Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2003 - November


'Beth, what are you doing out with a drunk girl when you're this pregnant?' I asked pulling into the Wa wa.

'It was fun?' She shrugged.

Rolling my eyes, I got out of my car and began tp pump gas.

A car came flying into the paking lot covered in fake blood. I shook my head slightly thinking it was a group of rowdy teenage boys doing God knows what.

I made my way towards the store, followed by my drunken cousin Sherri, who was clinging to my arm asking for more booze.

We made our way to the drinks. And I found the teenagers as well.

A man I knew as Tim O'Connor was running up and down isles grabbing random things off the shelves with a camera man following behind him.

'Here.' I said handing Sherri a Vitamin Water and telling her it was spiked.

'Yum.' She slurred opening it.

'Come on.' I said pushing her towards the counter and standing behind the group that had piled out of the blood covered car. Sherri was now leaning against my shoulder giggling at the floor.

At that moment, I realized the man in fornt of me, that smelled strongly of swamp was Bam.

'What are you going to do with this?' The cashier asked looking at the pile of random things in front of him.

'Yeah, 30 points!' Bam screamed as the others and the camera man ran out of the store. He turned and came face to face with me. 'Ri!' He screamed. 'Pretend you don't know me!' He threw a twenty on the counter for the things I was buying and pulled me out of the store.

'I found a random girl I've never met!' He called to the others. 'She'll kiss me!'

'What?' I asked raising my eyebrows.

'Go along, please?' He whispered before crashing his lips to mine. His tongue touched my bottom lip and I opened my mouth wider so he could deepen the kiss. I was in heaven, pure extasy. I could have cared less that he was only doing this for some fucked up game he was playing.

Just as he pulled away, I felt my bra unhook.

'What are doing?' I asked shocked.

'Can I have it?' He asked. 'Please?'

'Get her underwear too!' Tim called.

Bam looked at me with a smirk. Rolling my eyes I slid my bra off under my shirt and gave it to him.

'Panties?' His smirk grew.

'I'm not taking them off in a parking lot.' I said.

'Fine.' He said. 'We'll be in the car.' He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the piece of shit car and got in the back.

'Who's car is this?' I asked as he undid my pants.

'I bought three shit boxes for five hundo.' He explained helping me pull my pants down.

'What are you guys doing?'

'Scavenger Hunt.' He said. 'For the show.'

'Glad I could help.' I said giving him my thong and pulling my jeans back on.

He gave a quick kiss and then opened the door of the car and jumped out holding both of my undergarments.

'Thanks!' He said over the cheers of his friends. 'I'll call you tomorrow.' He whispered.

'Kay.' I said waving and walking back to Beth and Sherri.

'Nice.' Beth said shaking her head.

'I was helping a friend.' I said getting Sherri into the backseat of my car. Another car came flying into the parkinf lot. There was a purple bench strapped to the top.

'Here we go agian.' Beth said rolling her eyes.

Out of the car jumped Raab and Dunn and a camera man. I could see Vito in the back screaming about something.

'Ri!' Dunn screamed when he saw me. They both ran towards me.

'Can we have your bra?' Raab asked as they both gave me a hug.

'Sorry boys.' I said pulling down my shirt strap to show I wasn't wearing one.

'Underwear?' Dunn asked.

I shook my head.

'Bam took all my goodies a few minutes ago.' I shrugged.

'Fuck!' Raab said.

'What about that girl over there?' I asked pointing to a girl who was porn star material. She had bleach blonde hair and was wearing a tube top that said Hustler XXX. Her bra was hanging out in the back. 'You might even get off.'

'Thank you!' They both called running after the girl closely followed by the camera.

I laughed and got in my car and drove off to Beth's. The sound of Sherri puking woke me up the next morning.

'Ew, Sher.' I said as I walked by the joined bathroom in Beth's guest room.

'Will you answer your fucking phone. I don't know who's been calling you, but it hasn't stopped vibrating the whole morning.' She said before leaning back over the bowl.

I looked at the end table I had left my phone on. It wasn't on the table any more. It was face down on the floor next to it. It must have vibrated off. I ran over and grabbed it. I saw I had 15 missed calls. But before I could see who they had been from it began to vibrate in my hand. BAM BAM.

Rolling my eyes I hit the green button and put it to my ear.

'Ri!' He screamed. 'Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling for hours.'

'I can see that.' I said. 'I was asleep.'

'Well, when do you go home?' He asked.

'A few days. I'm on a mini vaction.' I explained.

'Ape and Phil want to have you over for dinner tonight. Ape says she misses you.' Bam explained.

'You've been calling me all morning to invite me to dinner?' I asked laughing slightly.

'Yeah. So are you coming?'

'Yeah, I'll come.' I said.

'Good.' I could hear the smile in his voice. 'You can meet Mum Mum and Pop Pop.'

