Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2004 - December to 2005 January


'I swear, I'm still tired from Louisianna.' I said as Beth and I walked through King of Prussia Mall Christmas shopping.

'Rian, you went almost a month ago.' She said laughing.

'Yeah but we slept in the van, outside our hotel room, and in a tent. And the guys woke me up at the weidest hours to avoid them fucking with each other.' I explained.

'What are you talking about?' She asked laughing slightly.

'Bam woke me up at four so he could turn an air boat fan on our mattresses we were sleeping on outside the hotel room.'

'Why weren't you in the rooms?' She asked laughing and interupting me.

'Because it was hotter in there, than outside. So the guys decided we would sleep outside. Anyways, then we got on fucking airboats and slept on a beach. Glomb and Dunn woke me up at three and ripped me from my bed to dump frogs on Bam. So then he was all pissy and then woke everyone up at seven when he drove the airboat on land.' I said very fast.

'Wow.' She said shaking her head. 'I'm glad I didn't go on that trip.'

'It wasn't even the swamp that pissed me off.' I said. 'It was the fact I didn't get any sleep at all.'

After Christmas had been celebrated, New Years was approaching. I was very surprised when Bam said he wanted to do something with me.

'What are we going to do?' I asked.

'Let's stay at your place and walk over to Time's Square.' He said. 'I've never been there.'

'Bam, do you know how crowded that is?' I asked.

'Who cares?' He asked. 'It's something different.'

'Okay.' I said.

'I'll see you in a few days.' He said hanging up.

He showed up Friday afternoon all smiley that I was making my mom's beef stew for him.

'You excited for tonight?' He asked.

'Yeah.' I said.

We left for Time's Square at nine and fiund a place in the crowd. Bam had to stop and sign a few autograph's but for the most part, I had him all to myself.

'I'm freezing.' I said.

'Me too.' He said hugging me from behind. I leaned back into him and watched the shows around us.

Soon we had ten seconds to midnight. The count down started and we counted down watching the ball drop.



Bam kissed me hard on the lips, completely taking me by surprise.

'This is a whole new year.' He said after we had broken apart. 'Let's fix things.'

'What do you mean?' I asked as everyone around us cheered in 2005.'

'I love you, Rian.' He said.

'I love you too.' I said.

'No. I love you.' He said. 'I wanna work on us.'

'No more Jenn?' I asked smiling wide.

'No more Jenn. No more anyone. Just you and me.' He said. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard.

'Promise?' I whispered.

'Promise.' He whispered back.