Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2003 - April


After my drunken expirience, I had yet to see Bam again. I was really proud of myself for being able to stay away from him for so long.

Allie apologized up and down for the whole Jake thing. And no matter how much I told her it was fine, I was over it, she still went and bought me a gold charm bracelet from Coach.

'Allie.' I said as I opened the box and looked at her apologetic gift. 'Seriously. You act like my heart was broken over this guy.'

'It was!' She said. 'You wouldn't have gone and got drunk and then wound up in Bam Margera's bed again if your heart wasn't broken.'

The girl I was wringing up looked at me with wide eyes.

'You were in Bam Margera's bed?' She asked.

'No. She's kidding.' I said waving it off. 'That will be $387.'

The girl handed me a credit card. I swiped it, handed her her bag. She left the store seeming a little dissapointed.

'Can you not say his name in front of people like that? You're going to start a riot in Chanel.' I said.

'Well, what do you propose I call him?' She asked rolling her eyes.

'Brandon.' I said. 'If you have to talk about him.'

April was going really well for the most part. Well, except when Beth called me on Sunday crying her eyes out.

'Rian. You come'

'What! What's wrong?' I asked now panicking.


Rushing, I threw a bag of things together, not knowing how long I was going to be down there. I jumped in my car and crossed the West Chester border in record time.

A red Ferrari cut me off and I slammed on the brakes, flipping the driver off, and cussing up a storm. Then it hit me, only one person in West Chester has a red Ferrari. And only one person would cut me off and then start laughing and waving in the review mirror.

Rolling my eyes, I followed behind him making sure to ride his ass the whole way to Ape and Phil's. He pulled in the driveway and I turned onto Beth and Billy's road without even glancing back at him.

I jumped from my car and ran up to Beth's door not even knocking, I burst through her door.

'Beth!' I screamed.

'I'm here.' She said coming towards me from the kitchen. She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and tear stained cheeks.

'What's wrong? Did Billy do something to you?' I asked.

'No.' She said.

'Well what is it?' She stood there. 'Fucking tell me!'

'I'm late.' She mumbled.

'What?' I asked.

'I'm late. I think I'm pregnant.' She said.

Letting go of the breath I didn't know I had been holding, I sighed.

'What?' I asked feeling anger take over the panic and fear.

'I-I think I'm pregnant.'

'You made me rush down here for that?' I asked.

She nodded bashfully.

'Beth!' I said. 'I have school tomorrow! And work!'

'Take me to the doctor's. I don't want to go alone.' She said.

So in my car we went and I drove her to the doctor's. Then we sat in the waiting room forever. And then when we finally got in there, after everything we had been through, she was in fact pregnant. She left the doctor's skipping.

'I thought you were scared?' I asked.

'I was.' She said. 'Now I'm just happy!'

'I'm going to fucking kill you, I swear...' I mumbled.

Drew made me go to his birthday on the 10th. It was at some night club. I had a miserable time. The whole club scene thing wasn't for me. Plus, I think him and Lexi smoked a bowel before they showed up, making them ten times more annoying then before.

This is what my life had reduced to. The only excitment was school and work. I needed a vacation or something.