Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2002 - April


Sunday morning I woke up early. I showered quickly. Coming into my room with only a towel on my phone rang.

'Hello?' I asked opeing my sock drawer.

'Excited to see me in like four hours?' A voice I had grown to know as Bam's asked.

'Yeah.' I said smiling.

'What are you doing?' He asked.

'Nothing. I just got out of the shower.' I said opening my closet. Most of my clothes were packed so this was going to be harder. 'What are you doing?'


'Shouldn't you have done that last night?' I asked.

'Yeah, probably.'

'Hey, I have to go.' I said looking at the time. I only had 45 minutes before I had to meet Johnny and Jeff. 'I'll call you when I get there.'

'Okay, bye.'

Throwing my phone to the bed I turned back to my closet. I chose Abercrombie & Fitch destroyed dark wash skinnies with a blue wife beater from Element. I put on a gray Hollister zip-up hoodie, slipped on some gold gladiator sandels from the Gap and shoved my essentials in my black Marc by Marc Jacobs bag. Fixing my hair and make-up quickly I grabbed my bags and headed for the office.

An three hours later we exited the plane and stepped into Miami. As soon as I was off the terminal I called Bam.

'Yeah, I figured it'd be you, that's why I didn't answer it.' His voicemail said instantly.

'Hey,' I said looking around the crowded airport. 'We landed. Just seeing when you would be. Call me.'

I followed Jeff and Johnny to the awaiting car outside the airport. We got in and soon arrived outside the Fairfield Inn. I got out and grabbed my bags. My phone beeped so I reached into my purse and pulled it out. Suddenly, someone grabbed my middle and spun me around.

'Ah!' I screamed.

Whoever it was put me down and I spun around quickly and came face to face with a shirtless Chris Pontius.

'Chris! You scared the hell out of me!' I said clutching my heart.

'How are you?' He asked pulling me in for a hug.

'Good. How are you?' I asked.

'Where's Bam and Dunn?' Steve-O asked coming out of the hotel, also shirtless.

'I called Bam when we landed. He didn't answer.' I said picking my stuff up again.

'Is everyone here?' Jeff asked.

'No.' Pontius answered. 'Ehren and Dave will be flying in tommorrow. But, Wee Man and Preston are here.'

We checked in and I brought my stuff up to my room. Jeff and Johnny were on my left and Pontius and Steve-O were on my right. Preston and Wee Man were across from Jeff and Johnny.

I began to unpack some of my stuff and get situated. As I was turning on my AC, my phone rang.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Hey.' It was Bam.

'We're on our way to the hotel now.' He said.

'Okay, I'll see you in a bit then?'


'Okay, bye.'

'Knock, knock.' Jeff said knocking on my open door.

'Hey, Jeff. I just talked to Bam. They're on their way here now.'

'Okay.' He said. 'I came to talk to you about something though.'

'Yeah?' I asked. I had no idea where this could be going, but I was nervous.

'Is there something going on between you and Bam?' He asked.

Oh shit. I thought. 'No. I mean I like him, but we're not like together.' I said shakily.

'Well, I can't stop you from dating him if you want, but you have to know, this can not interfere with my movie.'

'I know, Jeff.' I said. 'I'm not about to fuck up my job.'

'Just checking.' He said getting up. 'See you in a bit.'

I decided to change out of my jeans into shorts. Opening my suitcase I chose a pair of white American Eagle bermuda shorts and a navy blue striped top with elbow length selves from the Gap. I figured I'd wear the same sandels.

As I was getting dressed I heard Bam's voice coming up the hall. Feeling a small jolt in my stomach I hurried. When I opened the door, I noticed the door across from mine was now open. I ran across the hall bare foot and saw Bam standing in front of the first double bed with his bag open. I ran up and jumped on the bed making him jump back.

'What the fuck!' He said in surprise.

I feel to my knees laughing as he tackled me down onto the bed.

'Hi.' I said.

'Hi.' He said. 'I missed you.'

'I missed you too.'

For a moment it seemed as though his face was getting closer to mine as it loomed above me, and I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me before Dunn interupted us.

'Ew, Bam, get a room.' He said stepping out of the bathroom.

