Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2003 - December


'Hello, Chanel, this is Rian speaking. How can I help you?' I asked.

'Rian, I am so sorry to bother you at work. It's April.'

'Hey, Ape. Don't worry about it. It's slow today.' I said.

'I need your help. Will you come with me to pick out Bam's present for Christmas?'

'Yeah, of course.' I said.

Friday I drove down to go shopping with April the next day. Kelly decided she wanted to come with us, so the next day we piled into my car and I drove us to the nearest ATV dealership.

'I really want to get him a go kart or something.' April said as we got out of the car and made our way up to the door.

'He'd love that.' Kelly said.

'Hello.' The friendly man said greeting us at the door.

'Hi.' We all said.

'What can I do for you ladies today?' He asked smiling.

'I would like to look at go karts.' April said as the man began to usher us over to the area of the store the vehicles were kept.

'Could I ask who it's for?'

'My 24 year old son.' She said.

'All right.' The man said laughing slightly. 'Follow me.'

He walked us over to the small cars. They came in different sizes and colors.

'What about this one?' The man asked showing us a lime green one seater.

'I don't know. What do you think Ri?' April asked.

'I can't see Bam in that.' I said trying to picture him driving it.

'All right.' The man said bringing us over to another one.

'What about this?'

'No...' I said shaking my head.

'He can't be this picky.' The man said after he had showed us most of what he had in stock.

'Have you ever met Bam Margera?' Kelly asked.

'No...' The man said.

At that moment my phone vibrated. I grabbed it out of my purse. DUNNY.

'I'll be right back.' I said.

'That's not Bam, is it?' April asked.

'No, Dunn.' I said walking away towards the other end of the store. 'Hello?'

'Hey, girl hey!' Dunn said. 'Are you in West Chester?'

'Maybe...' I said. 'Why?'

'I thought I saw your car down at an ATV store on my way by.' He explained.

'Yeah, I'm Christmas shopping with Ape and Kelly.' I said.

'Whatcha doing later?' He asked.


'We haven't hung out in so long.' Dunn said. 'And Angie's away visiting her parents so, I'm bored.'

'Let me call you when I get out of here, kay?' I asked.

'Sure.' He said. 'Bye.'

'Bye.' I hung up the phone and made my way over to Ape and Kelly.

'Rian, what do you think of this one?' April asked pointing to a dark purple two seater.

I walked over and sat in the drivers seat. 'I can definatly see Bam in this.'

Kelly laughed and sat in the passengers side. 'It's comfy.' She said.

'We'll take it!' April shrieked. She signed some papers and made a payment agreement. And then we all climbed into my car. 'Now the only problem is hiding it from Bam for a month.'

I dropped them both off at Ape's and made my way over to Dunn's apartment. Knocking on the door his roommate answered.

'Hi, is Ryan here?' I asked awkwardly.

'Yeah, come on in.' He said inviting me into the bachelor's pad.

'Ri!' Dunn said coming into the living room from the kitchen and giving me a hug. 'Let's go get something to eat.'

'Kay.' I said. We drove to Duffer's and sat down at a booth and ordered food. Dunn's phone rang right as we had finished eating.

'It's Bam.' He said before answering it. 'Hey...I'm at Duffer's...With Ri...Yes, that Rian...What are you talking about?...You're seriously mad?...Dude...No...No!...Bam! He hung up on me.'

I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

'Aparently I'm not allowed to come and see you.' He said.

'He's mad we went out to lunch together?' I asked.


'Fuck him.' I said shaking my head. 'Let's go back to your place and fuck.'

He burst out laughing as the waiter came and looked at us funny.

'Shit, my phone's ringing.' I said grabbing it.

'Is it him?' Dunn asked.

'No, Beth.' I said. 'Hello?'

'Rian! Beth's giving birth! Call your parents and meet me at the hospital!' Billy screamed before hanging up on me.

'I have to go.' I said standing up and throwing my phone in my bag.

'What's up?'

'My sisters giving birth.' I said.

'Good thing we took our own cars.' Dunn smirked. He stood up and gave me a hug. 'Congrats Auntie Rian.'

'Thanks.' I said. 'I'll call you later. Don't let Bam give you a hard time.'

I ran out to the car and dialed my mother's number. 'Ma!' I said when she answered.

'What's wrong?'

'Beth's giving birth.' I said.

'Where are you?' She asked.

'I'm on my way to the hospital. I'm in West Chester.'

72 hours of no sleep and listening to my sister scream, I finally had a niece. I came into the room to find Beth asleep and Billy feeding the new baby.

'Hey.' I said walking in. 'She's absolutely adorable.'

'Thanks.' Billy smiled. 'Beth named her Ruthie Mae.'

'She's so cute.' I said.

I got to hold her and she slept in my arms.

'Hey,' My parents said coming in.

'Oh, Rian. Look at you.' My mom said kissing me on the cheek. 'You're an aunt!'