waht's so great about this show?'

Just as I turned my attention to the screen I was greeted by a pair of very familliar blue eyes.

'Jess is sleepin'!'

The kids laughed as Bam beckoned the camera foreward and began to play electric guitat over poor Jess's face, eventually punching him repeatidly in the temple.

'You're watching Jackass?' I asked laughing.

'Yeah! It's so funny!' Torrance said laughing.

'Try actually being there.' I said.

'What do you mean?' Tenley asked.

'Do you know him?' Heith asked pointing to the screen which showed good old Johnny Knoxville explaining the next bit.

'Yeah. I worked with them.' I said.

Six eyes widened and turned to me.

'Bam's like one of my best friends. I was just on vacation with him.' I said.

'He's my favorite!' Torrance sqeeled.

'Let's call him.' I said pulling out my phone. I dialed the house number.


'Hey Ape, is Bam there?' I asked.

'Hi, honey.' She said. 'Uh, no he's actually shopping. That boy. I swear.'

'Okay.' I laughed. 'I'll call his cell then.'

After hanging up with April I called his call phone, which no surprise, was off.'

'Hey Bam Bam. Call me when you get this. I gotta tell you something important.'

Being Bam, he didn't call me until Christmas morning.

'Hello?' I asked grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

'Merry Christmas!' Bam screamed. 'Wake the fuck up!'

'Bam...' I said rolling over to look at the clock. 'It's four in the fucking morning. Why are you up?'

'Ri, it's fucking Christmas. I don't sleep on Christmas. I wait for Santa.' I could hear his smile.

'I can only imagine the things you're going to do when you have kids.' I said rolling my eyes.

'Don't you mean 'we'?' He mumbled.

'What?' I asked not sure if I heard him right.

'Peyton and I will stay up all night and wait for that fat ass to come down the chiminey.' He said.

'He's not real.' I said laughing.

'Shhh.' Bam said.

We both laughed.

'Fine.' He sighed. 'I'll let you go back to bed. Call me later and tell me what you got!'

'Okay. Bye.' I said.


After opening the few presents I had got, which included a bright purple Coach bag, a Victoria's Secret gift card, Jimmy Choo pumps, and a dress from Fendi.

Beth told me all about her and Billy's New Year's party that I just had to go to all through dinner.
She also told me to meet her upstairs. She had a special present for me. Wondering what it was, I followed her up the stairs.

'Here. A certain jackass told me he found this in his suit case.' She threw my bra at me.

'Where did you get this?' I asked.

'Bam Bam.' She shrugged. 'He wanted to keep it, but he was scared Jenn would find it, so he decided to give it back.'

'Oh...' I laughed.

'So,' She began. 'How was Finland? I can see you had some fun.' She gestured to my bra.

'Shut up.' I said rolling my eyes and telling her all about it.

So, I went to the New Years party. It was interesting. There was a ton of people, most of them I didn't even know. Bam and the crew were there. And Bam was newly single and sporting a black eye.

'What happened to you?' I asked when I finally went over to say hi.

'Long story.' He said.

'I have time.' I said.

He glanced around.

'Let's blow this popsicle stand.' He said standing up and grabbing my hand.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'Don't worry.' He said. He pulled me through the crowd towards the door.

'Wait.' I said. 'Let me say bye to Beth.'

'Meet me in the Ferrari.' He whispered in my ear as he went out the door.

I went to Beth's room and grabbed my Coach purse and found her in the kitchen.

'Hey!' I said over the music.

'Are you leaving?' She asked.


'The ball hasn't dropped yet!' She said.

'Bam wants me to leave with him.' I whispered in her ear.

'Well, go girl, go. Don't let me and my party stop you.' She said waving bye.

I ran towards the door and stepped out into the cold air. I saw Bam sitting in the car. I ran down the driveway and climbed in.

'Hey.' I said.

'Hi.' He smiled. He turned up the CD he was listening to which was Razorblade Romance, placed his right hand on my thigh, and sped off towards town.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'It's a surprise.' He said smirking.

I glanced at the clock and realized it was 11. One hour till the New Year.

He drove all the way through town. Got on the highway and kept going. Then he took an exit and found some random side road that led us through the woods.

'Bam. Seriously.' I said as he continued through the woods.

'Rian...' He said shaking his head and laughing. 'We're almost there.'

We came to a clearing.

'Wait!' He said slamming on the breaks. 'Cover your eyes.'

'Bam this is ridiculous.' I said.

'Just do it!' He said. Sighing I shut my eyes and put my hands over them. 'No peeking.'

I felt the car continue to move foreward and then come to a stop.

'Okay.' He said.

I uncovered my eyes and saw we were above a town.

'You like it?' He asked.

'Yeah.' I said.

'Look.' He said and began pointing to the different dots. 'There's Ape and Phil's. And there's Beth and Billy's.'

Smiling I turned to face him. 'Where are we?'

'My secret thinking spot.' He said.

'Really?' I asked.

'Yup.' He said. 'I found this place the first day I got my license and I used to come up here and think about things.'

'Thanks.' I said after a moment.

'For what?'

'Sharing it with me.' I said.

There was a moment of comfotable silence.

'So...' He said. 'You're probably wondering about the black eye.'

'Kinda.' I said.

'Jenn and I got in a fight on Christmas. She hit me.' He said not looking at me.

'Oh my God.' I said. 'What were you fighting about?'

'The fact that she spent about an hour with me and Elle. And then she wanted to being Elle to her mother's and go 'out'. I accused her of cheating and she freaked out.' He explained. He must have noticed the expression on my face. 'I'm fine Ri.'

'Was that the first time?' I asked.

'First time she left a mark.' He laughed.

'Bam...' I said.

'Look, Ri. Let's have a good New Years. Just the two of us. Besides. Look at the time.'

I turned my attention to the clock. 11:58.

He put the radio on and tried to find the station with the countdown on it.

'Hey.' He said.


'In the back is some sparkling juice I was supposed to give to Ape earlier, but I forgot. Get it.' He said.

'Okay.' I reached around in the back.


'Hurry!' He said.


'I'm coming!'


I plopped back into my seat and handed him the bottle.


He ripped the foil with his teeth and spit it out.


He twisted the cap open.


He went to take a sip.


'Wait!' I said.




'Wait for it to drop.' I said.


All the sudden his lips were on mine and we were kissing.