'Shut up, Dipshit.' Bam said climbing off me.

'Hi, Dunn.' I said sitting up.

'Hi Rian. Nice to see you again.'

'No fucking way!' Bam said standing in the doorway. 'Are you across the hall?' He said turning back to us.

'Yeah.' I said.

'That is so ri-Goddamn-diculous!' He said smiling.

Florida was going great. We had gotten a ton of great footage. And I was having a blast with all the guys.

'Rian.' Jeff called from inside the van.

'Yeah, Jeff?' I asked poking my head into the door.

'Can you go in there and make sure Bam, Tony, and Matt are filming and not just skating like last night.' He said pointing to the building behind him.


I walked in to a small lobby. I continued forward and pushed open two large metal doors exposing a room full of ramps and jumps.

I spotted our camera crew by a half pipe and walked over. The three guys were wrapped in bubble wrap and fat person clothes for a skit called 'Sweaty Fat Fucks.' Tony Hawk was helping Bam up the ramp while Matt Hoffman did arial flips on his bike a ramp away. I watched as Bam finally got his leg onto the coping before Tony pushed him and he went sliding down the ramp.

'I think that's a wrap.' Lance the camera man said shutting off his camera. Bam, Tony, and Matt began to peel off the bubble wrap exposing their sweat soaked bodies.

'Ri Ri!' Bam called when he saw me. 'What are you doing?' He asked peeling the bubble wrap from his legs.

'Seeing how filming was going.' I said stepping closer to him.

He had nothing on but his boxers as he stepped out of the bubble wrap. 'Doing this bit in Florida was the worst fucking idea ever.' He said to me and a camera that was behind me. 'I'm so fucking hot.'

'Ew.' I said shaking my head.

'What?' He asked smirking.

'Nothing.' I said.

Suddenly he doged towards me.

'Bam!' I screamed. He grabbed me around the waist hugging my body aganist his sweaty one.

'Ew! Bam!' I said as he let go.

He laughed as I hit him. 'It's not funny.' I said walking outside. I got in the van and sat down sighing and thorwing my head back. My phone rang.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Are you mad at me?' Bam asked.

'No,' I said. 'Why?'

'It seemed it.' He said. There was an awkward pause for a moment. 'Hey, I have an idea for tonight.'

'What?' I asked.

'I said I have an idea for tonight.' He said. 'Let's go get a tattoo.'

'What!' I said sitting up.

'Yeah.' He said laughing. 'Come on, Rian. We'll get matching tattoos.'

'Bam...' I said sighing again.

'Rian, please.' Bam said. 'I'm begging you. It'll be fun.'

'Fine.' I said.

At 9:30 a knock came on my door. I got up from my chair, putting down the book I was reading and went to open it.

On the other side was Bam wearing black sweatpants low on his hips, no shirt, and a black beanie.

'Let's go.' He said pulling my out of my room and shutting the door.

'Bam.' I said as he pulled me down the hall.

'Rian.' We got in the elevator and he leanded aganist the bar on the wall. We stood in silence until we reached the bottom floor and the bell rang and the doors opened.

'Excuse me, sir.' The woman at the desk said as he pulled me across the lobby.

'What?' He said rather rudly.

The woman looked taken aback but stood her ground. 'You need to have a shirt and shoes on in the lobby.'

'It's a...' He was thinking of some excuse. 'Religious matter.'

'Oh!' She said placing her hand over her mouth. 'I'm so sorry. Forgive me.'

'Ma halo.' He said bowing and pulling me out the door trying to hold back laughter.

'Religious matter?' I asked stopping him outside the door. 'Where'd you come up with that one?'

'Me and Ville came up with it in London once when we got in trouble for running around the hotel in our boxers.' He said laughing.

'Ville?' I asked confused.

'Valo.' He said. I gave him an even more confused look. 'Ville Valo. Lead singer of H.I.M.'

I just looked at him as he walked to the van and got in. I got in the passenger side and we sped out of the parking lot. We pulled up to a tattoo parlor right on the strip and Bam got out. I realized for the first time what I had gotten myself into.

Bam came over and opened my door.

'Aren't you coming Rian?' He asked.

