Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2005 - April


Just when we though Jenn couldn't get crazier, she could. I pulled into the Castle one day to hear screaming inside. I looked to my left and saw the light blue Audi S4 Bam had given to Jenn completely smashed up and undrivable.

'I wouldn't go in there.' Raab said pointing to the door as I headed for it. I hadn't notcied him and Dunn sitting by the pool.

'What's going on?' I asked walking over to them.

'Jenn's here.' Dunn said.

'I figured that much.' I said.

'He just broke up with her officialy and told her to pack her shit.' Raab said.

'She's probably beating the shit out of him!' I said shocked they weren't in there helping their friend.

'She's making his life hell, Ri. He's not going to let her do too much more.' Raab said.

'Jenn, just get your fucking shit and get the fuck out!' Bam yelled opening the door and tossing a box of her clothes out.

'Fuck you Bam!' She screamed.

A car pulled up and a man let a little blonde girl out of the car. She grabbed her backpack from him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then ran towards the three of us.

'Raab!' She screamed running towards him. The man waved to Dunn and Raab and then left. I knew the little girl as Elle, Jenn's daughter.

'Perfect timing.' Dunn mumbled.

'Why is she here?' I whispered as she engaged Raab in a conversation.

'I don't know.' Dunn said. 'Bam's gonna be pissed though.'


'He doesn't want her to see them breaking up.' Dunn said as the door opened again. Bam came marching out with a large box. He placed it in the driveway.

'Dunn, Raab. Help me grab some of these.' He said.

'Hi Rian.' Elle said walking over to me.

'You remember me?' I asked laughing.

'Uh huh.' She said smiling. 'What's going on?' She asked.

'I don't really know.' I said. 'I think Mommy and Bam are fighting.'

'They do that a lot.' She said.

'They do?' I asked.

'Yeah.' She sighed. 'Mommy and I have been living at my Nana's. It's been so long since I saw Bam!'

'Really?' I asked feeling heartbroken for her.

Bam came outside on the phone with someone. He saw me with Elle and I instantly saw him sigh heavily. He walked over hanging up the phone.

'Hey Elle!' He said putting on a smile as she ran into his arms. He picked her up and gave her a big hug.

'Bam I missed you so much! What are we going to do today? Is Rian gonna come? Can we go see Ape and Phil? I miss them too.' She began talking quickly.

'Uh...' Bam looked at me silently asking how he was going to explain this to the small girl. 'You and Mommy are gonna go somewhere, kay?'

'Where?' She asked. The look on her face was heartbreaking.

'I don't know.' He said. 'But I'm sure you'll have fun.'

'Put my daughter the fuck down!' Jenn had just walked out the door.

'Jenn, don't fucking do this to Elle.' Bam said placing Elle on the ground.

'I don't want her near you! I don't want her near them!' She pointed to Raab and Dunn. 'I don't even want her to look at Elle!' She pointed to me.

'Jenn don't fucking put Elle through that. And don't drag Rian into this.' Bam said yelling now. 'You know how much Elle loves us.'

'No she doesn't.' Jenn said picking Elle up. A car pulled in and Raab and Dunn began placing Jenn's boxes in the car.

Elle was crying now. I saw then how much she loved Bam. And I knew Bam loved her like she was his daughter.

'At least let me say goodbye to her.' Bam said.

'Fine.' Jenn said. She placed the little girl on the ground and she ran straight for Bam.

'I don't wanna go. I don't wanna.' She cried into his shoulder.

'I know Elle. I know.' He said rocking her back and forth. 'But you know what squirt?'


'Even though Mommy and I won't be together, always know I love you. Okay?'

The small girl nodded and hugged him one last time before he let her climb in the car.

Jenn gave Bam one last dirty look before climbing in the passenger seat of the car. They drove off as Bam ran his hands through his hair and spun around sighing deeply.

'Bam,' I said. He ignored me. 'Are you sure you're making the right decision?'

I waited for his answer. After a long moment of silence he finally turned to look at me and said, 'Yeah. I made the right decision. I just wish I didn't have to lose Elle in the process.'

He turned and made his way back to the house. Dunn, Raab, and I followed. He grabbed a beer out of the fridge and opened it taking a long sip.

His house phone began to ring, so I grabbed it.


