Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - May


'Hello,' I said picking up the phone. 'Chanel.'

'Ri?' I heard a very familiar voice ask.

'Bam?' I said turning to face the wall. One of the girls at the counter had heard me.

'Hey.' He said.

'Are you sick?' I asked noticing the difference in his happy go lucky voice.

'No. Jenn and I are taking a break.' He said.

'I'm really sorry.' I said.

'You were right...' He said simply. 'She was cheating on me.'

'Bam,' I said. 'You cheated on her too.'

'Yeah. With you.' He said. 'She cheated with like fucking twelve other guys. Everytime she left fucking Elle with me, she was fucking some guy.'


'And then, she'd come home and fuck me!'

'Bam, maybe this is a good thing.' I said.

'What do you mean?' He asked.

'Maybe, you and Jenn can...' I swallowed the lump in my throat. ' things out with osme time apart.'

'I tried to break it off. But she insisted on a break. Whatever the fuck that means.'

'So you're done?' I asked feeling a bit better.

'Unless by some miracle I like her again.' He said sighing.

'Well, look. I'll call you later. I'm at work right now.' I said looking over at Allie who was motioning I get off the phone.

'Kay.' He said. 'Bye.'

'Bye.' I hung up and walked up to the register next to Allie.

'Was it Bam?' She asked.

'Yeah. He and Jenn are taking a break.' I explained smiling over at her.