I laughed. 'What was the outcome of the scavenger hunt?'

'Gnar Kill won, of course.' He said. 'I got to drop Ape's old piano on Raab and Dunn's car.'

'That was the prize?' I laughed.

'Yeah. You should have seen it.' He said and gave me a full describtion of the piano smashing the car and what he and his team had to do to get points.

'Well,' I said when he was done. 'I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready to come over.'

'Kay.' He said. 'I'll see you in a bit.'

He hung up and I went to my bag to find something suitable to wear. I picked out darkwash skinnies, a white v-neck, a long brown cardigan that went a little past my butt, and a light blue plaid scarf. I showered and dressed. I straightened my hair and did my makeup. Then I slipped on my Uggs, told Beth and Sherri where I was going, and threw my phone and my wallet into my small silver clutch and made my way over to the Margera's.

Bam's Hummer wasn't in the driveway when I pulled in, and I guessed he had probably run out to the store or something. I walked into the kitchen where April was mixing away and Novak was sitting at the island with a glass of water.

'Hello.' I said walking in and shutting the door behind me.

'Ri, honey!' April said coming over to hug me. 'How are you?'

'I'm good, how are you?' I asked. 'Hi Novak.'

'Hey.' He said looking back to his glass.

'Rian!' Jess said coming down the stairs and hugging me.

'Where's Bam?' I asked taking a seat next to Novak.

'He went with Phil to get Mum Mum and Pop Pop.' Jess said and I nodded my head.

'April do you need any help?' I asked.

'Oh no, honey, I'm fine.' She said smiling over at me.

'Jess, what happened last night?' Raab said coming up from the basement stairs.

'You had more alcohol than any human being should ever have in one night.' Jess said making Raab laugh at himself. Jess and Novak worked to help piece Raab's night back together for him while April just rolled her eyes. The Hummer soon pulled into the driveway and Phil came up to the door helping a lady with a walker into the house. He was closely followed by Bam and an older man who was making Bam laugh.

'Hi!' Was heard from everyone as Phil helped the woman into the dining room and into a chair.

'Philip! I'm hungry.' She said as Phil was making his way back into the kitchen.

'Hi Rian.' He said smiling at me.

'Hi Phil.' I said.

'Babe!' Bam said realizing I was there. He leaned over and gave me a kiss. 'Glad you came.'

'Me too.' I said smiling at him.

'Ri, this my grandfather, Pop Pop.' He said gesturing to the man beside him. 'Pop Pop, this is Rian. I told you about her.'

'Yeah. I know.' He said. 'It's nice to meet you.'

'You too.' I said.

'Philip!' Mum Mum called from the next room.

'I think she wants you Dad.' Phil said looking at his father.

'I'm not going in there until I get a beer.' Pop Pop said making me laugh.

After everyone was settled in and Ape and I had placed everything on the table, I sat down next to Bam.

'Thanks Ri.' Ape said.

'No problem.' I said.

'Now, Bam, who's this one?' Mum Mum said pointing to me.

'This is Rian.' Bam said. 'Rian that's my grandmother, Mum Mum.'

'Hi it's nice to meet you.' I said.

She nodded her head looking me up and down. 'I like this one. She's classy. Keep her around Bam. She's much better than the other scummy one.'

Bam laughed and looked over at me. 'Thanks Mum Mum.'

Dinner with the Margera's was always amazing. I always felt like I was apart of their family. After dinner, I helped Ape clean up while Bam and Phil brought Mum Mum and Pop Pop home.

'You wanna go shopping with me tomorrow?' April asked.

'Yeah.' I said. 'We haven't been in so long.'

'I know. And I really want your opinion on some things.' She said.

'Sure. What time do you want to leave?' I asked.

'Let's go for ten. We'll head up to King of Prussia.'

'Okay.' I said.

Bam returned a little while later but I couldn't stay so I said my goodbyes and went back to Beth's where I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I dorve over to the Margera's around 9:30 for coffee with Ape. We sat and talked sippng our coffee.

'Ri?' Bam asked coming down the stairs.


'What are you doing here?' He asked giving me a one armed hug.

'We're going shopping.' Ape said taking both of our mugs and putting them in the sink.

'Can I come?' Bam asked.

'No.' April said. 'Ready Ri?'

'Yup.' I said standing up.

'Bam, there's pizza in the freezer for you boys later if you get hungry. And don't mess the house up too much. I just cleaned this morning.'

'Yeah yeah yeah.' Bam said waving her off and looking for something in the fridge.

'Bye love you.' She said walking out the door ahead of me.

'Love you.' Bam said. He came over right before I shut the door and opened it again. He grabbed me and spun me around and kissed me. 'Love you too.'

'Bye Bam.' I said smiling at him and following his mother.