'Rian! Where's Bam?' Jess's voice sounded frantic and I looked up at Bam who pulled his eyebrows together in confussion.

'He's right here. Jess, what's wrong?'

'Kelly's having the baby.' He explained.

'Are you at the hospital?' I asked.

'Rian, what's going on?' Bam asked.

'Yeah. Get here soon.' Jess said hanging up.

'Ri...' Bam said.

'Kelly's having the baby.' I said looking up at them.

'Are they at the hospital?' Bam asked.

'Yeah. Jess said we need to go there now.' I said placing the phone on the charger as Bam grabbed the Hummer keys.

'You guys coming?' He asked.

'Nah, we'll stop by later.' Raab said.

'Kay.' Bam said walking outside.

I followed as he walked up to a light blue Hummer parked in the driveway and climbed in.

'Where's the red Hummer?' I asked shutting the door and putting my seat belt on.

'Vito dropped it off a cliff.' Bam smirked as he placed his hand behind my seat and backed up.

'Seriously?' I asked laughing.

'I guess you didn't see that episode.' Bam said.

'I guess not.'

We drove to the hospital with Turbonegro blasting. Bam sang along absentmindedly while drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. The mmusic died down when we stopped at a stoplight near the hospital.

'I'm sorry you had to see that earlier.' He said looking at me. 'I thought she would have gone by the time you got here.'

'It's fine. Really.' I said.

He smiled before taking my hand in his and pulling into the parking garage. He parked the Hummer and we both walked inside and to the maternaty ward.

'Can I help you?' A woman at the nurses station asked when we walked in.

'My sister in law's giving birth.' Bam said.

'Last name please?' She asked clicking something open on the computer.

'Margera.' He said smacking his gum.

'Ah, yes. Jess is your brother?' She asked.

'Yeah.' Bam said.

'You look alike. I should have known.' She said smiling. 'Room 212.'

'Thanks.' Bam said smiling before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hallway.

We approached a closed door.

'Knock.' I said. He didn't listen, he just walked in.

'We're here.' He annonced.

'I see that.' Jess said laughing and getting up to give each of us a hug.

'Hey Kell,' I said walking over and giving her a hug.

'Hey. Thanks for coming.' She said smiling.

'How're you feeling?' I asked.

'How do you think dumbass?' Bam asked laughing slightly.

I flipped him off making Kelly giggle.

'I'm alright. Until a contraction hits.' She said.

'How long till that thing comes out.' Bam asked sitting on the Jess's cot.

Kelly rolled her eyes and Jess said, 'It's not a thing, it's my kid, dick.'

A contraction hit Kelly making her grab her stomach. Jess ran to her side and a nurse came running in from the hall.

'Let's go for a walk, Bam.' I said as he watched in horror as they looked under Kelly's sheets.

Hours had passed. Bam and I had walked the hospital, we knew our way around the whole place. Kelly was now in labor screaming her lungs out while Jess and her mother coached her through it. Ape, Phil, and Kelly's father sat in the waiting area.

Soon enough, more friends and family members arrived and Ava Elizabeth Margera was welcomed into the world.

Jess brought her around to meet everyone after she had been cleaned up.

'Give me my niece!' Bam said making Jess tear her away from Dico and Chad.

'This is Uncle Bam and Rian.' Jess said handing her to Bam.

'Aunt Rian.' Bam said. I looked at him and smiled. 'You wanna hold her?' He asked me after a few minutes.

'Of course.' I said taking her into my arms. She had big blue eyes which she closed as she snuggled into my chest.

I decided to give them some family time after a little while. I took a walk around the hospital and got a coffee in the cafeteria. I ended up back at the window where you can look at all the new babies.

I stood staring at all the little boys and girls and smiled. I thought back to the dream I had had so long ago. I knew Bam would make a great father someday. I saw it firsthand when he said goodbye to Elle and then today when he met Ava for the first time. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had a soft spot for children.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

'There you are.' He whispered in my ear. 'What are you doing?'

'Looking at the babies.' I said leaning into him.

'Why?' He asked.

'I thought I'd give you guys some Margera time.' I explained turning in his arms to face him.

'What do you say, we get out of here?' He asked.

I nodded as he grabbed my hand and held it all the way down to his bedroom.