Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - March


Bam and I had begun talking a lot after the trip to Mardi Gras and Finland. He and Jenn were still together but were not doing well at all. Bam had started driving up to my apartment once a week to spend the night.

'Honey, I'm home!' He called walking in one day.

'Why did I give you a key?' I questioned as I looked at my door from my living room.

'You look nice.' He said taking in the brown sweater dress from H&M I was wearing.

'Thanks.' I said as he set his suitcase down. 'What's with all the bags?'

'I'm leaving for California in the morning.' He said laying down on the couch. 'I'm leaving the Hummer here. Will you give me a ride?'

'I don't have a choice do I?' I asked laughing.

'Nope!' He said.

'What are you going to California for?' I asked cuddling up to him.

'Photoshoot.' He said. He grabbed the remote away from me and began flipping through the channels.

I fell asleep and he had to wake me up and drag me off to my bedroom.

The next morning, I drove him to JFK.

'Call me when you get in.' I said kissing him.

'Kay.' He said pulling me in for a longer kiss.

'You're going to miss your flight.' I said trying to push him away. He pulled me back and kissed me harder. 'Kingman's gonna be pissed.' I said.

'Fuck him.' He said before deepening the kiss further. We kissed for two minutes before he pulled away. 'Thanks for making me late, Ri.' He said running to the door.

I rolled my eyes as he waved one last time.

Later that night I got a call. I looked at the caller ID and realized it was Bam.


'Hey babe.' He said.

I smiled. 'Hi.'

'I made it here safe.' He said. I heard a car door open and then close.

'Good.' I said.

'Did you get my board?' I heard him ask who I assumed was Kingman.

'Okay. I'll call you tonight.' Bam said.

'Kay. Love ya.'

'Love you too.' He said hanging up.

Allie came over for a movie night. We were watching Clueless when the phone rang again.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Oh my fucking God.' I heard Bam say.

'What?' I asked.

'You will never guess what just happened.' He said.

'What?' I asked.

'I just got fucking Punk'd!' He said laughing.

'What!' I said laughing.

'Kingman, fucking Punk'd me!' Bam said before telling me the entire story.

'That sucks.' I said.

'Yeah. It did.' Bam said laughing. 'What are you doing?'

'Watching Clueless with Allie.' I said.

'Okay, I'll let you go. I just wanted to tell you.' He said.

'Okay. Night. Love you.'

'Love you.'