Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2005 - March


'Well, you better be careful.' I said.

'I will.' Bam reassured me.

'And call me when you land.' I said.

'I will. Stop worrying.' He said laughing.

'I'm sorry.' I said.

'Alright. I'll talk to you later.' He said hanging up.

'Where's he going?' Drea asked as we walked through Sacs.

'Brazil, filming for the show.' I said.

'How long?' She asked.

'Just a week.' I said.

We finished our shopping and said our goodbyes. I put my new outfit into my closet and went straight to bed only to be woken by my hosue phone ringing at five. I noticed Bam's cell number on the caller ID.

'Hello?' I asked.

'What are you doing tomorrow?' He asked instantly. His voice had a hard edge and I knew something was up.

'Nothing. Why? What's wrong?'

'Jenn broke into my house.' He explained.

'What!' I asked sitting up. 'What are you talking about?'

'She climbed the fence earlier and smashed the editing room and threw paint everywhere.' He said.

'Are you serious?' I asked.

'Yeah.' He said.

'What can I do?' I asked. 'I wanna help.'

'Go down and help Ape and Phil clean it up. I don't even want to look at it.' He said sighing heavily.

'Okay.' I said. 'How was the flight?'

'Good until Novak called and told me that.'

'How do you know it was Jenn?' I asked.

'He saw her climbing back over the fence!' Bam said.

'Are you calling the cops?' I asked.

'I think Ape and Phil are.' He said.

'Bam, don't worry about it. I'll be down first thing in the morning and I'll make sure it's all fixed before you get back. Where are you now?'

'LA.' He said. 'Thanks Babe. I owe you one. Look, I gotta go. My flight just got called.'

'Kay. Call me when you're in Brazil.' I said haning up.

I couldn't believe how much of a psycho this girl is.

That morning I packed my bags and headed for West Chester. I walked in the kitchen of Castle Bam to find Ape doing dishes and Phil drinking coffee at the table.

'Hey Rian.' Ape smiled over at me. 'Bam said you were coming to help.'

'Yeah. What time did she even break in?' I asked.

'Novak says three.' Phil said. 'We're waiting for Ryan Gee to get here now to take pictures.'

I nodded and helped Ape put the dished away. Gee walked in the door soon after.

'Hey.' He said going right to the fridge.

'Do you ever stop eating Bam's food?' I asked laughing. 'Everytime I see you, you're eating something of his. Your worse than Hanna.'

'Shut up, Rian.' He said shoving the pizza in his mouth.

'Let's go look at the damage.' Ape said as he picked up his camera and followed us. We walked up the stairs and over by the front door to the room on the left. Ape opened it to reveal Bam's completely ruined editing room.

'Oh my God.' I said looking at the smashed computers, ripped leather chair, and over turned desk, all covered in white paint.

Gee began snapping away, taking pictures for evidance and so Bam would be able to see it if he wanted to.

As soon as he had gotten what he needed, Ape, Phil and I began to bag up all the broken stuff and get it all cleared out. It took us most of the day to get everything out and we were all exhuasted.

Bam had called and said I could sleep in his room. He was very thankful that I was there to help his parents.

After Ape and Phil left, I made Novak and I some steak and we popped in a movie. Seth came home in the middle of it. He sat with us and talked and I got to know him better. He was one of Bam's many friends that I didn't know well.

When the movie was over, I said goodnight to the boys and walked down to Bam's room. I shut the door and changed into some pj's before climbing between his sheets and going to sleep.

The next day, Ape and I picked up some paint and a nice area rug to cover the white paint spots in the now empty room. Then we, with Seth's help, painted and put the rug down. It was starting to look really good. The next day, Phil and I checked out security systems and bought furniture and a computer for the room, plus all the editing software.

We had it all set up that night.

'Bam's gonna love it.' I smiled.

'He's gonna love even more that you designed it.' April said smiling as she hung up the framed Haggard poster.

In the old desk I had found a picture of Bam and I during the first Jackass movie. I bought a frame for it and put it next to his computer.

I headed home the next day.

Bam called me to tell me how much he loved it when he came back. He said it was perfect and couldn't wait to film something to edit it.

A week later he was calling to tell me that it was April's birthday, and I had to come down to go see Billy Idol in concert.

The show was amazing. Bam and I watched from backstage and I could tell Ape was having a really good time.

'That was sweet of you Bam.' I smiled as we rode the elevator up to our room after partying in Ape and Phil's room with Billy.

The doors opened and I stepped out ahead of Bam.

'No shit, now get that cute ass in our room.' He said slapping my behind.

'Bam!' I said laughing. 'That's mine.'

'Well I don't see you slapping it!' He said as I unlocked the door. 'You abuse the privilage of having that ass.'

'So if you had it--' I began.

'I'd smack the shit out of it!' He said slamming our door closed.

The next morning he tossed my keys to Raab to drive my car back to his house and grabbed my hand as we walked to the Lambo.

'What the fuck happened?' I asked noticing the large cut out in the roof. He began laughing.

'I cut a sunroof in it.' He smiled. 'Now it's the only Gallardo with a sunroof.'

'What'd you use?' I asked.

'A sawsall.' He said. 'Billy helped. Get in.'

I climbed in and we headed back towards West Chester.

'You like it?' He asked over the music.


'I was gonna cut the whole roof off. But the whole frame would fall apart.'

'What are you going to do if it rains?' I asked.

'I'm gonna put glass in.' He said smiling over at me.