Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2003 - May


I was really begining to believe I had no excitment in my life, like really believing that, when I got a phone call from the Philadelphia Police Department.

'Hello, is this Rian Lightman?' A voice asked. I rolled over and looked at the clock. 1:35 AM.

'Yes, this is her.' I sighed.

'Do you know Brandon C. Margera?' The woman asked.

'Yes.' I said. 'Why?'

'This is the Philadelphia Police Department. Is there any way you could come pick him up?'

'He got arrested?' I asked.

'Yes Miss.' The woman said.

'Tell him I'm on my way.' I said. I hung up the phone and hurridly got dressed. I jumped in my car mumbling to myself that I was going to kill him later. Two hours later I arrived at the Philadelphia Police Department.

'Hi,' I said walking up to the receptionists. 'My name is Rian Lightman. I'm here to pick up Bam Margera.'

She began typing in the computer. 'I don't have a Bam Margera. But, I do have a Brandon.'

'I mean Brandon.' I said shaking my head to clear it.

'Okay.' She said. 'I'm going to need you to fill out these quick forms.

I looked at the form. Good thing I knew all of Bam's personal information.

About fifteen minutes later I handed the woman back the forms. She looked them over and went to get Bam. I didn't see him for another ten minutes.

'Oh Rian!' He said when he saw me. 'Thank fucking God!' He was in cuffs, shirtless, and shoeless. His mop of brown curls sticking up in random directions.

'Bam...' I said going over and hugging him.

A cop came and uncuffed him. 'There you go Mr. Margera.'

'Thanks.' He said rubbing his wrists.

'You're free to go.' The woman said handing him a few yellow papers.

'Oh, and Mr. Margera.' The cop said making him turn. 'If I were you, I wouldn't speak to Ms. Rivell again.'

So this had something to do with Jenn. I should have known.

Bam nodded and said bye to all the cops pushing me towards the door.

'What the fuck Bam.' I said as he got in the passengers side of the car.

'What?' He asked.

'What the fuck happened?' I asked starting the car.

'Well, Jenn and I were staying in Philly for the night, because we were drinking too much. We got in a huge fight at the hotel. She was throwing fucking glass plates at me. I was fighting back. And then she literally pushed me off the balcony.'

'What!?' I asked. 'Are you okay?!'

'I'm fine.' He said.

'You're sure?' I asked looking over at him.

'Yeah. The ambulance checked me out.' He said.

We were silent for a long while before he said, 'You sleeping over?'

'No Bam, I was definatly planning on turning around and heading right back to New York.'

He smirked and placed his hand on my knee making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I ignored them and pushed his hand away.

'Stop it.' I said. 'Or I'll stay at Beth's.'

He removed his hand and sighed.

'I'm gonna have to call out of work and school tomorrow.' I sighed.

'Sorry.' He mumbled.

'Bam, I'm glad you called me. You know I'll always be there for you if you need me.'

'I know.' He said. 'That's why I called you. You always handle my bull shit well.'

I rolled my eyes as he turned up the radio and popped in a cKy CD. After making it back to April and Phil's we made our way quietly up to his room where we both fell asleep.