I jumped in the passenger side of Ape's purple PT Loser and off we went.

'What's going on between you and Bam?' She asked as we were walking through Macy's.

'I have no idea.' I said shakng my head.

'Really?' She asked.

'Ape, I love him. And I've tried to get over it. But I'm not ready to.'

'And he's not ready to get rid of Jenn.' She said sighing.

'You don't like her do you?' I asked.

'I did.' She said. 'I used to really like her. But then he met you. And I realized how much happier he is when's he with you.'

I smiled to myself. So, I wasn't the only one who saw a difference in Bam.

'And,' She sighed heavily. 'I can't help but wish it was you he was engaged to.'

I looked over at her, shocked that she had admited that to me.

'I wish it was me too, Ape.' I said.

She smiled broadly.

'Well, let's go over to Victoria's Secret and get something that will make Bam wish that too.' April smirked and led me over to the store.

'April,' I asked as she placed I walked out of the dressing room. She had picked out a small black nightie with a sheer covering over my stomach and a little black thong. 'When am I ever going to be alone with Bam long enough to wear this?' I asked.

'Honey,' She said. 'With the way you two sneak around, by next month. Besides, didn't he tell you he's buying his own house?'

'He is?' I asked shutting the door and putting my regular clothes back on.

'Yup.' She said. 'He's been looking around. There going to film it so it's going to be the opening episode for season 2.'

'That's awesome.' I said coming out with the nightie on it's hanger. I went to hang the outfit back back on a rack.

'What are you doing?' April asked taking the outfit back off the rack and bringing it to the registers.

'April,' I said laughing as she handed the woman her card. 'You're not buying that for me.'

'I'm not.' She said. 'Bam is.'

She signed her name on the receit and handed the bag to me and the credit card she had used to pay for it. I looked at the name: Brandon C. Margera.

A few weeks after my shopping trip with April, Thanksgiving was upon us and I drove to Boston to my parent's house. After dinner we all sat around and popped in the movie that Beth had chosen. I sat staring into the TV. I was never one to get into action movies.

'What's wrong Ri?' My Dad asked.

'She's thinking about Bam.' Beth smirked.

I flipped her off.

'Rian!' My mom said.

I rolled my eyes and played with the strings of my sweat pants.

'Your love is a razorblade kiss
Sweetest is the taste from your lips

'Hello?' I said picking up my phone without looking at the name.

'Oh my fucking God.' I heard Bam say.

'What's wrong?' I asked.

'Rian, we're watching a movie.' My mother said.

'Hang on.' I said into the phone. I got up off the couch and made my way up to my room.

'Hello?' I asked plopping down onto my bed.

'Hey.' Bam said.

'What's up?' I asked.

'Rian, I just came from the worst fucking Thanksgiving dinner.'

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Where are you?' He asked.

'My parent's.'

'Fuck. I though you'd be at Beth's.'

'Nope. Tell me the story.' I said.

'Okay, so I went with Jenn to her parent's for dinner.' He said. 'And it was so awkward.'

'Haven't you met her parents?' I asked.

'Yeah, like once or twice in passing. But not since the engagement.' He said. 'It was fucked. They sat me down and they tried to stage an intervention at the table.'

I burst out laughing.

'It's not funny.' He said.

'I'm sorry. What kind of an intervention?' I asked.

'They were saying I drink too much.' He said. 'And it got really bad when they had videos from Viva La Bam and they played them.'

'Videos of what?'

'Me being a drunken idiot.' He said.

'I am so sorry.' I said trying hard not to laugh.

'Rian, I can't stress to you how awkward it was.' He said now laughing slightly with me.

'So, where's Jenn?'

'I left her there. I didn't even finish eating. I was trying to make a good impression and they made me feel so umcomfortable. And Jenn thought it was right of them to do it.' He explained.

'I'm sorry Bam.' I said.

'I'm tempted to drive out to Boston.'

'Bam, don't. Stay there.' I said.

'How was you're Thanksgiving?'

'Boring. It's just my parents, Beth, Billy, and I.' I sighed. 'There watching some shitty movie.'

'How big is Beth?' Bam asked.

'Huge.' I said.

'Bam?' I heard Phil come into his room.


'What'd you buy at Victoria's Secret?' Phil asked.

'Nothing...' Bam said.

'Well, it's on your credit card bill.' Phil said.

'Let me see.' Bam said taking it. I realized Ape and I had bought something there. 'Ape and Rian went shopping and Ape had that card. Ask her.'

'Ape!' Phil called walking out of his room.

'What'd you guys buy?' Bam asked.

'Something...' I said.

'Would I like it?' He asked. I could hear him smirking.

'Probably...' I said.

'Can I see it?' He asked.


'Rian.' He said.

'I'll talk to you tomorrow Bam.' I said hanging up the phone.