Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2005 - September


Valo had become my new pride and joy. I took him everywhere possible. He was absolutely spoiled. Bam loved him just as much as I did.

The begining of September I was promoted from interin to assistant. Now I was even more busier with work and Bam's birthday was quickly aproaching.

'I don't even know what to get him.' I admitted one morning over coffee with Dunn and Raab.

Dunn and Raab exchanged a glance.

'What?' I asked looking at them over the top of my glass.

'He may have mentioned something at the bar last night...' Raab trailed off.

'What?' I asked growing curious.

'It's not really a birthday present. Just something he wouldn't mind.' Dunn explained.

'Tell me.' I said.

'We're not allowed to.' Raab said.

'Fucking act it out! I don't care. Besides he's not home, how's he going to know?'

Dunn pointed to a tattoo on his arm.

'What?' I asked.

Raab sighed and began to pretend giving Dunn a tattoo.

'He wants another tattoo?' I asked. 'I'm not stopping him...'

Dunn and Raab began frantically pointing to me. It took me a moment to realize what Bam wanted.

'He wants me to get a tattoo?' I asked.

'Yes.' Dunn said.

'You didn't hear it from us.' Raab agreed.

'Why's this a secret?' I asked laughing.

'He doesn't think you'll go fro it.' Raab said.

I took a minute thinking of something I could possibly even get and where.

'I'll do it.' I said coming up with the perfect idea.

'Seriously?' Dunn asked as Raab choked on his coffee.

'Yeah.' I shrugged. 'You two are helping me. Get ready, we're going into Philly.'

I ran up to Bam and I's room and hurridly threw on bootcut jeans, flip flops, a random Element tee shirt, and a HIM hoodie. I brushed my hair and teeth and put some make-up on before grabbing my purse and meeting them downstairs.

'Ready?' I asked. They nodded and we all walked out to my car and climbed in.

'Are you sure about this?' Dunn asked as we walked into the tattoo parlor an hour later.

'Yes.' I said. I walked up to the desk and explained I wanted a tattoo. The girl said I'd have to wait for an available artist. Dunn, Raab and I took a seat.

'What are you getting?' Raab asked.

'A Heartagram.' I said. 'With his initials.'

'Isn't that a little permenant?' He asked.

'Raab, I'm always going to love him even if we break up tomorrow.' I said.

He nodded.

'Where should I get it? I want it to be sexy.' I smirked.

'Your hip.' Dunn said looking at me over the top of the magazine he was looking in.

'My hip?' I asked.

'Yeah.' Dunn said. 'This is awkward but he told me that your hips are one of his favorite places on your body.'

'Oh.' I said blushing. 'Hip it is.'

Soon we went back and met the artist who was named Chris. I explained to him what I was doing and he nodded. He drew up a quick stencil and told me to undo my jeans.

I did glad I had chosen to wear bikini briefs so the only thing in the way would be a little string which could easily be pulled down. I decided my left hip would be better.

Soon he was running the needle along my skin making me as Bam's forever.

'What are the initials?' He asked.

'Just do B.M. right under it.' I said. He nodded and added it to the very tip of the Heartagram.

'I love it.' I said looking in the mirror at the finished product.

'He will too.' Raab said.

After paying the man the guys and I headed back towards West Chester.

'How are you going to hide that from him?' Dunn asked.

'He just can't see me naked for the next two weeks.' I shrugged.

'He's going to go crazy!' Raab said. 'Great, now we have to deal with sex free Bam for two weeks.'

I smiled thinking about torturing him for the next two weeks. Which was going to be very fun.

'Hi baby.' He said when he had come home that night sweaty from skating all day at FDR. I was sitting on the couch playing with Valo. He came around the back and kissed me upside down. 'I was thinking, you want to help me with something?'

I looked up at him. 'What?'

'Just come here.' He said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch. He pulled me into the bedroom, Valo following on my heels.

'What?' I asked as he slammed the door shut behind us.

'I missed you.' He said pushing me against the door and kissing me. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I faught him for dominance for a moment before I let him win. He was soon stripping off my top.

'Bam...' I said pushing away thinking of his present.

'What?' He moaned.

'Ape's on her way over.' I said. It wasn't a lie. She really was coming over to ask me to pick out an outfit for a wedding she had to go to.

'So?...' He asked, his voice had deepened and his eye color had gone to a dark blue, both filled with lust.

'Um, you're mother's coming here. We're not doing anything.' I said grabbing my shirt. 'Get in the shower.'

'Boner killer!' He said as I kissed him and walked out of the room to greet Ape. 'Now I have to jackoff in the bathroom!'

The day of his birthday finally came and he was bursting at the seems.

'Rian!' He said coming down the stairs while Ape and I were busy preparing her deserts.

'Yeah?' I asked looking up.

'What is going on?' He asked pulling a beanie over his wet curls.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'You better not deny me of sex on the night of my birthday.'

'Bam...' April said rolling her eyes. 'I really don't want to over hear this conversation.'

'Leave then!' He said. 'It's been two fucking weeks!'

'Keep it up and it'll be a month!' I said sick of his bitching.

'I'm going skating.' He said picking up his board and heading for the driveway.

'Are you guys okay?' April asked once he was gone. 'I don't mean to pry--'

'I can't show him his present.' I said dropping the spoon in the bowl to pull the side of my pants down and show her my hip.

She started laughing as soon as she saw it. 'He's gonna love it.'

'I know. Raab and Dunn helped.' I said.

Soon our party guests had arrived and the party was in full swing. Bam opened all the presents soon.

'What'd you get me?' He asked realizing I hadn't given him anything.

'Raab and Dunn helped.' I said smirking as I undid my pants.

Bam looked a little scared and confused as I pulled the left side down to reveal the Heartagram on my hip.

'You like it?' I asked.

He didn't answer. His lips came crashing down onto mine hard.

'I fucking love it...' He mumbled against my lips before forcing his tongue into my mouth making me giggle.

'Is this why you were holding out on me?' He asked.

'Yup.' I smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Probably another update later because I'm bored shitless