'I don't know.' I said.

'Rian.' He said. 'Relax, it's not that bad. I'll hold your hand. It really doesn't hurt much. And you promised.'

I looked at him and he smirked at me. I got out and he shut the door. He put his hand on the small of my back and pushed me forward. I stopped again outside the door.

'I've never even met this guy.' I said. 'I don't trust him.'

'I have. He did this one.' He said pointing to the tattoo that always peeked out from above his pants. I had caught myself staring at this tattoo numerous times wndering just how far below the waistband it went. 'He's from West Chester. I went to school with him. And you trust me, don't you?'


'Alright then.' He said pushing me through the door. 'Is Mike here?' He asked the highly pireced girl behind the counter.

'Yeah.' she said.

'Is he busy?' Bam asked.


'Could you get him?' Bam asked.

'Yeah.' She turned and went to the back.

'Well she seemed happy to be here.' I whispered in Bam's ear making him turn to smile at me.

While we waited I took the time to glance around. It was like anyother tattoo parlor. There was a desk with a register where we had met the girl and the walls were littered with pictures from half naked women to mythical creatures and the occasional tribal symbol that probably had no real meaning. There were a few chairs against one wall and a table was in front of them covered in magazines showing off tattoos.

'He says to send you back.' The girl said returning. She lifted a piece of the counter that was on hinges and let us into the back area. Bam grabbed my hand and laced our fingers and pulled me through to the back.

It was small with only a wall dividing it from the waiting room. There wasn't even a door. A girl about my age was sitting in a red leather chair that reminded me of a dentist. A large tattooed man sat bent over her stomach etching a butterfly into it. Her face screwed up in pain one last time and then the man sat up.

'Done.' He said reaching into a container next to him and slapping a yellow substance onto it.

'Thanks.' She sat up and noticed Bam and I for the first time. 'Oh my god! You're Bam Margera! Can I have your autograph?'

Bam laughed and said sure. She handed him a piece of paper and a pen from her purse and he used the wall to scribble Ashley a quick message.

'Thanks.' She said hugging him.

'No problem.' He said as she left. I noticed he took a quick glance at her ass and I felt a pang of jealousy.

'Bam Bam.' The man said standing up and doing the man hug with Bam.

'Mikey.' Bam said in return. 'This is my friend Rian. Rian this is Mike.'

'Hi.' I said.

'Hello.' Mike said sitting down on his small stool again. 'What can I do for you Bam Bam?'

'Rian and I want to get tattoos and I figured you oculd hook us up.' Bam said.

'Of course.' Mike said laughing. He took a pair of latex gloves out of a box and slipped them on.

'Get up there Rian.' Bam said pointing to the chair. I gave him a frown but climbed up and placed my hands on my stomach.

'So,' Mike said. 'Do you know what you want?'

Bam walked over and whispered in Mike's ear.

'Okay.' Mike said. 'You got a color in mind Bam?'

'Black.' Bam said standing to my left. 'Close your eyes.'

I did as he said and Bam took my right hand and flipped it over exposing my inner wrist to Mike. Mike to my wrist next and I heard the buzz of the needle start up.

'Oh God.' I mumbled.

'Relax.' Bam whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps. He grabbed my left hand so I could squeeze it if I needed. And then there was a pinch on my wrist.

I came back from the tattoo parlor in pain and drowsy. I just wanted to goto bed. After making sure Bam was locked out, I pulled of my Hollister dark wash destoyed skinny jeans and my blue American Eagle henley and threw them on the floor. Deciding against looking for PJ's I pulled back the covers wearing only a white Abercrombie cami and pink and white striped Victoria's Secret boy shorts. I climbed in bed and fell fast asleep.

'Wake up woman!' A voice yelled a few hours later and I heard the door of my room slam into the wall. 'It' almost the ass crack of noon and we have to catch a flight out of this shithole in a few hours.'

Bam jumped and landed face down to my right on the bed making my body flop around.

'Bam, we're not flying anywhere. We're driving to Orlando.' I said rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair back. 'And how the hell did you get in here?'

'Oh yeah. I stole your extra key off that table by the door.' He said watching my yawn. 'How's your wrist?'

