Status: Finished.

In Joy and Sorrow

2006 - January



I walked into the office after the two week winter break to see Chelsea and Amanda chatting at their desks.

'Hello girls.' I said sitting at my desk and starting up my Mac.

'Holy Shit!' Chelsea screamed making me look at her.

'What? What happened?' I asked.

'Where did you get it?' She asked coming over to my desk in awe. 'Can I feel it?'

I realized she was talking about the Birkin.

'You scared me.' I said laughing. 'Bam got it for me for Christmas.'

'Where did you find him?' She asked laughing. 'I want a boyfriend like that.'

'Where'd he get it?' Amanda asked.

'Hermes. He said someone canceled their order and they just happened to have one when he went in. He had no idea about the waiting list or anything. He just knew I like them.' I explained. 'I wanted to kill him at first.'

'Why? I'll take it.' Chelsea said.

'No I love it. I just wish he hadn't spent so much on me.' I said. 'I feel guilty.'

'Don't.' Chelsea said no trying it on. 'Let him spoil you rotten.'

The phone rang and I grabbed it laughing as Chelsea modeled the bag around the room. 'Hello?'

'Hey babe.' Bam's voice brought a smile to my face.

'Hi.' I said.

'So, guess what?'


'Tremaine just called...'


'He wants to sign both of us for Jackass Number 2.' He said.


'Yeah. I was definatly going to do it. But I said it was up to you.'

'I definatly want to.' I said.

'What about Vogue?' He asked.

'How long's the shoot going to be? I'm sure I could get a few months off if I explain.'

'February to June.'

'Shit.' I said. 'I don't know. Let me talk to my boss and talk to you when I get home, kay?'

'Kay bye.' He said hanging up.

'What's up?' Amanda asked.

'Jeff Tremaine called and wants to sign Bam and I for Jackass 2.' I said. 'But it's a five month shoot.'

'I'm sure they'll let you go film.' Chelsea said. 'It's silly if they don't. You're a good worker.'

After a nerve wracking meeting with my boss, I was happy to announce I had Februaury 1st to July 1st off to film Jackass.

Bam and I flew out to LA that weekend to sign the contracts. Bam's with Paramount and mine with Jeff who was more than happy to have his assistant back. He gave me a copy of the scheduele knowing Bam would lose it.

Bam and I were excited to be with all the guys again.