Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2003 - July


Beth had decided that she and Billy were going to have a Fourth of July party. And guess who was forced to come down and help?

Beth had invited everyone from our mother, to the Margera's, and 90% of West Chester. Billy had gone out, with the help of Bam, and bought $2,000 worth of fireworks to light off in their backyard and they even went to the fire department and got a permit to light them off.

Then Beth forced me to go grocery shopping with her for all things barbaque.

'Beth,' I said as she handed the cashier a check for $1,000. 'Don't you think you're going a bit over board?'

'No!' She said. 'No come on! We've gotta get to IParty.'

So after buying the decorations, we went back to her place and began decorating and cooking.

'Hi!' April said coming in the door a little while later.

'Hey!' Beth said.

'Hi.' I said mixing macaroni together.

'Oh good, you girls are cooking. I've been making this shortcake all day!' She said placing her stack of tupperwears on the counter. 'Phil did nothing but try to eat it.'

'Where's Jenn?' Beth asked.

'Sleeping. God forbid she ever helps me do anything now that they're engaged.'

'What do you mean?' I asked trying to not sound too interested.

'Ever since he put that damn ring on her finger, she's been ten times as bossy and now she's just plain lazy.' April explained rolling her eyes.

'And will the happy couple be joining us this evening?' I asked.

'Yup. Bam seemed excited to see you Rian. Even though a few weeks ago he was saying you had gotten in a fight.'

'Lucky me.' I mumbled rolling my eyes.

Soon Beth's guests were arriving. I sat in the kitchen flipping through a magazine and texting Drea to come and save me from this hell.

I really hate the town of West Chester.

'Oh good!' April said coming in the kitchen. 'Bam you're here.'

I looked up to see him and Jenn standing right across from me.

'Hey Ri.' He said coming around to give me a hug.

'Hi.' I said.

I looked him up and down. Looks like him and his fiancee had just crawled out of bed.

'Hi.' Jenn said smiling at me and waving.

'Hi?' I said a bit confused and even more so when she pulled me in for a hug.

'I just want you to know, I'm really sorry for the thngs I said about you and I think we should forget it and start again.' She said pulling back and holding out her hand. 'So, I'm Jenn.'

'Rian.' I said shaking her hand. 'Can I see the ring?'

I figured I might as well go along with this act. It seemed Bam was happy we were getting along.

Jenn shoved her left hand under my nose so fast I had to pull back a bit to see the ring. It was a large white heartagram made of diamonds and in the middle was a red ruby.

'Wow.' I said staring at the beautiful piece of jewlery.

'Bam designed it himself.' She gushed leaning into him.

'I can see that.' I nodded and plastering on a fake smile. 'Well, congragulations. When's the wedding?'

'We haven't set a date yet.' Jenn said. 'But when we do, you'll be the first to know.'

'Oh yay!' I said as they headed towards the back door. I grabbed the bottle of Vodka that was in front of me and poured a good ammount into a plastic cup. I brought it to my lips and took it like a shot.

'Ri Guy!' I heard a familiar voice call as I downed my second shot. 'I see you ran into Bam and Jenn?'

I slammed my cup down and saw Ryan Dunn standing in front of me with a rather pretty girl.

'Uh huh.' I said pouring more in. 'I need alcohol, now!'

He laughed as I guzzled the third shot.

'This is my girlfriend Angie. Angie, this is Bam's ex/best friend/rebound, Rian.' Ryan introduced us. 'And she normally never drinks.'

'Hi.' I said holding out my hand. 'It's really nice to meet you. I just made a really horrible first impression.'

'Don't worry about it.' She said with a laugh.

The party went well once I had alcohol in my system. Angie and I got along great. Turns out, she hated Jenn as much as I did.

She made us each a mixed drink and after having a few of those I was shitfaced.

Laughing and stumbling around with Angie, I ran straight into Bam.

'Ri, are you okay?' He asked as he helped me off my ass.

I just continued laughing.

'Are you drunk?' He asked.

'No, I'm fine.' I slurred. A little buzzed but fine.'

'Yeah. Sure you are.' He said shaking his head.

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache of my life.

'I need to stop mixing Bam Margera and alcohol.' I muttered shaking my head.