'It hurts, but not as bad as last night.' I said looking at the black heart that was now permantly in my skin.

'Good.' Bam said. 'It's supposed to.'

My mouth flew open in surpirse and I punched his shoulder as hard as I could laying down saying, 'Fuck you.'

'I had some nice morning wood this morning.' He said his eyes twinkling. 'I could get it back up if you want.'

'Ew.' I said throwing the covers back. 'That's disgusting.'

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I got up and went to the bathroom feeling Bam's eyes on my ass the whole way. I had completely forgotten about my lack of pants. I grabbed my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth.

'Are you all packed?' I asked but it came out slightly strange because of the toothbrush. 'Bam?'

His eyes travled up my body slowly and he reminded me of a little boy in a toy store.

'What?' He asked when we made eye contact.

'Nevermind.' I said going back to spit. I shut the door to pee and only ten did I realize what he had been gapping at. I heard him turn the volume up on the TV to a defining roar and realized there was no need to feel embarresed now. He'd practically seen everything.

So I sauntered back out into my room. He was now sprauled on my bed laughing at the cartoons.

'Is that loud enough?' I screamed.

'What?' He asked turning it down.

'Does it have to be that loud?' I asked. He didn't answer so I turned back to my suitcase trying to decide on an outfit.

I chose an Abercrombie dark wash skirt with a pink tee from Victoria's Secret PINK and matching flip flops. Again I could feel Bam's eyes on my ass and body as I went through my clothes. I went to the bathroom and changed quickly.

'Do you need help packing?' I asked coming back out and shutting my suitcase.

'Yeah.' He said looking at me. 'Could you?'

'Yeah.' I said. 'Let's go.'

We stepped across the hall to Bam and Dunn's room and I began to pack Bam's stuff while he got into the rest of the mini bar and waking up Dunn.

An hour later the whole cast plus me was squeezed into the black van we had rented and were on our way to Orlando. Jeff drove with Johnny next to him. Steve-O, Weeman, and Preston sat in the backseat. I sat in the third row between Bam and Dunn. I think I was more smooshed into Bam but I couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or not. Ehren and Dave drove in a second van with the crew.

We pulled up to our hotel around eight and the guys decided to do a little drinking. There was a bar walking distance from the hotel so off we went. I had been able to change quickly before we left choosing on a balck and white striped sweater from Volcom and the jeans I had been wearing. I took off my flip flops and slipped into black Dior pumps and off we went.

We chose a large booth because the bar wouldn't fit all of us. I slid into the wall and Bam scooted in next to me before someone else could. Dunn sat next to him and Ehren next to him. Steve-O sat across from me next to Johnny and Jeff. Preston pulled up an extra table for him Weeman, Dave and Pontius. Bam rested his arm behind me while he drank. I don't drink so I sat and ate a salad and talked with the guys.

We talked and had a great time. I think each of the guys offered to buy me a drink and I had to explain nine times I don't drink. Around ten I was getting tired so I said I was going back to the hotel.

Bam instantly said he was walking me back. I could tell he had a good buzz on but he wasn't drinking as heavily as the others. Bam and I left the bar and walked to the hotel in a comfortable silence. He took my hand in his lacing our fingers together and took out a cigarette and lit up smoking as we walked.

We reached the parking lot and he threw his cigarette on the ground stomping on it. He opened the door of the hotel for me and I smiled walking in. He grabbed my hand again and we went to the elevator. He pressed the large number 6.

'Uh, Bam.' I said confussed. 'We're on the third floor.'

'I know.' He said as the doors shut.

'Then why'd you hit six?' I asked.

'So I could do this.'

He pressed me up aganist the wall with his body and pushed my hands up the wall. He held them above my head as he kissed me passionatly. We made out in the elevator for the entire minute and a half it took us to reach the sixth floor. The bell chimed and he broke away stepping out with a smirk on his face. I giggled as I followed him. He walked ahead of me down the hallway. Stopping when we reached a window overlooking the pool room.

'I thought there was no pool here.' He said looking back at me.

'I thought so too.' I said.

He took off running to the end of the hall making me chase after him. He opened a door at the end and and ran down the stairs.

