Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - October


October brought Paris fashion week. Which meant that my new job entitled me to go. And I was more than happy to go. And having Chelsea made it ten times funner.

We were to be there for a week. A week of top designer shows and after parties. I spent a month's rent in new clothes, shoes, accesories, anything I could get my grubby hands on.

I hated leaving. Paris was now my favorite spot I had ever traveled to, knocking Helsinki to second.

I was heading back up to my room to pack my bags for the trip home, when I saw a very familliar couple at the desk.

'Mar-ger-a.' I heard the blonde lady say each syllabel slowly. 'M-A-R...G-E-R...A.'

'Margera! Uh, Oui!' The guy behind the desk said finally finding their name in the computer.

'Ape? Phil?' I asked walking over to them. 'What are you guys doing here?'

'Rian?' April said giving me a hug followed by Phil. 'We're here for our anniversary. Bam's not here, is he?'

'Bam?' I asked. 'No. I haven't even talked to him. I'm here for work. Happy anniversary.'

'Thank you.' She smiled. 'How long are you here for?'

'I'm leaving tomorrow night.' I said. 'I've been here all week.'

'How is it?' She asked.

'Beautiful. You're going to love it here.' I said smiling.

I should have known that there was no way Ape and Phil would get to go to a different country and leave Bam and the guys home alone.

'Rian?' Bam said laughing when I bumped into him at the Virgin store picking up something for Chelsea's phone.

'Bam! What are you doing here?'

'Filming and making Ape and Phil's anniversary ten times better.' He smirked. 'You?'

'I'm heading for the airport in like an hour.' I said.

'What! No!' He said. 'You're staying and riding the HIM bus around Europe with us.'

'What are you talking about?' I said laughing.

'Stay? Please. Just a week.' He gave me a smile he knew I wouldn't be able to resist so I agreed to stay.

After saying goodbye to Chelsea, Bam and I took a cab back to the hotel and walked in to find an extremely pissed off Vito.

'Shit, Vito's finally here.' Bam muttered as we made our way inside.

'What do you mean finally?' I asked laughing slightly.

'I sent him all over.' He whispered as he opend the door and greeted the large man in front of us. 'Yo! Vito!'

'Yo!' He said back turning to face Bam and I.

Bam began to aggrivate the hell out of him asking him where he had been in the last 24 hours. And Vito filpped out and tried to choke Bam. That's when I called it a night and went up to my now empty hotel room and went to sleep.

The next morning I was sitting outside with April, Phil, Raab, Glomb, Tim O'Conner, Bam and Dunn waiting for Vito to get dressed. We weren't out there for long when he stepped out in a red and white stripped shirt and a barret. We all began laughing as Bam drew a moustache and the Eiffel Tower on him claiming he was now Don Piere. Then Bam ushered everyone aboard HIM's tour bus and we headed for Germany.

We stopped somewhere outside Paris for some corn before continuing on. Bam declared I was sharing a bunk with him so we squeezed in like sardines and went to sleep.

I felt Bam sit up a bit in the morning.

'Ri?' He asked.

'Mmm?' I said not ready to open my eyes.

'Why aren't we moving?'

'I don't know.' I said rolling over. He sighed heavily and turned so he could stick his head out of the curtain and ask Dunn and Raab the same question.

'Ape and Phil got a hotel.' Dunn explained.

'No they didn't.' Bam said.

'Yeah they did.' Raab said. 'We've been here for hours.'

'Shut the fuck up.' Bam said climbing off the bunk. A second later he had woken Tim up and then the bus went quiet.

I decided it was time to get up and began making myself coffee in the small kitchen. The boys climbed back on fifteen minutes later saying Ape and Phil would be here soon. They were and they both had soaked hair. I didn't ask figuring the guys had something to do with it.

Around five we had made it to our destination for the night, Neuschwanstein Castle. Why Bam wanted to come here, I didn't know. I did know it was gorgeous and Bam and Dunn had a blast tourturing Vito in the basement.

The next day we made it to Octoberfest. Vito was the happiest I had ever seen him. I went with the guys to collect food for the dinner we were planning and then under the large tent to drink.

'Get me a beer.' I smiled at Bam when he got up to get one.

'Seriously?' He asked.

I nodded making him smile. He brought me back a huge glass mug that matched his. Bam and Dunn got the brilliant idea to leave shitfaced and drive to who knows where. So we all climbed on the bus and went to bed.

The next morning we were half way to Switzerland when Bam finally called and told us they had spent the night trying to get to Transtylvania for wine. They met us in Switzerland the next morning where we got water from the Alps and met a fat little boy who wanted chocolate.

Soon we made it to Venice. The site of the Anniversary Dinner. Of course Vito fucked that up. What else is new?

So Bam decided last minute we'd go to Monacco too. Ape and Phil had a great dinner there.

Once we got home, I was busy with work. But not so busy I couldn't head to West Chester for a week to see Bam's latest creation: State of Bam.

I pulled up to a feild with trailor's in a semi circle and a fire pit in the middle.

'Welcome!' Bam said walking up to me.

'What the fuck is this?' I asked laughing.

'State of Bam.' He said. 'Look, here's our monument.' He pointed to a stack of beat up cars with a Heartagram on top. 'City Hall and the general store.' He pointed to a trailor that read 'Sitty All'.

'You like?' He asked after giving me the tour.

'It smells.' I said laughing.

He made me spend the night in his trailor and it was freezing. We had to sleep fully clothed under some blanket he had brought from his house.

'I'm never coming back here.' I said making him laugh.