Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - April


'It's my birthday!' Drew screamed into the phone.

'I know.' I said rolling my eyes at him slightly.

'You're coming out with us tonight right?' He asked.

'Of course.' I said rolling out of my bed to get ready.

'Kay bye!' He said. 'Look cute!'

I went to my closet and grabbed a random magenta colored bubble dress and slipped it on. I curled my hair, did my make-up, and slipped on a pair of black pumps.

A knock came on my door as I was throwing my phone and makeup in a small black clutch, putting the necklace Bam had gotten me from Tiffany's on, and shutting lights off.

'Comming!' I called as I ran to it.

I opened it to find Drew leaning against the wall swinging his Mercedes keys around his finger.

'You are?' He asked. 'I just got here and you're that horny?'

'Shut up!' I said pushing him and making sure my door was locked. 'Happy birthday.'

'You look adorable.' He said.

'Thanks. So do you.' I said looking at his darkwash jeans, blue oxford, tie, vest, and Coach sneakers.

'We are gonna pick up some boys tonight!' He screamed shaking his chest and making me laugh. His white E-Class was parked in the parking garage under my building, so we took the elevator down and hoped in with Drea and Lexi.

'Hey.' I said getting in.

'Hey.' They both said smiling.

Drew pulled up to the club and gave the valet his keys. We made our way inside and found a table up in the VIP area.

'How did you get VIP?' I asked sitting down.

'It's my birthday!' Drew said like I should have known. 'I'm drinking! Lexi, you want anything?'

'What are you getting?' She asked looking at the menu.

'Vodka and cranberry.' He said.

'Me too.' Lexi said.

'Get me a Cosmo with sugar on the rim.' I said.

'You're drinking?' Lexi and Drew asked at the same time.

'I'm just gonna have one.' I said.

'Get me a Vitamin Water.' Drea said.

Drew and Lexi went down to the bar to get everyone drinks.

Sipping on my drink and talking with my friends, I was having a blast. I'm A Slave 4 U came on and Drew screamed, 'Britney!'

We all got up and started dancing and laughing. After a few more songs we sat and started talking again.

That's when I saw her. Jenn was at a table across the club, cozying up with a guy that wasn't Bam.

'Oh my fucking God!' I said trying to get a closer look.

'What?' They all asked.

'That's fucking Jenn!' I said pointing her out.

'Jenn who?' Drew asked.

'Rivell. She's Bam's fiancee.' I explained grabbing my bag off the table and taking my phone out.

'Where are you going?' Lexi asked as I stood up.

'Bathroom. Who wants to come?'

'I will.' Drea said.

'Kay.' We pushed our way through the crowd and towards the ladies room. There was a line.

'Fuck!' I said. Deciding I wasn't going to wait I walked to the front.

'Back of the line.' A girl said to me.

'I have to make a phone call.' I said.

'Oh my God! You're that girl who dated Bam!' She said.

'Yeah...' I said feeling awkward.

'I thought you looked familiar and then I saw the heart tattoo. Go right on in.' She said letting Drea and I in.

'Bam's good for some things.' I smiled sitting on the couch that was in there. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. No answer. I called his cell. No answer. I called Ape and Phil's.

'Hello?' Phil answered.

'Hey Phil. Is Bam around?' I asked.

'No he's not Ri. He's at home.' He said.

'Okay thanks.' I said. Hanging up with Phil I called Bam's house agian.

'Yo!' He answered.

'Bam!' I said. A few girls looked at me.

'Rian!' He said just as loudly.

'Why don't you ever answer any of your fucking phones?' I asked.

'Why? You call?'



'Anyway. Listen, do you know where Jenn is tonight?'

'Her parents. Why?'

'Did you get in a fight?' I asked.

'No. She said her Mom was sad after a friend died. Why do you care?'

'Bam, she lied to you.' I said.

'What are you talking about?' He asked.

'Bam. I'm out for Drew's birthday. She's at the club I'm at. With some guy. Making out.'

'Real nice Rian.'

'What?' I asked. 'You don't believe me?'

'No. Her mom's friend died.' He said.

'Bam. I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie to you.'

'I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?' He asked hanging up.

'Fuck you!' I screamed making girls turn their heads at me.

'What?' Drea asked.

'He doesn't believe me.' I said getting up and walking to the sink. 'Fuck him.'

'What's wrong?' One girl asked.

'You know Bam Margera?' I asked looking at her and her friend. They both shrugged and nodded. 'He's a total, complete, dick. Jackass was a good show for him to be on because he is one. I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch.'

I turned away from the sink and made my way towards the door.

'You're just going to go start shit?' Drea asked following me.

'I'm sick and tired of her hurting Bam.' I said pulling the door open and heading towards the table. I grabbed two drinks off a table and approached her and the guy.

'Jenn.' I said making her look at me.

'Rian?' She asked looking horrified.

'How are you?' I asked. 'Who's this?'

'Uh--' She was at a loss for words.

'How classy. You even kept your engagement ring on.' I smirked noticing it. I took one of the drinks that was in my hand and poured it in her lap.

'What the fuck was that for!?' She shrieked standing up.

'That was for my own personal self.' I said. Then taking the other drink I dumped it on her head. 'And that was for Bam. He deserves someone ten times better than you, fat dyke.'

With that I turned on my heel and made my way back to the table where Drew and Lexi were sitting. I grabbed my purse and slipped my phone in it.

'You were gone awhile.' Drew commented as Drea slid back into her chair laughing.

'Yeah. I had to take care of Bam's finacee.' I explained. 'I should probably head home before she finds me.'

I kissed Drew on the cheek and gave him a big hug before wishing him a happy birthday. I walked out of the club and hailed a cab. I gave the cabbie my address and made my way home.