'Bam where are you going?' I asked laughing as I chased after him.

'To get my bathing suit.' He called over his shoulder. He opened the door to the third floor and began to walk casualy down the hall as if he hadn't just been running. Giggling again I walked with him down the hall to our respective rooms. He gave me a peck on the lips quickly before pushing me into the open door of my room and slamming the door to his.

I changed quickly. Pulling on my pure white string bikini from Abercrombie with a small brown moose on the hip. I threw my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed a towel and was about to leave when my phone beeped. I dropped my things onto the bed and walked to my phone. The text was from Bam.

Come up here. ;)

I smiled as I threw my phone back onto the table and slipped on my white Abercrombie rubber flip flops. I picked up my towel and headed for the stairs to make sure I didn't run into the guys. I reached the sixth floor and walked down to the pool. Bam was in the hot tub already with his head back and his eyes closed. I slid my key into the door quietly. Tip toeing across the floor I dropped my towel onto a nearby chair and slid into the water.

My plan had worked. He had yet to hear me. I swam up to him and began to kiss him. After a moment I felt his tongue on my bottom lip asking for permisson to enter. I accepted and our tongues wrestled inside each other's mouths as he pulled me closer so I was straddeling him. Our kiss grew deeper and finally we had to break for air.

'You're such a whore, Rian.' He said.

I looked shocked. And went to hit him.

'I'm kidding.' He said flinching. 'I'm kidding.' He pulled my face towards his and kissed me again this time much shorter.

We hung out between the pool and the hot tub for another hour kissing and horsing around. He made me feel like I was sixteen again without any care in the world and I love it. Around midnight we decided to go to bed. We walked to the elevator hand in hand. We stepped inside the metal doors making out as we had earlier.

Again he pushed me aganist the wall and his hand went to my flat stomach and I tensed under his touch. His rough, calloused, skate worn hands rubbed aganist my smooth stomach and it made me giggle slightly. He smiled against my lips and his hand went up a little further. The bell rang and the elevator stopped. The sound of someone clearing their throat made us jump apart.

Thankfully it was only a maid. She stepped in holding towels in her hands. The elevator continued to desend and the silence around us was extremley awkward. I had to break it by giggling. Bam began to laugh silently with me. Finally we reached our floor. The door opened and the woman stepped out before us.

'Bitch.' Bam mumbled as I pushed him forward laughing. He made sure to knock over some rolls of toliet paper from her cart as we walked to our rooms.

I opened the door of my room and motioned for him to follow. We continued our kisses just inside my door. The sound of the other guys coming up the hall made me jump back slightly. But Bam insisted on continuing. He pushed roughly against my lips. I pushed him further against the wall. I ran my hands over his naked chest, starting from his tattoo I worked my way up to his hair. His hands ran up and down my hips and thighs. Occasionaly running along my lower back. He was feeling brave and he tugged slightly on the string of my bikini. I gasped into his mouth and giggled.

'Dude, where the fuck's Bam at?' Dunn's slurred voice came from the hallway.

'I should go.' Bam whispered in between kisses.

'Okay.' I whispered back.

We shared a few more short kisses while Dunn was still in the hallway asking where Bam was.

'Goodnight.' Bam said as he gave me one last kiss.


He opened the door and slipped out.

'Where the fuck were you?' Dunn asked instantly.

'Where does it look like dip shit?' Bam asked. I smiled as I heard him walk towards his room Dunn stumbling behind him.

'What were you doing in Rian's room?' Dunn asked.

'None of your fucking business.' Bam said and I heard the door shut behind him.

I woke up the next day to my phone ringing.

'Hello?' I asked groggy.

'Rian,' Jeff said frantically. 'Where are you? The van is leaving in twenty minutes.'

'What?' I asked rolling over to look at the clock that read 8:00.

'Get ready.' He said and he hung up.

I jumped out of bed feeling a bit guilty for sleeping in. I jumped in the shower and took a quick five minuter. I ran to my suitcase and chose a quick outift. I decided to wear a navy blue dress from the Gap that had huge white polkadots covering it. I grabbed a white wifebeater from Aeropostale to wear under it and chose a pair of white wedges from Coach with a big bow on the front.

