Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - June


As June rolled around, graduation was thick in the air. I was a jumbled mess of excitement, nervousness, and sadness. My parents were both driving over, and Beth and Billy planned on packing Ruthie in the car and heading my way as well. Little did I know, someone else had a surprise for me.

The morning of my big day, I was a wreck trying to piece together the perfect outfit for under my gown.

Drew, Drea, and Lexi had helped me in the process of tearing the clothes out of my impressive closet. They were each throwing their own personal style in which wasn't helping either, considering the cast difference.

Finally, I decided on a blue summer dress I had just picked up at the Gap with a brown woven leather belt around my waist. I threw on a few bangles and a pair of wedges from Coach.

Lexi curled my hair and did my make-up just as Drea was welcoming my family into my apartment.

'Rian!' I heard my mother bitch as she walked into my room. 'This place is disgusting.'

'It doesn't normally look like this.' I defended as I walked away from Lexi. 'Besides, it's just clothes. Not dirty dishes.' I gave each of them a hug hello before slipping on my purple gown and hat and piling into my parents large SUV.

We pulled up to my school and I jumped out giving all of them a hug again and directing them where to go. I ran to find my other classmates, and my spot in line feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach the whole way.

Once everyone had their place in line, we began marching out towards the stage to take our seats. My heart was pounding in my ears. I took my seat and a few words were said, but I didn't hear them. I was trying to relax my now tense body and make sure I didn't trip and embaress myself. As the others around me stood, I quickly stood as well. Each name was called slowly, and the owner of the name seemed to walk even slower.

'Rian Lightman.'

Hearing my name, my brain stopped for a minute before screaming at my body to go. I made my way up the steps, shook hands with many of my Professor's and then toook my dipolma as I walked off and back to my seat. I praised myself once I had reached my seat. I thought I had heard a shrill yell simular to Bam's when I had been up there, but I ignored it.

'Ladies and Gentleman,' The Dean said into the microphone and I realized everyone around me had graduated. 'May I present, the graduating class of 2004!'

Screaming along with my peers I took my silly purple hat off and threw it into the air, not caring where it landed.

After hugging a few friends, I began heading towards my family.

'Ri!' Beth screamed once I had reached them and pulled me into a hug.

'Picture time!' My father called making everyone scooch in closer. After what felt like a dozen pictures, I felt a hand on my shoulder.


'Bam!' I screamed throwing my arms around his neck.

'Congragulations.' He said with a slight laugh. 'I brought you something.'

'Stop buying me stuff.' I said taking the small box from him.

'I can't help it.' He said as I began opening it. Inside was a small graduation cap charm. 'It's for the bracelet I bought you in Finland.'

'I love it!' I said throwing myself on him again.

'Bam! I didn't know you were going to be here!' My mother said coming over and pulling me off of him so she could hug him. 'Why didn't you tell me, Rian?'

'I didn't know either, Ma.' I explained.

'Bam,' My father said holding out his hand. 'I don't believe we've met before.'

'Uh, no.' Bam said polietly as he shook it. 'I don't think so Mr. Lightman.'

'Please, call me John.'

'Let's get a picture with you two. I don't have one.' My mother said pushing Bam and I together agian. Bam wrapped his arms around me and I couldn't help but fell like that was the one place I truly belonged, his arms. My mother quickly snapped the picture and I pulled unwillingly asway from him.

'Thanks for coming.' I smiled.

'No problem.' He said smiling back as he leaned in and kissed my forehead. 'I'd stay, but you probably have family stuff to do.'

'Yup.' I said nodding.

'We'll hang out this summer, kay Thump?'

'Promise?' I asked as he started walking towards his car.

'Promise!' He called over his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short update. I'm planning on pulling an all nighter, so updates early the next morning?