I ran out the door fifteen minutes later grabbing my phone and white Coach purse off the chair. I brushed my hair on the elevator and slipped a white headband into it. I ran out the door to the van where everyone was piled in except...

'Where's Johnny?' I asked.

'He's already there. Let's go.' Jeff said pointing to the empty passenger side.

I opened the door and climbed in.

'Hi.' I said turning to say goodmorning to the other guys.

'Ow, Rian do you have any Advil on you?' Dunn asked, his head on Bam's shoulder.

'Uh, yeah.' I reached into my purse and handed him the bottle.

'Thank you.' He said. We came to a stop at a light and I pulled down the viser and started to do my makeup.

'Is that nessacary?' Jeff asked glancing over at me as I aplied eyeliner.

'Do you want me to look bad?' I asked him.

'No.' He said.

'Good. Me either.' I continued to put on my makeup making eye contact with Bam through the mirror every few seconds.

We arrived at a place near a gross lake. A huge contraption was set up and each of the guys had a certain stunt they had to perform that would eventually send Knoxville into the water. This was supposed to be the closing stunt. I personally didn't think it was going to work. And I was right.

After spending all day in the hot sun I had a nice tan and I was extremely tired. We drove back to the hotel only to find out we were not done filming for the day yet. The guys were dressed in outfits straight out of the '70's and we drove the van to the empty parking lot of the nearest Walmart. There was a large white box truck that the guys would be rollar blading around in and Preston was going to drive it erratically around.

Jeff could not get the fog and lights to work Trip had to tell him that it was impossible for them to be going at the same time. Bam and I joked about it the whole night. I hated watching Bam get so wasted but he said he wasn't doing this scene until he was drunk. It was freezing and I still had my dress on. Thankfully Bam had a black Element hoodie and a beanie with a heartagram on it that he let me wear.

It took about two hours to get enough usable footage and then we piled back into the van and off we went. There were more of us then usual because we had only taken one van this time. The guys were wasted and I sat on the edge of my seat next to Dunn and the door. Bam sat in front of us on the floor.

Without warning he stood up and threw up near the door while we sped down the high way. Everyone in the back began to laugh and he turned around. He counted us drunkenly before slurring, 'Fuck all six of ya!'

The van smelled horrible the rest of the way to the hotel. I climbed out of the van avoiding Bam's puke, and went straight to bed. We had an early flight in the morning.

I woke up the next morning to find Bam passed out next to me. I was really confused on why he was asleep next to me. I left him sleeping and jumped in the shower. I climbed out and went through my suitcase looking for something to wear. I chose gray Hollister sweat pants that said HCO on the butt in seafoam green. Then I chose a seafoam green wifebeater from Element. I got dressed and was just pulling my top over my head when Bam's phone rang.

'Hello?' I asked grabbing it off the bed next to him.

'Are you with Bam?' Dunn's voice asked.

'Yeah, why?' I asked running my fingers through my hair.

'Where are you guys?'

'In my room.' I said. 'I woke up and he was passed out next to me.'

'Oh.-' He was cut off by a beep that signaled my other line.

'I have to go. Ape's calling.' I switched over. 'Hello?'

'Hi. Is this Rian?' She asked.


'How are you?' She asked.

'I'm good, how are you?' I asked.

'Good. Listen tell Bam I still can't find his passport and I can't get a new one on such short notice. So he won't be able to go to England.'

'What?' I asked.

'I know.' April said sounding depressed. 'Oh and tell him Element called. He has Demo's this week.'

'I'll tell him.' I said sighing.

'Thanks sweetie.'

I closed his phone and threw it on the bed. Sighing I laid down next to him and gave him a kiss. He opened his eyes slowly and then kissed me back.

'Can I ask why you're in my room?' I asked.

'Becuase Random Hero over there,' He pointed in the general direction of his room. 'Kicked me out he was so wasted.'

'Oh.' I said.

'Why are you mad?' Bam asked.

'No. I was just confused. And he must not remember doing it 'cause he called looking for you.'

Bam began to laugh as he sat up.

'You're mom called too.' I said.

'What'd she say?' Bam asked turning to face me.

'She can't find your passport and she can't get one on such short notice. So you can't go to England. And you have skate demos all next week.'

'Ugh.' He fell back onto the bed next to me. 'That sucks so bad. You guys get to go to fucking England and I have to stay in West Chester.'

'It's only a week.' I said reassuringly although I wasn't certain I could do it.

England was better than New York but it wasn't the same without Bam. And we got absolutely no footage besides Knoxville's Rocket Skates. The plus side was I got to go shopping at Barney's and I got a ton of new stuff. And Jeff promoted me to Assistant after his old one fucked up for the last time.

Dunn and I called Bam in between takes and told him what was going on. It was really just a lot of drinking and he wasn't missing out but he said he was. It was werid to be in another timezone than him. We couldn't talk as often as when I was in New York and he was working just as much as I was.

The next stop was Los Angeles which was exciting. I had never been to the West Coast. And Bam would be there. We were there for two weeks because we had to film the opening and new closing scenes. Which were probably the funnest days of the trip. It was really funny to see all the guys in their old man make up. Bam and I had somehow managed to sneak off to a bathroom where he pinned me against the wall and kissed me.

'This is weird.' I said pulling back.

'Why?' He asked.

'I feel like I'm cheating on you with my grandpa.'

On the last day of filiming in L.A. I got a call from my mom. She said my sister, Beth, had been in an accident. I broke down there in front of the crew and ran towards the new rental van. Bam followed me and I told him what happened. I had to leave early and go home.

The next day I spoke with Jeff about my situation. He said it was fine that I left and that Bam had spoken to him last night about going with me. He had said it was okay for us to both go and take a week off. I thought it was so sweet that Bam wanted to come home with me. And I told him so that night. Jeff said they weren't going to Mexico without Bam and I so they decided to go to the Pacific North West.

Bam and I left the next morning and headed straight for Boston.

'I thought you lived in New York.' Bam said as we stepped off the terminal.

'I do.' I said.

'Well, aren't we a little far then?' Bam asked following me out of Logan airport.

'Bam, I'm from Boston. I'm going to school in New York.' I said turning to face him.


'Rian!' I heard my mother shriek as she ran towards me.

'Hi, mom.' I said hugging her.

'It's so good to see my baby.' She said pulling back to look at me. 'Who's this?'

'Uh, this is Bam Margera, he's uh...' I was unsure of how to address him. Friend or boyfriend?

'Her boyfriend.' He said holding out a hand and reading my mind.

'Oh!' My mother shrieked pulling him in for a hug. 'Call me Emily, dear.'

We piled into the car after many hugs from my mother and sped off to Massachusetts General Hospital to see Beth. We got there in no time and walked to the elevator. I wondered if Bam wanted to participate in our favorite elevator acitivites as much as I did. But I figured it would be really awkward with my mother in the mix.

We walked to my sisters room. She was awake and very happy to see me. We were always really close.

'Hi, dear.' My mother said walking into the room. 'How are you feeling? I brought your sister and her new boyfriend.'

'Hi Beth.' I said leaning over to give her a hug.

'Boyfriend?' She whispered.

'I'll tell you about it later.' I whispered back. Standing up I introduced them. 'Beth this is Bam, my boyfriend. Bam, this is my sister, Beth.'

'Hi.' Beth said.

'Yo.' Bam said. 'Nice to meet you.'

We stayed for a little while longer before heading to our house.

Our week in Boston was interesting. We saw a lot of Beth and I and some how found alone time with her to tell her the truth about Bam and I. The good thing about our lie was we didn't have to hide kisses like we did with the guys. And we could sleep in the same bed which was also interesting. Bam later told me he had said we were together for those reasons. I mean we practically were together anyways. We were able to get Bam a passport so he could actually go to Mexico. I gave him a tour of the city and we did the stupid little things couples do. We went out to eat in Fanuel Hall and held hands along the Freedom Trail. He even took me shopping in Copley Square and bought me Ray Ban sunglasses and a new Chanel bag.

I realized that night, as he wrapped me up in his arms, that I was falling in love with Bam Margera.